At the end, when Tang Xinluo was carried away from the carriage by Lu Yuchen.

There was an ambiguous smell in the whole car.

After the two left, Mother Zhang received Lu Yuchen's order and came over to clean up the mess in the trunk in person.

Women's coats, torn skirts, stockings, and underwear...

Rao is Zhang's mother who has been mentally prepared for a long time, and she can't help but blushed at this time.

Thinking of the young lady who was wrapped in the coat by the young master just now and seemed to have fallen asleep, Zhang Ma always felt up and down in her heart, and there was an indescribable worry.

Sure enough, at night, Zhang's worries became a reality.

Since the young master came back at noon and brought the young lady into the bedroom.

Now, several hours have passed, but the two have not come out of the door.

Zhang's mother had long known from the driver's mouth that the young couple had quarreled on the way back.

But these days, no matter what disputes the two have, as long as the young lady is a little jealous, the young master will immediately relent.

She thought it was the same this time.

But looking at the current situation, something is not right.

Zhang's mother was standing outside the bedroom door, thinking about calling her wife.

The bedroom door suddenly opened at this time.

Lu Yuchen, with a gloomy expression on his face, walked out of the room.

"Master..." Zhang Ma approached diligently, but stopped when she saw the cold frost on the man's face.

In this way, from the inside out, the young master who gave out the signal of not approaching people has not seen it for many years.

Zhang's mother rubbed her hands cautiously, wondering if she should remind the young master that it is already eight o'clock in the evening, and pregnant women are not hungry.

When Zhang Ma was hesitating, the man's low voice sounded coldly.

"Give some food to the young lady, these few days..."

He wanted to say, lock her in the bedroom and ground her.

But in the end, he still didn't want to treat her like that.

"...Take good care of her and don't let her leave the villa."

The scope of activities has expanded to the entire villa, and this has been his last mercy.

After Lu Yuchen finished speaking, he left the villa with a cold face.


When Tang Xinluo woke up, Ma Zhang was walking into the bedroom with a dinner plate.

"Young madam, you're awake... I was afraid of waking you up..." Ma Zhang put down her plate and wanted to come over to help her up.

As a result, as soon as he approached, he found that Tang Xinluo's neck and chest were all covered with tiny purple hickeys.

An old face turned red in an instant.

Ouch, how could these young couple be so intense.

It's just this young master. Tomorrow is the day of the young lady's maternity check, so why don't you know how to control it! ?

Tang Xinluo didn't know what Zhang Ma was thinking, and she felt embarrassed when she saw a flash of embarrassment on her face.

She endured the grief of her body, reached out and pulled the quilt to cover her heart.

Only then did the drowsy head wake up a little.

Before fainting, those broken memories flooded into my mind.

Thinking of Lu Yuchen's brutal bloodthirsty, Tang Xinluo couldn't help but caress the corner of her lips.


It hurts.

"Young madam, are you alright..." At this moment, Ma Zhang could already tell from Tang Xinluo's slightly slow movements that she was not feeling well.

Ouch, what is this all about, how did the young master toss the young lady like this.

She is worried.

He personally helped Tang Xinluo up, helped her get dressed, and waited for her to eat.

Tang Xinluo looked tired and had a bad appetite.

As soon as I ate something, I said I wanted to sleep.

Ma Zhang couldn't do anything, so she waited for her to lie down again.

Stay aside and wait for her to fall asleep before going out to inform the family doctor.

After thinking about it, I think it can't be done.

Such a big event, how can you not inform Mrs.

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