The black Bentley sedan was already waiting at the door of the villa.

The driver graciously opened the rear door for them.

Looking at this incomparably familiar black luxury car, Tang Xinluo couldn't help but panic.

Yesterday, in the back seat of this car...

"Young lady, hurry up and get in the car."

Lu Yuchen was already waiting in the car, and Ma Zhang gently nudged Tang Xinluo who was standing still.

"By the way, the young master specially ordered me to bring this scarf to the young lady. Young lady, it's cold, be careful to catch a cold."

After Ma Zhang finished speaking, she thoughtfully wrapped a light blue cashmere scarf around her neck.

The light blue hue matched perfectly with the white coat she was wearing today.

Tang Xinluo couldn't help but look sideways at the man in the car.

His face was still cold and his eyes were deep, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking.

Tang Xinluo wanted to tear off the scarf around her neck.

She doesn't want to accept his concern now.

But the fingers touched the cashmere scarf, the soft texture, after all, stopped.

never mind.

Why bother to provoke him for such a trivial matter.

Right now, she just wanted to keep a distance from Lu Yuchen.

Tang Xinluo said thank you to Zhang Ma, suppressed the fear in her heart, and got into the car.

The space in the car is obviously not small.

But Tang Xinluo felt that the space in the back compartment was too small to make people feel depressed.

Lu Yuchen sat on the left side of the back seat of the car, while she was leaning against the right side.

Yesterday, in this small back compartment, everything that happened was like a movie scene, scene after scene replayed in her mind.

Think of his arrogance and rudeness.

The corners of his mouth were sore.

Tang Xinluo was in a trance when the car suddenly came to a sudden stop.

She was in a trance just now and didn't notice the condition of the car at all.

His body leaned forward with the sudden braking car, his forehead was about to hit the seat in front of him.

At a critical moment, a big hand suddenly blocked her forehead.

His forehead slammed into a cold palm.

There is an electric current, which runs down the palm of the hand, passes through the forehead, and enters her left atrium.

His forehead, like an electric shock, bounced back quickly.

A pair of peach blossom eyes with water light, watching the man who suddenly approached vigilantly.

"Master Lu, a child suddenly rushed out in front, which surprised you and the young lady."

The driver wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and reported it carefully.

Lu Yuchen glanced lightly at the little woman who had shrunk in the corner away from him.

His face was gloomy, almost as if water was about to drip.

Fortunately, his tone was just colder than usual, "Open up."

Seeing that Master Lu did not intend to pursue further investigations, the driver heaved a sigh of relief and drove the car more smoothly and carefully.

Along the way, the two were speechless.

Lu Yuchen had been sitting there with a calm expression, wondering what he was thinking.

Tang Xinluo, who was nervous and careful at the beginning, gradually relaxed.

She found that today's Lu Yuchen was completely different from before.

No longer domineering, strong, aggressive.

Instead, he became as cold as when he first met, like a stranger.

This thought made Tang Xinluo feel a strange feeling in his heart.

Why do you feel sullen and uncomfortable?

Obviously, she is just "goods".

He is cold to her, what does it matter.

Anyway... he paid, as the gold owner, it's his right to do whatever he wants, isn't it?

"Master Lu, it's here."

When the hospital arrived, Tang Xinluo quickly lost the mind to worry about the strange feelings in his heart.

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