Accompanied by Dean Lin and many experts, a series of obstetric examinations were done.

The inspection results were all sent to the dean's office as soon as possible.

Because Lu Yuchen didn't want too many people to follow him, there were only Lu Yuchen, Tang Xinluo, and Dean Lin in the office at this time.

"Master Lu, Mrs. Lu is recovering very well, and the baby is also healthy... I checked for Mrs. Lu just now, and it's a boy!"


When Tang Xinluo heard the dean's words, she couldn't help but caress her stomach with both hands.

is a boy...

She actually has a son...

Tang Xinluo was a little overwhelmed. She came here today just to check her body and make sure the baby was healthy.

Before, I had completely forgotten how easy it is to know the gender of a child with the current technology and the power of the Lu family.

When he suddenly heard that he was pregnant with a boy, a little boy who looked like Lu Yuchen appeared in his mind.

"Ha...I, my son..."

Tang Xinluo was a little incoherent, and her eyes turned red.

She even forgot about the quarrel with Lu Yuchen.

Unable to restrain herself, she choked up... She reached out her hand and grabbed Lu Yuchen's hand.

The man's big palm, with well-defined joints, has a bit of the coolness of winter.

She grabbed his hand and was frozen by the coolness on the back of his hand before she suddenly woke up.

She... how could she forget their current relationship.

Immediately reacted, the little hand couldn't help but shrank back, but was grabbed domineeringly by the man's palm.

The palm of his hand was not as cold as the back of his hand.

Warm, dry and warm.

He held her little hand tightly.

In the eyes that have always been turbulent, at this time, there is also a look of excitement.

His eyes flickered slightly, and his black pupils were deep.

She looked sideways at the emotional little woman who was sitting beside her with her head lowered.

Switch to her left hand and continue to hold her little hand that seems to be running away at any moment.

With his right hand, he scooped it aside and pulled Tang Xinluo's petite body into his arms.


Suddenly falling into the man's broad embrace, Tang Xinluo was stunned for a moment.

He instinctively wanted to run away, but the big hand he put on his shoulder was pressed against his chest even more firmly.

Ears, pressed against his broad, firm pectoral muscles.

At this moment, a steady and powerful heartbeat entered the auricle.

Lu Yuchen...his heartbeat sounded like his own.

Much faster than usual.

Tang Xinluo suddenly became quiet and stopped struggling.

She wanted to listen and count his heartbeats.

See if you are the same as yourself, and feel happy and excited because of the arrival of this baby.

The two were like this, one hugged the other and the other leaned against the other.

A man's hand, grabbing her hand.

The other hand wrapped her whole body in her arms.

Such intimacy, peace, and quiet time.

But it never occurred to me that there are not only the two of them in this house.

Opposite, there is still Dean Lin.

Fortunately, Dean Lin has long been well-informed, and he is no stranger to such a scene.

Not only did he not feel embarrassed, he actually said happily.

"Haha, it's also a good thing for the couple to have a good relationship. Only when the relationship between husband and wife is good can the baby's growth be more beneficial."

God knows, Dean Lin received a call from Mrs. Lu early in the morning.

Mrs. Lu specially instructed that in addition to giving Tang Xinluo a pregnancy test, she would also play the role of a "psychological counselor".

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