"Really?" Lu Yuchen looked down at the little woman in his arms with a half-smile.

Tang Xinluo heard the teasing in his tone, and wondered if he was really happy, or if he was "unreasonable" arguing with him before making fun of him.

However, thinking about it, what Dean Lin said might be right.

For the sake of the baby, should she think about getting along peacefully with Lu Yuchen for the time being?

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard Lu Yuchen's low and cold voice.

"President Lin, since it's been three months now, everything is normal. Is it possible to do that kind of thing?"


Tang Xinluo was startled and almost jumped out of Lu Yuchen's arms.

How can this man do this!

She is still here, how could she ask such a question in front of Dean Lin! ?

Who knows, she was just about to move when Lu Yuchen held her tightly in his arms.

Dean Lin, on the other hand, said calmly: "This, as long as you are careful and don't press your stomach, it's completely fine. However, Master Lu is young and vigorous, so he still needs to pay attention to a little restraint, too much is too fast. It's too heavy, and it's also bad for the child."

Tang Xinluo really didn't think of it.

Dean Lin was able to say such a "big truth" without blushing or heart beating.

What surprised her even more was that.

After Dean Lin finished his instructions, he also pointed out a few bed positions suitable for pregnant women.

What on the side, what on the back...

Forgive Tang Xinluo, she really has no face to listen to.

When Director Lin sent them back to the car, Tang Xinluo's blushing face was still burning like fire.

Her hot face almost made her dare not look at Lu Yuchen.

At this moment, Lu Yuchen returned to his indifferent and alienated appearance.

Sitting on the other side of the back seat, big palms resting on the chin, against the window, I don't know what to think.

Because Tang Xinluo was shy, she only stayed on her side.

The atmosphere between the two, from the sweet and warm just now, suddenly dropped to the bottom.

Along the way, no one spoke.

Tang Xinluo leaned to one side, her mind was in a mess, she only felt shy and uneasy.

And Lu Yuchen...with deep eyes, looking at the scenery outside the window, it flickered and dimmed.

I felt that the little woman on the other side seemed very anxious.

He finally retracted his deep gaze from the window.

fall on her.

His gaze froze on her reddish face.

The skin that can be broken by blowing bombs, the peach blossom eyes with water light, the very cute nose tip, and that one... When you look at it, you can't help but want to kiss the clear lips.

He wanted to take her into his arms as he did just now.

Hold her on your lap.

Kiss her gently.

Tell her he has to admit...

He really had a crush on her.


Every time, when he wanted to reach out and touch her.

The picture of a petite woman being hugged by another tall and handsome man would unexpectedly crash into his mind.

The image that keeps repeating...

The picture of his most beloved little woman being embraced by another man.

The jealousy that almost tore his heart burst out once again.

In the bottom of his eyes, a little warmth that had just condensed, just like this, dissipated.

No way, no way to forget that picture.

Even though his mother had already explained it to him.

Reason knows that he should accept Xiao Luo's reason for approaching Yue Ze.

However, the strong possessiveness and jealousy made him unable to tolerate all this.

He even imagined how happy he would be if he reconciled with her.

But no...

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