Lu Yuchen was hugged by her, and a burst of disgust could not help but swell in his heart.

But the palm of her hand just touched her arm and she wanted to push her away, but Gu Xuan'er, who was in his arms, suddenly gasped.

"Hey... it hurts... Yuchen, it hurts here, don't touch it!"

Lu Yuchen frowned, and immediately felt strange.

He just touched Gu Xuan'er's arm lightly just now, but he didn't exert any force, so how could it hurt?

Her eyes sank immediately, and regardless of Gu Xuan'er's obstruction, she directly pulled up her sleeves.

"Yuchen, don't...don't's's really ugly!" Gu Xuan'er cried so hard that she tried her best to stop Lu Yuchen.

However, how could she resist the power of a man.

The sleeves of the hospital gown were easily pulled up.

The small arms and upper arms exposed outside the sleeves were almost transparent in white.

And on the pale skin, it was densely packed with needles.

Gu Xuan'er's arm was so thin that only bones and a thin layer of skin remained.

Lu Yuchen held her wrist, feeling light and weightless.

Even with such a weak girl, there are still people who committed cruel crimes against her.

Lu Yuchen looked at her arm, which had almost no good flesh, and there was a flash of violence in his dark eyes.

"What's the matter!?" he asked.

His face was terribly gloomy.

"I..." Gu Xuan'er was so frightened that her whole body trembled, she seemed extremely frightened, she tried her best to get into his arms, not daring to make a sound.

This time, even the feeling of holding Gu Xuan'er still made him feel uncomfortable.

Lu Yuchen pressed down.

He lightly patted Gu Xuan'er on the back and patiently reassured: "Okay, don't worry, it's alright. Don't be afraid... Tell me, what happened?"

Gu Xuan'er was arranged by him in the VIP ward of this hospital, and it is reasonable to say that it is impossible for him to be abused.

Unless it was his arrangement that made her suffer this inhuman treatment.

Lu Yuchen's tone was not as cold as it was at the beginning. Instead, there was a kind of gentle reassurance, which gradually calmed Gu Xuan'er's emotions.

She shrank in Lu Yuchen's arms, her red eyes filled with mist, and slowly, she told him what happened.

It turned out that all the information Meng Ze got from the hospital was false.

Gu Xuan'er is not an ignorant woman.

She knew that Lu Yuchen was so busy with work that it was impossible to really watch her in the hospital for more than a month.

Therefore, even if she didn't see Lu Yuchen the first time she opened her eyes, Gu Xuan'er never thought of making a noise.

However, unfortunately.

Although Lu Yuchen spent a lot of money to treat her illness, he was in China after all, and he was beyond reach.

Gu Xuan'er was unlucky. The hospital she was admitted to actually had two extreme white doctors with racial prejudice.

They saw that Gu Xuan'er was weak and weak and timid.

Apart from Shen Wan, there are only nurses to take care of her.

So he bought a nurse and used needles to stab Gu Xuan'er from time to time to play.

I even want to inject her with some drugs that can control her mind.

After Gu Xuan'er woke up from the operation, she would fall into a deep sleep from time to time because of the drug injection.

This is also why, every time Shen Wan comes over, Gu Xuan'er sleeps most of the time.

Several times, she was sober, but the two abusive doctors even pretended to inject her with drugs in front of Shen Wan.

She couldn't do anything, so she struggled desperately, so Meng Ze and Shen Wan thought that she was unwilling to cooperate with the doctor's treatment because she couldn't see Lu Yuchen.

"Things...that's it..." Gu Xuan'er threw herself into Lu Yuchen's arms, choking.

"Yuchen, I'm so scared, I'm really scared... I thought I'd never see you in my life, take me away, take me away, okay?!"

[The author has something to say] The four shifts are over, and we will continue after 4 pm tomorrow! !

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