Outside the ward, Meng Ze and Shen Wan were waiting for Lu Yuchen.

Hearing the movement, the two of them looked up at the same time and looked at the door of the ward.

I saw Lu Yuchen hugging Gu Xuan'er and walked out from inside.

"Yuchen...you, how did you take Xuan'er out..." Shen Wan saw Gu Xuan'er nestled in Lu Yuchen's arms, her face puzzled.

Gu Xuan'er has just had a heart transplant.

Even now, it has been more than a month since the surgery was completed.

But Gu Xuan'er's recovery was not very good, so she should stay in the hospital to continue treatment and recovery, how could she leave the hospital.

"Xuan'er is not suitable to continue living here. Don't worry, I will let her live in the manor and arrange the best medical team for her."

Lu Yuchen's expression darkened, he could only try his best to ignore the uncomfortable feeling of holding Gu Xuan'er.

Treat her as a weak, sick person, not a woman.

Lu Yuchen knew that he had an inescapable responsibility for Gu Xuan'er.

After he fell in love with Xinluo, his concern for Gu Xuan'er was obviously less than in the past.

Gu Xuan'er buried her head in Lu Yuchen's arms, her eyes darkened slightly when she heard his words.

Damn...it didn't work!

She thought that Lu Yuchen would directly take her back to China.

Unexpectedly, he actually wanted to send her to the manor in country M again.

No, you can't just forget about it!

Gu Xuan'er hid half of her face under her long hair and deliberately arched into Lu Yuchen's arms.

She gently grabbed the collar of his clothes with both hands, and said timidly, "Yuchen...I'm afraid...let me stay by your side. Don't leave me, okay?"

Lu Yuchen lowered his head and saw two lines of clear tears on Gu Xuan'er's emaciated face, so he could only lower his voice to reassure: "Don't worry, I will make arrangements for you. The manor is all from the Lu family, and there will be no one else. Bully you again."

"Bullying...?" Shen Wan sharply grasped the point.

So, while holding Gu Xuan'er downstairs, Lu Yuchen told Shen Wan and Meng Ze the truth.

"Meng Ze, you took someone to deal with those two doctors who abused Xuan'er." Lu Yuchen's face was sullen. Even in country M, it was easy for him to deal with two ordinary people.

"Mrs. Gu, come with me and stay with Xuan'er in the manor for a few days."

At this time, Shen Wan was also remorseful.

I never thought that if I guard my daughter every day, I would let her suffer such abuse.

"Okay, I'll go with you... It's all my fault, my fault for not taking good care of Xuan'er. Xuan'er... Mommy is sorry for you..."

Shen Wan was really made of water. She went back to the manor with Lu Yuchen and cried all the way.

Those tears flowed more than Gu Xuan'er.

Lu Yuchen was holding a woman who was crying incessantly in his arms. Next to him sat a woman who was crying all the time. He was really irritable.

If it wasn't for the look in Shen Wan's eyes every time she cried a few times, she looked too much like a little woman.

He might really be unable to bear it and threw Shen Wan out of the car.


Back to the manor.

The manor had received the news long ago and sorted out a clean suite.

Lu Yuchen put Gu Xuan'er on the bed, and Shen Wan followed, hesitating to speak.

Lu Yuchen covered Gu Xuan'er for the rest of her life, and was about to leave when the back of her hand was grabbed by Gu Xuan'er's cool little hand.

"Yuchen...don't go...I, I'm afraid..."

People who have just been abused are indeed afraid of being alone.

It is normal for people who desire to bring their own sense of security.

His eyes fell on Gu Xuan'er's slender fingers holding him.

A cold light flashed across Lu Yuchen's deep but incomparably cold eyes.

It was very annoying, and I wanted to swipe her hand away.

[The author has something to say] The first update, and the third update~!

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