Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 106 Is it for you? got it wrong

With people like Tang, Mu Qingli really has no desire to reason. It's a desire to show off your fists, but unfortunately, it's not very convenient.

"You, you—" Tang was angry.

The old lady Zhang was also very speechless. She looked at Mu Qingli for a while, then snorted and said angrily: "A vine grows out, and it really is not a good thing! Get out of here after you finish talking! And you,"

The old lady poked Tang's forehead with her finger, turned Tang's head away, and cursed bitterly: "How old is a person, can he do things more reliably? If you don't understand the situation, you will be surprised. You can cause trouble at first glance! Use your brains!"

The old lady went into the house cursing.

Tang shi rubbed the place where the old lady's finger had poked her, grinned her teeth and took a breath, then glared at Mu Qingli and the others again: "What are you looking at? What's so interesting about it!"

Mu Qingli smiled "Ha!", wanting to reply that it's actually really pretty.

Mu Sangu obviously didn't want to make any more troubles, so she pulled Mu Qingli with a smile and said, "Come on, let's talk in the room!"

As he spoke, he pulled Mu Qingli into the house, and Mo Yunshen followed him in.

Tang shi originally wanted to follow in, but when his eyes fell on the things on the back of the big turtle, he couldn't move his feet: Isn't this just right, they're not here, and if it's cheaper, I have a chance to get some! How much can you take...

Anyway, if you take it, you earn it.

Big Turtle seemed to see through her thoughts, and stared at her unblinkingly with mung bean eyes and raised neck.

Tang did not dare to get close to the big tortoise, took two or three steps towards the big tortoise tentatively, then dared not go any further, circled around the big tortoise, thinking about how to grab something and run away.

Looking at the back of the big tortoise that was almost as tall as half a person, Tang gritted his teeth in depression: Why is this dead tortoise so tall? If you want to get something from its back, you have to climb up first.

If it is not so high, it can be obtained on the ground, so why worry about it?

What's even worse is that those two people even tied the thing to the back of the big turtle with vines. It looked very solid, and it would take a lot of trouble to take it away.

The big turtle is actually quite smart, but at the moment it is also a little confused.

Seeing Tang circling around him non-stop, Dagui blinked his eyes, really confused: Is this woman crazy? what are you doing? Could it be that he is admiring Master Gui's demeanor?

The more he thought about it, the more arrogant the turtle suddenly raised his head, with a majestic look.

Seeing the long bamboo poles leaning against the corner of the yard, Tang's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately ran over happily and took one in his hand.

Weighing and weighing, when he walked to a place far enough away from the turtle and the bamboo pole could reach the basket on the turtle's back, Tang shi stretched out the bamboo pole into the bamboo basket on the turtle's back without hesitation, ready to pick up a bamboo pole. Wild ducks and pheasants and the like.

The big turtle blew up immediately!

How could this be reasonable, this woman dared to hit it with a bamboo pole?

He opened his mouth and glared fiercely at Tang, the big tortoise rushed towards Tang with four claws like the wind, Tang was caught off guard, dropped the bamboo pole in a hurry, turned around and ran away.

It's a pity how can her speed compare with the big turtle? The big tortoise opened its mouth and bit the corner of her skirt, only to hear a "stab!" a big tear was heard on the skirt.

"Ah!" Tang screamed in fright, fell to the ground with a plop, and screamed in a hurry: "Help! Help!"

"What are you screaming about?" Mrs. Zhang came out of the house angrily, and Mu Sangu, Mu Qingli, and Mo Yunshen also came out.

"Mother!" Tang scrambled and crawled to hide behind Mrs. Zhang, screaming, "This turtle wants to eat me! It's too scary, mother, save me!"

The old lady Zhang was taken aback, she glared at Mu Qingli and said, "Don't let such a vicious thing come to our house, hurry up and leave!"

"Nonsense," Mu Qingli said angrily, "What are you talking about! Have you ever seen a turtle eating people? Don't think that the big turtle can't talk and just slander you. The big turtle plays with the children in our village every day and helps a lot. How come people never say that it can eat people, but it eats people when it gets into your mouth?"

Glancing at the bamboo pole on the ground and calculating the distance, Mu Qingli sneered and said, "What is Aunt Tang doing here with this bamboo pole? Do you want to get something from the basket on the back of the big turtle?"

Everyone was taken aback, Mu Sangu blushed slightly, smiled wryly, and gave Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen a sad look.

With such a sister-in-law, she is also very helpless.

The old lady Zhang was also taken aback, and looked at Tang skeptically.

Of course, Tang couldn't admit it. He stared at Mu Qingli and said, "Hey, hey, which eye did you see? If you didn't see it, don't talk nonsense! How did I know this bamboo pole would be here? I didn't take it!"

Mu Qingli gave her a white look, with a half-smile.

In fact, the old lady Zhang also believed Mu Qingli's words in her heart, and secretly hated her eldest daughter-in-law's shallow eyelids-if you really want to do such a shameful thing, can you do it well so that no one will find out? It's so embarrassing that the tortoise can't even deal with it, and yells that the tortoise wants to eat people.

But in front of Mu Qingli and the others, Mrs. Zhang certainly defended her family, and said: "If you haven't seen it with your own eyes, don't talk nonsense! How can a turtle grow so big? It's not normal at first sight! Run around in the yard and see It's scary, so let's go!"

Upon hearing this, Tang smugly glanced at Mu Sangu and snorted.

Mu Sangu was very angry.

Mu Qingli smiled and said: "Don't worry, as long as no one comes to provoke the big turtle, the big turtle will definitely not move."

As Mu Qingli said, she patted the big turtle, and let it come to the small mud house where Mu Sangu and the others lived, and let it retract its head, tail, and limbs into the turtle shell, making it look like a big rock, harmless to humans and animals .

Seeing the aggrieved old lady Zhang, she rolled a blank look at Mu Qingli and entered the room with a cold face.

Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen still entered Mu Sangu's house, finally forcing Mu Sangu to tell the truth.

It turned out that the matter was really caused by Zhang Zishan helping them.

To be honest, Zhang Zishan is not actually the biological son of Mrs. Zhang and Mr. Zhang, but a nephew.

It's just that he lost his parents since he was a child, so old man Zhang hugged him to raise him. Normally, Zhang Zishan should be called old man Zhang and old lady Zhang, uncle and aunt, but Zhang Zishan was still in his infancy when he hugged him. He felt that it was not good for his nephew to have no parents, so he always let Zhang Zishan refer to himself and his wife as father and mother since he was a child.

After all, Zhang Zishan is his younger brother's only flesh and blood, and his younger brother's family still counts on him to inherit the incense.

So after Zhang Zishan became sensible, he actually knew the truth that his own father and mother were no longer alive.

It's just that since he was a child, he always called his uncle and aunt his father and mother, and old man Zhang was willing to let him call him that, in order to remind the rest of the family that this nephew is also from his own family, and he can be regarded as his own son, and no one is allowed to bully him.

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