Of course, it is impossible to say that there is no bias. Even if there are several biological sons, it is impossible to be completely fair to each other, let alone those who are not biological.

Fortunately, Zhang Zishan has always been sensible. The two brothers were not very affectionate to him, but they did not bully him, just like normal brothers.

When I was young, there would be fights and quarrels on weekdays, but when outsiders bullied me, I always spoke out.

But since the two sister-in-laws married in, the situation is slightly different.

Mrs. Zhang's opinions also increased day by day, talking about how she worked so hard to bring Zhang Zishan up, and she had to marry a wife for him...

Zhang Zishan knew his identity, but he never made a fuss and worked quietly.

After Mu Sangu got married, she suffered a lot of grievances in the past three years. Mrs. Zhang didn't even like Zhang Zishan so much, let alone Mu Sangu?

The eldest sister-in-law Tang and the second sister-in-law Liu even regarded Zhang Zishan and Mu Sangu as outsiders, thinking that the father-in-law and mother-in-law have done their best, and now that Zhang Zishan has even married a wife, why should they still live with the big family?

Why didn't Zhang Zishan go out and set up his own family? How long will the family have to keep them?

The contradictions have been going on for a long time, and it is not a day or two that they talk about the separation behind their backs.

Zhang Zishan could only smile wryly. In fact, he was also willing to split the family, but he couldn't bring it up.

He called his uncle and aunt "Dad, mother", that is, he really regarded them as his father and mother. There is no reason for a son to abandon his parents and set up a new family.

He couldn't bear such heavy words.

However, my father has always insisted on not separating the family. Although my mother is moved, she can't say anything, and the two sister-in-laws only dare to whisper behind their backs.

As a result, Zhang Zishan and Mu Sangu suffered even more.

Until this time, Zhang Zishan lied about going out to cut firewood and secretly went to help Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen build a house, finally stabbed a hornet's nest, and finally broke out out of control.

Tang and Liu had great opinions and anger, and their attitudes were also fierce. Although Zhang Zicai and Zhang Zijian felt that what the daughter-in-law said seemed a bit too much, but this time the third child did not do it right.

The son-in-law of the Mu family built a house, and his serious father-in-law didn't have time to help, so why did they do Zhang's shit? The third child went crazy and went to help others with work for nothing.

Needless to say, it must have been instigated by his wife. This daughter-in-law is really not a good person!

So he also echoed Zhang Zishan.

Although the old lady Zhang didn't say anything about it, she scolded Sangu Mu severely, scolding her for being devoted to her natal family and turning her elbows outward. Did she treat herself as Zhang's family?

Not only did she turn her elbows outward, but she also instigated her husband to act recklessly.

Now that the rainy season is coming soon, which family is not in a hurry to store all kinds of food and firewood, she is lucky enough to persuade her husband to build a house for her natal niece and niece-in-law. It's still free!

Don't they have to eat during the rainy season? Such a grown-up person is too embarrassed to eat and drink without contributing to the family?

In a fit of anger, Mrs. Zhang wanted to punish Sangu Mu for not eating for two days! She is not allowed to eat, but she is also responsible for cooking.

For a while, he said that she has not been pregnant for three years since she was married, and scolded her for eating and even not being able to conceive or give birth to a baby. What kind of woman is she? If she hadn't married another troublemaker, she should have divorced her and married another one who would give birth!

Mu Sangu couldn't explain to her mother-in-law at all, even if she explained her mother-in-law wouldn't listen, she was angry and wronged, wanted to cry but didn't dare to cry, tears kept rolling in her eyes, her lips were almost bitten while holding back the crying.

Zhang Zishan felt distressed when he saw it, but he didn't dare to protect his daughter-in-law in front of his mother, otherwise he would be unfilial and his daughter-in-law would be even more unlucky.

He gritted his teeth and proposed a separation.

It is said that this should not be mentioned by myself, but judging from the current situation, it is better to divide it. After all, I belong to the second room, so I should return home.

Of course, even if the family is separated, he and Mu Sangu will still be filial, and they will never forget the kindness of their parents and the two elder brothers.

As for the two sisters-in-law, he didn't mention it - he also hated these two gossips, one was telling stories and bullying his wife all day long, and the other was a calculating little man with teary eyes.

At the beginning, Mr. Zhang lost his temper and announced that he would never separate the family. Anyone who dares to say that they are not a family will see if he does not break their legs!

As for Zhang Zishan going to help Mu's son-in-law with work, he just went and didn't mention it. From now on, Zhang Zishan will not allow himself to make random decisions, and he has to speak out when something happens and discuss it with the family.

Both Zhang Zishan and Mu Sangu secretly smiled wryly: Discuss? Is there any discussion...

Hearing his daughter-in-law talking about her poor niece and nephew, even her own father didn't help her, Zhang Zishan couldn't bear it when he thought of himself, so he went, who would have caused these accidents again.

In the past, no one dared not to listen to the old man's words, but this time is different, since the conversation has already been said, there must be a result no matter what.

As a result, Mrs. Zhang had a sullen face all day long and started a cold war with Mr. Zhang. The two daughters-in-law didn't dare to say anything, but they obviously intensified their bullying of Sangu Mu.

Zhang Zicai and Zhang Zijian's attitude towards Zhang Zishan was also quite alienated and indifferent.

The worst thing is Mrs. Zhang, she really doesn't allow Sangu Mu to eat...

Sangu Mu was honestly hungry, and felt that her mother-in-law's anger should be relieved now.

Unexpectedly, they were still not allowed to eat the next day.

They are not allowed to eat, they have to do housework, and the most cruel thing is to cook in the kitchen and smell the meat, coriander, and yam. Mu Sangu was so hungry that she secretly hid a piece of roasted yam.

Unexpectedly, she was caught by Mrs. Liu and sued Mrs. Zhang. Mrs. Zhang accused Sang and scolded Huai.

Zhang Zishan knelt down in front of Mr. Zhang and kowtowed, begging him to agree to separate the family with red eyes.

Mr. Zhang was as clear as a mirror in his heart, knowing that he could disagree, but his family would have no peace in the future.

Everyone has pimples in their hearts, how will they live in the future?

Mr. Zhang sighed and had to nod his head.

Mrs. Zhang and the others seemed to be afraid that the old man would go back on his word, so they gave Zhang Zishan and his wife some simple things that day, and then separated them out and let them live in the small mud house temporarily. to build another house.

By the time Mr. Zhang found out, the couple had already moved in.

Mr. Zhang was so angry that his liver hurt, but he couldn't change anything. He scolded his two sons, comforted Zhang Zishan, and helped him talk to the village chief, and picked a place to build a house.

However, the village had almost selected good land suitable for building a house. Mr. Zhang and Zhang Zishan picked left and right, and they could only pick one on the edge of the village.

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