Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 108 The old man has to agree

The swamp surrounded on three sides is very, very large. The upper village is surrounded by the swamp on three sides, and the lower village is no exception.

In other words, there may be crocodiles coming ashore during the rainy season.

If the yard and house are not strong enough, it is very dangerous.

Mr. Zhang originally asked Zhang Zishan to build the house after the rainy season.

Zhang Zishan declined, saying that after the rainy season, the ground was full of mud and the soil was loose. It was even more difficult to move the soil at that time. If he wanted to move it, he would have to wait at least two or three months.

And two or three months later, I have to rush to prepare food for the winter, and I have no free time. It's better to finish things in one go now.

Anyway, there are only two of them now, the living place doesn't need to be very big, and the yard doesn't need to be too big, as long as it's stable.

Wait until next year if necessary to expand...

Mr. Zhang sighed, knowing that this was one of them, and more importantly, the child didn't want to live at home anymore.

He felt sore and uncomfortable, but he was the head of the family, and he had to consider everyone's feelings and opinions, so he could only wrong the child.

"Don't blame your mother, your elder brother, and your second elder brother. Everyone's life is difficult, and they are also worried. Think about it, they were very good to you when you were young." Mr. Zhang sighed.

"I know, father," Zhang Zishan said with a smile, "When I was a child, the fat boy from the Wu family always wanted to bully me, but it was the eldest brother and the second brother who protected me, and after beating him hard, he would walk away when he saw me. Which of the clothes, shoes and socks that I wore when I was a child was not prepared by my mother? I have never been cold or hungry."

Mr. Zhang laughed loudly, and nodded with relief: "It's good that you know! OK, let's build this house, and there is still time to catch up. After it is built, take it from home first, don't be stupid. It's not just for you .In addition to the share that you two deserve, any more you take is considered a loan, and you will pay it back slowly after the rainy season is over."

Zhang Zishan thought about it, smiled and nodded.

So Mr. Zhang began to talk about building a house for Zhang Zishan.

When Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen came, the house had already been built for seven or eight days, and it could be completed in three or four days.

"I went to see it. The yard and the house are not too big or small enough for us to live in." Mu Sangu smiled and said, "It's hard for you to come and see me. I won't let you have lunch when we move in." Now, come again. By the way, how is your food storage? Is it enough to last through the rainy season?"

Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen looked at each other and smiled, of course enough, their goal is to eat enough for several years!

"Well, it's enough. Sangu doesn't have to worry about us, we know it well." Mu Qingli nodded, and said, "Do you want us to help build the house?"

"No, no, you can find something to eat when you have time." Sangu Mu hurriedly waved her hands and said, "There are still a few days to go, and there are enough people."

Mu Qingli nodded, but knew in her heart that although there were enough manpower, the labor must not be cheap, and she must have owed a lot of food to others, right?

But it doesn't matter, I can't help anything else, I can help with finding food.

"That's fine, we'll come back in a few days." Mu Qingli said with a smile.

Glancing outside, Mu Qingli said again: "These things are actually for you—"

"How can this be done!" Sangu Mu hurriedly said without waiting for her to finish speaking: "Don't waste the food, bring it back soon! You have two young ones at home, you can't be full. We actually have enough, Save one province and more than a month will pass quickly."

Both Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen couldn't help laughing, and Mu Qingli said amusedly: "Sangu, what are you talking about? It's our intention to give it to you, not to waste food. I told you to rest assured."

How can Mu Sangu believe it? Not to mention.

Mo Yunshen pointed to the big tortoise outside and said with a smile: "Sangu saw it, this big tortoise is very powerful, it knows where to eat, and is good at fighting. We followed it and found a lot of food. Really enough."

"Really?" Mu Sangu was taken aback.

She naturally knows how difficult her sister-in-law Tang is, but the big turtle easily made her panic and scream and never dared to go forward, so it seems that the big turtle is really powerful...

"Really, really, of course it's true!" Mu Qingli nodded repeatedly.

Mu Sangu then smiled and said, "Since that's the case, then I'll accept it. If you need help with anything, don't be polite to me, just tell me."

After that, the family is separated, and they don't live in this yard anymore. What they want to do is not up to them here.

To be honest, she and Zhang Zishan do need some food to hand over to this family.

They still live here now, and at the insistence of Mr. Zhang, they still eat together.

And Zhang Zishan has been building a house these days. In addition to inviting others, Mr. Zhang and Zhang Zijian also went to help. Mrs. Zhang, Mrs. Tang and Mrs. Liu had already agreed with each other.

Mu Sangu had no choice but to pretend not to hear those mutterings.

Mu Qingli and the others handed over the food they sent, and they could barely gag their mouths.

At noon, Mr. Zhang, Zhang Zishan, and Zhang Zijian all came back to prepare for dinner. After Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen greeted them, they left and took down the things in front of the old man. They bluntly said that they were grateful to Zhang Zishan, Mu Yunshen For the third aunt, I would like to express my heart.

If you don't show it in front of the old man, maybe Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Tang hid the things, but instead they will scorn Mu Qingli and the others.

That was really a free gift.

Mr. Zhang was very happy when he saw so many prey, as well as yams, taro, bamboo shoots, mushrooms and wild vegetables. After a few polite words, he asked them to stay for lunch.

Of course Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen would not stay.

Mo Yunshen said that there are two little ones waiting at home...

Mr. Zhang didn't want to stay any longer, so he let them go.

The two didn't go home directly, but went to Zhang Zishan and Mu Sangu's new house.

Sure enough, the location is very remote, on the edge of the village, not far from the big swamp.

But perhaps because of the forced environment, the people here build their houses extraordinarily solidly.

The courtyard wall is very strong, and the house has three rooms in a row, plus an extended kitchen.

There is enough open space at the rear, if you want to build again in the future, you can build it directly, and it can be connected with the current corridor.

"The old man of the Zhang family is a sensible person. In such a family, the third aunt has suffered a lot. The division is very good." Mu Qingli said.

Mo Yunshen also nodded, and said with a smile, "It will be convenient for us to take care of one or two in the future."

The big tortoise's four claws were blowing, and soon the two returned home.

After entering the courtyard, Mu Qingli put the remaining half of the things into the space.

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