Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 159: The Crocodile Comes Again

So Gao Dashan came directly to Mo Yunshen and hurriedly asked, "Brother Mo, tell me what we should do?"

Everyone started discussing in an uproar.

"Can he do it?"

"Worse than a mountain?"

"No way……"

Village head Zhao frowned and said, "Dashan and Yunshen, I will leave it to you two to arrange how to deal with this crocodile. You can't do it here, you have to lead it outside the village. We can't stand it here!"

Mo Yunshen and Gao Dashan nodded in agreement.

Indeed, every slap and flick of the big crocodile's tail is a deep mark. Let it slap a few more times, and the yard will be in a mess.

If he goes on a rampage again, it is not impossible for the courtyard wall to knock him down.

"Everyone back away, I'll lure it out." Mo Yun said with a deep glance at the big crocodile.

Looking across the back of the big crocodile, Mo Yunshen saw the marks cut by the sword, and felt a little speechless. This big guy should be one of the crocodile army that attacked himself and Mu Qingli that day.

Unexpectedly, the evil spirit was not dead, and he ran to the village again.

Uncle Mao Nan's home is in the middle of the village, so he ran farther this time.

"Brother Mo, this is no joke, can you do it?"

"Yeah, don't make a big deal out of it!"

"You outsiders may not know that the swamp crocodile here runs like the wind."

Everyone chattered, doubting that Mo Yun was deeply worried.

Village Chief Zhao frowned, waved his hand and said decisively: "Everyone listen to Yun Shen, I believe he is not such a worthless person!"

Gao Dashan said directly: "It's enough to have me, Brother Mo, and A Yuan here. Everyone try to get out of the way to prevent the crocodile from attacking."

The crowd stopped talking, and scattered away in a hurry. But they didn't leave, they all watched nervously with their eyes wide open, waiting to see if Mo Yunshen was really that powerful.

Mo Yun gave a deep reprimand and jumped forward, the soft sword wrapped around his waist was already in his hand at some point, the long sword flicked and stabbed straight at the crocodile.

The crocodile was immediately attracted by Mo Yunshen, its eyes were facing each other, and its anger rose. The crocodile obviously recognized Mo Yunshen, opened its bloody mouth and let out a low growl, and rushed towards him without hesitation.

When enemies meet, they are extremely jealous.

Mo Yunshen had a subconscious feeling from the crocodile's reaction, as if it recognized him. Feeling amazed and unbelievable in my heart, with a shout, I turned around and ran away with a feint.

He ran unhurriedly, the crocodile was about to pounce on him, how could he give up? Roaring angrily, he chased after him, and after a while, he chased Mo Yunshen and headed out of the village.

"Go!" Gao Dashan greeted, and he and A Yuan followed.

Zhao Xiaobo paused and followed.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and when they came back to their senses, you looked at me and I looked at you: "It's so fast!"

"I didn't expect that, he really has some skills!"

"It's true, otherwise how dare you provoke that big guy?"

"Yes, yes, Dashan has said that, of course his words are credible."

"We have another warrior in Shangcun, good thing, great thing! Unexpectedly, Qingli is really blessed!"

"Let's go, let's take a look too!"

Everyone got excited, gearing up and wanting to follow.

"Where are you going, where are you going?" Village Chief Zhao stopped the crowd, "Don't make trouble, go home, tell your neighbors, tell everyone to remember to close the door when you go in and out. Be careful on weekdays , don't let anything happen!"

The people did not dare to disobey Village Chief Zhao's words, so they had to disperse and go home.

Let's say that Mo Yunshen led the big crocodile to the place where he fought the crocodile army that day and stopped.

After killing the crocodile at that time, the skinned appearance really didn't look very good, and Mu Qingli was naturally not that boring. I really let those big guys pile up at the entrance of the village like this - otherwise the crocodile corpse would rot in the rain, and it would stinky.

Several people threw all the crocodiles back into the swamp that day.

The rain has washed away for several days, and there is no trace of the battle that day here.

But the crocodile in front of him obviously still remembers what happened that day, staring at Mo Yunshen with big copper bell-like eyes, which can almost be called resentment, raised his head and flicked his tail, roaring and savagely pounced on Mo Yunshen come over.

Why is Mo Yunshen afraid of it? With his body leaning forward and lowering, he swung his hand with a sword, which pierced the skin under one of the crocodile's pounced front paws.

The long sword pierced through the skin, and a flower of blood burst out with a "poof".

The crocodile suffered from the pain and attacked Mo Yunshen even more frantically.

The speed of one person and one crocodile was very fast, the afterimages swayed, the wind whistled, and water splashed on the ground.

When Gao Dashan, A Yuan, and Zhao Xiaobai arrived, they saw such a scene.

Gao Dashan secretly marveled, sincerely admiring Mo Yunshen's skill; A Yuan's eyes lit up, he was gearing up, and his face was full of excitement.

Zhao Xiaobai was dumbfounded at first, but also amazed. Because he was also in the wolf killing and his mind was tense, he didn't see Mo Yunshen's skills very carefully, but now he finally saw it.

Compared with him, I simply can't see it.

After fighting for more than a quarter of an hour, the crocodile was stabbed by Mo Yunshen at various tricky angles, causing many large and small wounds on the abdomen and limbs. Dyed a light red.

This crocodile was about to go mad with anger, wishing to bite Mo Yunshen to death in one bite, but it tried its best but couldn't even touch the corner of Mo Yunshen's clothes.

Another quarter of an hour later, the crocodile was exhausted, and its bite speed was significantly slower.

A Yuan couldn't hold back any longer, and shouted: "Brother Mo, I'll help you!" He was as light as an ape and jumped forward, seeing the crocodile fall from behind, and wanted to ride like Mu Qingli. On the back of the crocodile, he raised his fist and smashed it down.

It was too late for Mo Yunshen to stop him. Seeing his fist drop, he couldn't help but feel his heart tremble——I feel sorry for him...

Sure enough, A Yuan punched down, not as relaxed and happy as imagined, but was injured by the cold, hard and sharp scales, "Ouch!" cried out.

At this moment of distraction, the crocodile shook its body violently, and Ah Yuan was caught off guard, screaming "Ah!" and fell off the crocodile's back.

The crocodile quickly swung its tail and turned around, opened its bloody mouth and bit A Yuan.

"A Yuan!"

"Be careful!"

The three of them changed color and exclaimed in unison.

A Yuan raised his head suddenly, his blood was cold from shock, and it was too late to escape——

With a loud shout, Mo Yun jumped forward and kicked A Yuan away, stabbing out the long sword in his hand, his body suddenly bent backwards, and with a sound of "Dang!", the long sword pierced the crocodile's sharp teeth, Make a harsh, high-pitched sound.

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