The crocodile seemed to be startled by the piercing sound, and at the same time, its teeth were numb and painful due to the stabbing of the sword blade, but it also aroused its violent energy. Biting it, a disgusting stench came out of the bloody mouth.

When Mo Yunshen rushed to rescue A Yuan, Gao Dashan and Zhao Xiaobai also changed their expressions and started to move.

It's just that the speed of the two of them couldn't be compared with Mo Yunshen, they were two beats slower than him.

At this time, the attack of the two men also arrived.

Gao Dashan stabbed the crocodile's eyes fiercely with the spear in his hand, Zhao Xiaobai rushed forward and hugged the big crocodile's tail in desperation.

When the two stopped, Mo Yunshen rolled on the spot in embarrassment, out of danger.

And Gao Dashan's spear had already succeeded, stabbing the crocodile blind in one eye.

Zhao Xiaobai was not so lucky, the crocodile roared in pain, and flicked its tail forcefully, Zhao Xiaobai was thrown out by it.

Several people were aroused to be bloody, shouted angrily and shot together.

Especially A Yuan, annoyed and guilty, attacked like a storm with a spear in his hand.

This crocodile's strength was consumed by Mo Yunshen, and one eye was injured by Gao Dashan. How can it be an opponent when facing the siege of four people? Soon, under the siege of the four people, he became flustered, patronizing and dodging, and there was no half of the prestige before.

Finally, it was lured to open its door and half straighten its body to pounce forward. Mo Yunshen pierced its heart with a sword.

The crocodile froze and fell to the ground dead.

Several people breathed a sigh of relief.

"This big guy is really amazing!" Zhao Xiaobai exhaled.

"No one was injured, right?" Mo Yunshen put away his soft sword and said.

A few people shook their heads, it was just a slight injury, nothing more.

A Yuan ran up, couldn't help but punched the back of the crocodile with his fist again, still feeling the pain, he couldn't help but stare at Mo Yunshen in admiration, thinking that Qingli is really amazing...

beyond imagination.

Mo Yun couldn't help but laugh: It wasn't him who swung his fist at the crocodile, so why look at him like that!

Finally, the big guy was solved, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Naturally, the crocodile did not escape the fate of being skinned in the end—crocodile skin is a good thing, and it cannot be wasted.

Mo Yunshen, Gao Dashan, and A Yuan didn't want it, so Zhao Xiaobai insisted on taking it away.

Zhao Xiaobai was embarrassed to take it away at first, but after thinking that Mo Yunshen and Gao Dashan were so good at it, maybe they didn't lack all kinds of skins at all, so he smiled and thanked him and took it back.

When Zhao Xiaobai returned home, Village Chief Zhao and Mrs. Zhang breathed a sigh of relief. Hearing his praises about Mo Yunshen's kung fu, Village Chief Zhao was also full of admiration and emotion, and kept saying that Mu Qingli is blessed and Mu Zhihong is blind. eyes.

If Mu Zhihong doesn't do that, can Mo Yunshen and Mu Qingli treat him well? He deserved it for what it is like now.

When Mo Yunshen came home, Mu Qingli was taken aback when he saw him, and looked him from head to toe.

Mo Yunshen couldn't figure it out, and said with a smile: "Don't you know my husband, my lady? Why do you think of my husband like this? Or, my wife thinks that my husband is suddenly much more handsome?"

"..." The corners of Mu Qingli's mouth twitched, and she said unceremoniously: "You are so embarrassed to say that you are not afraid to flash your tongue! Handsome? It's a pity that there is no mirror for you to take a picture! How many heads did Uncle Mao Nan enter? Crocodile?"

"One head!"

Mu Qingli felt even more speechless, and said powerlessly: "One end? The two of us faced dozens of heads that day and never saw such a mess. Is this end going to heaven? How did you make it like rolling through a mud pit!"

Mo Yunshen looked down at himself, and couldn't help being speechless. The lady Xindao really told the truth. She rescued A Yuan in desperation at that moment, didn't she just roll in the muddy ground?

Mo Yun rubbed his nose deeply and smiled embarrassingly: "My lady knows that sometimes there are too many people but bad things, so why not make it like this!"

Mu Qingli shook her head and told him to wash and change quickly. So, she actually hates people doing too much.

Since a crocodile was found in Uncle Mao Nan's house, crocodiles appeared in the village for three consecutive days. Many villagers were frightened and screamed. They used to go out from time to time, but now they dare not go out in disorder. up.

Not only are they afraid to go out, but every family has to listen to the movement outside the door every night when they sleep, and if they find something wrong, they can call for help and escape for their lives.

You must know that in just three days, the yard doors of two families had already been knocked open by crocodiles.

Fortunately, it was broad daylight, and the family was vigilant again, so they called Mo Yunshen and Gao Dashan in time to help them lure the crocodile out and kill it, which saved the catastrophe.

However, the yard door was smashed by the crocodile and had to be reinstalled in the rain.

There were no fewer than ten crocodiles that did not enter the yard, but wandered around the village and turned and fled when they saw people coming.

For a while, the people in the village panicked.

Everyone wondered: There was no such situation in previous years, what happened?

One day, Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen's family were having lunch when there was another hasty knock on the door, and someone outside the door shouted anxiously, "Brother Mo! Brother Mo!"

The couple looked at each other, and Mo Yunshen reflexively put down the bowls and chopsticks and ran out: "There must be another crocodile entering the village!"

Looking at his figure running out, and listening to the chaotic footsteps that gradually receded, Mu Qingli frowned, her eyes flickering slightly.

This time, Mo Yunshen came back after a while, saying that a total of five crocodiles were found in the village, and they were all driven back to the big swamp.

"But it's hard to say whether they will come again tomorrow! Two of them almost ran into the village chief's yard today. Those guys are becoming more and more unscrupulous!" Mo Yun sighed deeply.

Mu Qingli was amused by his words, and said angrily, "In the eyes of crocodiles, they are all human beings. Do you still recognize the village chief?"

Mo Yunshen himself laughed when he heard that.

"Qingli, I wonder if it's our fault." Mo Yunshen suddenly said seriously to Mu Qingli.

He told Mu Qingli that those crocodiles who wandered around the village and attacked them all escaped after besieging their house and being killed by the two of them.

The sword scars on the back are obvious, and one eye is still blind on two ends.

Mu Qingli glanced at him and said: "I'm about to tell you this too! In the past, almost no crocodiles would enter the village, or wander around the edge of the village, but they would not enter the village. From this point of view, these guys hold grudges! However, it’s not entirely our fault. After all, if there are too many breeds, they will come to the village one day. I heard that there were several times when the ancestors crocodile entered the village to harass the village on a large scale, which made the villagers very hard and used many methods It was only then that we retreated."

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