Leaving the noisy noise of chattering and tinnitus far behind, the four of them couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief—this kind of feeling that the whole world is quiet is not so good!

Sure enough, there is no harm without comparison!

The big peacock really led them to find another fruit forest.

It's a bit of a stretch to call it "forest", because there are only three big trees bearing fruit, and there are always a dozen small trees of different sizes in the forest around the big tree, with green branches and leaves, but none of them have yet produced fruit.

The big peacock perched on the crown of a big tree, looking up to the sky and singing, the sound was clear and melodious.

The green trees are covered with ruby-like fruits, which are extraordinarily bright and eye-catching.

This small piece of woods is located on the hillside, completely bathed in bright and bright sunlight.

Mu Qingli finally understood why those bat swarms didn't fly over to spoil them. Firstly, it was because of the small number, and they didn't care about it for the time being. Secondly, the sun was too bright here, so it's not as dark as the sunken place. ?

This fulfilled them!

Although there were only three trees bearing fruit, Mu Qingli and the four of them felt refreshed all of a sudden, and the nauseating feeling disappeared instantly.

Fortunately, fortunately, the fruit they ate was not contaminated by those disgusting bat groups.

"The big peacock is still the best, hehe! Let's take these off!" A Yuan climbed up the big tree flexibly.

The three of Mu Qingli smiled and naturally did not refuse.

When I encountered this delicious fruit that I had never seen before, of course I couldn't let it go.

After picking up the three trees and having lunch, they continued to move forward.

However, when they climbed up a mountain and looked down from a high ridge, the four of them became depressed again.

"Oh! I was so happy for nothing."

"As I said, it's not advisable to come to a conclusion early. It seems that there is a long way to go. Rest by the river for the night and move on tomorrow!"

"This water area is quite similar to the one we started from. It seems that the waterway is bigger and the small islands are bigger. Don't worry about it, let's go through it first!"

"That's right, we've come here, I don't believe we can't get out!"

After going down the mountain and coming to the shore of the water area, it is the time when the sun is setting.

There was nothing to say all night.

The next day, the four of them all got up early at the same time, and got up just after dawn.

You look at me, I look at you, can't help but laugh.

This piece of water has greatly stimulated the four of them, and it has also aroused their fighting spirit.

Feeling refreshed, let's move on.

It took another eight days and finally landed again.

The land they saw this time was also extremely large, and they couldn't see the end when looking to both sides, but the four of them who had already been hit once didn't say anything this time - let's move forward first!

Repair overnight and move forward the next day.

Looking at the towering and majestic mountain range not far ahead like a skyscraper, the four of them were a little dumbfounded for a moment.

There is no road ahead, only the mountain, a mountain as tall as a giant.

Although it is not as good as looking up like the cliffs beyond the sky, it seems that there is no end in sight, but the coercion that this tall and majestic mountain brings to people is even greater.

It is definitely not an easy task to climb such a high mountain!

"This mountain is really high. Even in the big forest, I have never seen such a tall mountain!" Gao Dashan sighed.

Mo Yun smiled deeply: "We didn't go to every corner of the big forest, but we just chose this direction. Presumably there will be such a high mountain in other directions! I don't know the other side of the mountain , what will happen.”

Mu Qingli raised her eyebrows: "It's just a mountain, it's nothing to the four of us!"

The four looked at each other and exchanged glances. Indeed, no matter how high the mountain is, as long as there is no place to climb and there is Mu Qingli's space as a backing, it is really not difficult to climb over it.

It's useless to talk at the moment, the four of them discussed going to the foot of the mountain first today, and continuing to climb up tomorrow.

At the foot of this high mountain, there is a hill of strange rocks, with undulating rocks stretching away, and occasionally clusters of shrubs and weeds grow in between.

Suddenly, a small furry head popped out from behind a big blue-gray rock, with a small pointed nose, and two small round eyes that were as bright as jewels rolled around, looking timidly at them. Looking over, a pair of fluffy pointed ears trembled slightly.

Mu Qingli was the first to see it, and she couldn't help pointing with a smile and said, "Look, there's a white fox over there!"

The three men followed her expectations, their eyes lit up, and they smiled and praised: "What a beautiful white fox!"

"Hey, there's more than one. Look, there's more over there! And over there!" Ah Yuan suddenly exclaimed.

"Sure enough!" The four couldn't help but searched everywhere, this look was really shocking, this piece of rocky hills is simply a den of white foxes!

Maybe their caves are under the jagged rocks, so they all popped up when they heard the movement. The four of them looked around and saw white foxes, big and small, popping up from behind the big rocks everywhere. At least one or twenty.

The snow-white fluffy fur, the black jewel-like crystal bright round eyeballs, and such a large group gathered together, it is not too seductive.

Even though Mu Qingli didn't have any feelings for small animals like this, her heart couldn't help but soften.

A Yuan's rough-natured idiot couldn't help exclaiming: "God! It turns out that foxes are still white. I thought they were all gray and gray!" It’s so beautiful! Tsk tsk, it’s so beautiful that people don’t even have the heart to hunt them down! It would be great if I caught two of them and brought them back to raise!”

If it was before, A Yuan would not have thought of raising any animals, but after seeing Mu Qingli and the others raising big tortoises and peacocks, and half-releasing and half-raising cliff eagles in the sky, he felt that if there was something suitable It seems to be pretty good to get it back and take care of it.

For example, the fluffy and extremely cute white fox in front of me is, it would be great to have two of them at home to relieve boredom!

Gao Dashan couldn't help being amused, he glanced at him and said, "You have to stop, it's not enough trouble for you to raise yourself, and you can't bear to raise such a little guy? Do you think it's not troublesome to raise such a thing?"

Besides, Gao Dashan felt that it seemed a bit awkward for a big man to raise such a small and petite fox...


Recommendation 11 The final article "The Farmer's Head: Picking up a General to Farm"

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