A Yuan sighed with a sigh of "Hey!" He was really sorry, obviously he also felt that what his big brother Gao said was good, and he didn't have much patience to raise these little guys who looked so delicate, so let's give up !

But Mo Yunshen couldn't help but his heart moved, he approached Mu Qingli and said with a smile: "I think this white fox is pretty good, it is very suitable for a lady to raise, do you want me to catch two small ones and bring them back to my lady?"

Mu Qingli looked at those white and fluffy little guys, shook her head with a smile, and said with a smile: "I think the big turtle and the big peacock are already pretty good, but maybe Xiaoyaer and Xiaoluan will like it." Such a small thing, why not take two of them home! Don’t worry right now, let’s talk about it when we get back!”

Mo Yun smiled deeply: "That's true." He was still on his way, so it was naturally inconvenient to bring two foxes along.

Although it was only around 3:30 in the afternoon, the four of them did not intend to continue walking.

For things like mountain climbing, it is naturally better to start in the morning. It is already afternoon, and even if you go up, you can't go far.

Immediately looked for a suitable place to camp.

They were busy setting up tents, while the foodie Big Peacock was jumping around looking for food among the jagged rocks.

Although this large area is full of large and small rocks, and there are very few shrubs, thorns, and weeds, the big peacock has never been tired of looking for food.

Don't look at what Mu Qingli picked when feeding it. If it didn't suit his taste, he put on a disgusted look and wanted to throw it away. When it was looking for food by itself, seeds, grass roots, young leaves, Tender buds, unknown little berries, nothing to dislike at all.

Mu Qingli didn't notice its bad temper at first, but later found out by accident, and almost made it die of anger.

No, right now this guy is jumping among the jagged rocks, happily pecking at unknown little berries.

Mu Qingli glanced at it, wishing it would be self-reliant and self-sufficient.

It's a pity that although this jagged mountain rock is a fox's den, other animals are basically gone, and the four of them simply don't bother to hunt, anyway, there are in Mu Qingli's space.

Seeing that it was still early, they scattered around the neighborhood.

Suddenly, the big peacock let out a frightened and sharp cry, which shocked Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen who were talking.

The two turned their heads quickly and followed the prestige, but they were taken aback.

"Where's the big peacock? Why is it missing?" It was obviously coming from that direction, and the two of them had no reason to hear it wrong.

Even if there is any danger, with the ability of the big peacock, can't it escape? Can't escape and can't be killed by the opponent all at once, right?

Turning his head, he couldn't even see a shadow, it was simply inexplicable...

Mo Yunshen's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly said, "Could it have fallen into a hole? This kind of terrain can't be guaranteed and there are caves underneath."

"That's terrible! Let's go and have a look!" Mu Qingli couldn't help but change color, and rushed over there.

"Miss, be careful!" Mo Yunshen also hurriedly followed.

The two ran to a closer look, and sure enough, a clump of weeds covered the entrance of the cave. The dark cave entrance was impressively oval in shape, nearly two meters long, and a little over half a meter at the widest point.

The two looked down, looking down from the entrance of the cave, the visibility was not high, they couldn't see the bottom, and they didn't know how deep it was.

However, thinking about the fact that the big peacock has wings, no matter how deep the hole is, no matter how panicked it falls, it must not be injured, right? It's just that the black lights down there are blind, that guy just don't rush around after jumping off.

Otherwise, you will have to suffer a lot.

At this time, Gao Dashan and A Yuan hadn't gone far, and rushed over when they heard the movement.

"What happened?"

Mu Qingli pouted at the dark hole: "The peacock must have fallen."

A Yuan said "Ah!", and Gao Dashan opened his eyes wide: "How could it fall in such a big hole?" Shouldn't this be seen at a glance?

Mu Qingli said: "I think it is patronizing and looking down for food." In the world of foodies, what is impossible?

Gao Dashan and A Yuan: "..."

"Let's go down and have a look, Brother Gao, A Yuan, you two guard the entrance of the cave, if anything goes wrong, pull us up." Mo Yunshen said.

Originally, he wanted to say that it would be fine to let him go down alone, but his wife didn't look stubborn, but she was very worried about caring about the big peacock, so she would definitely not agree, so he simply said two people.

Gao Dashan and A Yuan naturally nodded and agreed.

Mu Qingli took out two long mountain vines from the space, and the four of them worked together, tied one end of the mountain vines firmly to a stone pillar, and let the other end hang down into the cave.

Gao Dashan weighed the mountain vine in his hand, smiled at the two of them, "You just need to rest assured, we are here, if you have anything to do, just shout or shake the vine vigorously."

Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen nodded, looked at each other, each pulled a mountain vine, and went down into the cave one after another.

To their surprise, the cave was not as deep as they had imagined. Standing in the cave and looking up at the moment, it was probably only about five or six meters.

It's just that the light contrast between the inside and outside of the cave is too great, and the section of the cave that goes down is relatively narrow, which makes the light even worse, so when you look down from the top, you have a feeling that you can't see the bottom.

Standing in this cave at the moment, after a few seconds of getting used to it, I don't feel that it is very dark. For example, when the twilight is getting darker, I can see things without the help of lighting.

If they hadn't descended into the cave, neither of them would have imagined what a cave world extending in all directions.

As the two walked forward, from time to time, they could see small openings or cracks on the top that revealed the light coming in. Presumably because of the special terrain here, these light openings were caves and crevices on the ground.

"It seems that this is really a fox's den. There are so many caves extending in all directions, no matter how many foxes there are, it will be enough!" Mu Qingli said while taking out two masks from the space, and put one on by herself. , and handed one to Mo Yunshen.

The air in this cave doesn't circulate very well, and the smell of foxes isn't too strong, but there are some, and it doesn't smell pleasant no matter what.

Immediately she took out two flashlights, one for each person, and shone around, calling out to the big peacock.

As for the big peacock, he didn't know where he went now, and the two of them didn't see it when they came down.

Although with its fighting power, even if it meets a fox, it will not become a fox's meal, but there are too many forks here, God knows if it can be found?

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