Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 407 Various gemstones in the agate pile

Mu Qingli nodded and said with a smile: "Fortunately! Let's pick up agates quickly. Brother Gao and A Yuan are probably in a hurry outside."

After all, they don't know what's going on in this underground cave and whether they will encounter any danger. If they don't go up for a long time, they will naturally be worried.

Immediately, the two of them started a big sweep.

Unfortunately, there are too many agates here. In addition to those that are as big as thumbs and eggs, there are also a lot of agates that are as big as fists and sea bowls. The two quickly filled six baskets.

Look at the ground, there are still a lot, I'm afraid I can't fill it with six more baskets.

"Let's pack four more baskets, let's talk about the rest next time!" Mu Qingli said, shaking her sore wrist.

Mo Yunshen has no objection either, as far as outsiders are concerned, such agates are naturally valuable, but now that he has seen a lot of them, he is really a little numb.

Suddenly Mu Qingli let out a "huh", waved at Mo Yunshen, and said, "Come and see, is this a pearl? Didn't I get it wrong?"


Mo Yunshen couldn't help being taken aback: How could there be pearls here?

His heart suddenly became a little dignified, and at the same time he was secretly vigilant about his surroundings, and hurried over.

Mu Qingli stretched out her hand to him, and what was held in her white palm was not a pearl, what was it?

Not only is it a pearl, but it is also a top-quality pearl, the size of a longan, round and pure white, with the unique luster of pearls, very charming.

Such a big pearl, even in the outside world, can only be used by first-class dignitaries. It is also a very face-saving thing to inlay on the gold hairpin step.

However, it makes sense to have agate here, but there is no reason why pearls appear here for no reason.

The two looked at each other with serious expressions: Could it be that someone has been here before?

But if someone really came, why didn't they leave any traces of people along the way? Moreover, with so many agates, wouldn't that person be tempted when he saw them?

But when they came, they saw that these agates were scattered on the ground in a very natural form, and there was no trace of artificial accumulation.

Both of them are not fools, if there are artificial traces, they will definitely not be able to hide it from them.

"Look again to see if there are any pearls." Mo Yunshen said.

At this moment, the attention of the two people was completely attracted by the inexplicable appearance of the pearl, and they didn't care about the agates all over the floor. Mu Qingli nodded, "Yeah!", and the two began to treat the agate like a stone. Pull and pull, looking for pearls in it.

If someone really brought it, it wouldn't be just this one, right?

But it's hard to say...

So let's find out first.

Successively, the two not only found three pearls, but also rubies, sapphires, emeralds, crystals...

Holding a large bouquet of top-quality gemstones in various colors and colors, the brilliance is bright. The baby who can make people envious and heartbeat, but at this moment makes the two of them dumbfounded!

"What the hell is going on here?" Mu Qingli was extremely surprised.

Rao Mo Yunshen has always been very clever, but at this moment he is also confused and inexplicable. He can't find the slightest clue at all, so he can only call evil in his heart, it is so evil!

The two smiled wryly at each other, not to mention seeing any other clues, they couldn't even make a definite judgment on whether anyone had been here.

Reluctant to give up, the two searched the entire cave corner carefully, but still found nothing. They tried to walk along some side roads, but they didn't find the slightest trace of someone coming.

However, if no one has been there, how did these gemstones of all kinds but not many come here?

Perhaps, they did not find the right place? That's why we can't find any traces left by someone?

However, the two of them became even more depressed when they realized this. The underground caves stretched in all directions like spider webs, and it was simply impossible to go through every place and search for them.

"Forget it, let's go out first!" Mo Yun sighed deeply with a smile: "Even if someone really showed up here, it has nothing to do with us, right?"

Mu Qingli was relieved when he said this, nodded and smiled: "What we are talking about is what we should do or what we have to do, no matter who has been here!"

The two of them didn't bother to install agates anymore - anyway, these agates can't run away with long legs, since they found them, they belonged to them, and it's not the same when they take them away? Next time, Gao Dashan and A Yuan can also be brought in as helpers!

Even the road is so easy to find - just go boldly to the biggest fork!

Collecting the pearls and various precious stones they found into the space, Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen took the peacock back the same way.

Previously they were busy looking for the peacock, but they didn't bother to pay attention to the surroundings. This time they relaxed, and they were wondering if there were any traces of people here, so they looked at the surroundings very carefully.

The result naturally disappointed the two of them, and found no trace left by anyone, but found a lot of fox dens.

Mu Qingli was curious, so she picked the nearby ones and climbed up to look at them. Huh, these foxes are very good at decorating their nests. The silk grass mats are very warm at first glance, and there are also agates and various gemstones brought back. For decoration, there are also some beautiful bird feathers and other things.

He has no interest in the feather Mu Qingli, and the agate is also let go, but those top-quality gemstones and pearls are not let go, and they are unceremoniously taken as their own.

Smiling and gloating, he told Mo Yunshen that he was rich! In exchange, Mo Yunshen smiled.

She became addicted to sweeping up fox dens, and went out all the way, whenever she saw a fox den, she would go and have a look, and wiped out all the gems inside.

When it was time to export, the harvest was not small. She made a quick note, and there were twelve pieces of top grade rubies, two of which were the size of eggs!

How to get there is another question.

The big peacock can't fly at all, and he has no hands to hold the vines.

As a last resort, Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen had no choice but to use the most stupid method, tying the peacock to the vine and letting Gao Dashan and A Yuan pull it up.

Where is the big peacock willing to be tied up honestly? I believe no animal would be happy with that feeling of being bound and not free, even if it is very familiar with Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen.

Struggling and screaming the whole time.

When it was untied after going out, it was still shaking its feathers resentfully beside it, screaming angrily and wronged.

"You're finally back. You haven't made a sound after going down for so long. I almost have to go down to find you!"

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