Pulling them up, Gao Dashan couldn't help laughing.

Mo Yunshen replied with a smile: "It's like a labyrinth down there, with caves of all sizes extending in all directions, so I wasted a little time."

"So that's the case, then it's no wonder!" Gao Dashan suddenly realized.

A Yuan smiled and said: "That way we can still find the big peacock, Brother Mo and Qingli are amazing!"

The four laughed and put away the vines, and left the cave.

"By the way, I have something to tell you." After finding a place to sit down for a while, Mu Qingli took out some agates and gemstones from the space, and briefly told Gao Dashan and A Yuan what he found below. up.

They are companions, and they should share any discoveries together. On this point, Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen have the same meaning. They are not willing to hide anything, and they will not feel that it is irrelevant to tell them or not.

This is a kind of respect for peers.

Moreover, everyone's way of thinking is different, maybe the two of them can't think of it, but what can the two of them think of to solve the puzzle?

"Are you saying that someone might have been there? But you didn't find any trace of someone there?" Gao Dashan and A Yuan were also shocked.

If anyone ever showed up, it would be—

Anyway, before this, they never thought that there were other outsiders in this big forest besides the people from their two villages.

Of course, Mo Yunshen was an accident.

"It's hard to say now." Mo Yunshen shook his head and said with a smile, "Brother Gao, A Yuan, what do you think about this?"

Gao Dashan and A Yuan looked at each other, Gao Dashan shook his head and sighed: "If someone really appeared, it would be a good thing! Maybe we have really approached the outside world, maybe we just need to climb over this mountain. I can see the outside world!"

Mu Qingli was overjoyed, and said with a smile: "I think what Brother Gao said makes sense, maybe that's exactly the case."

A Yuan scratched his head, looked at this, looked at that, looked over and over again at the egg-sized ruby ​​in his hand, and said, "Well, it can be concluded that someone has appeared based on these stones. Is this too arbitrary? These stones It looks different from other stones, well, it looks pretty, but it doesn't mean anything!"

If someone really showed up, with Brother Mo's ability, how could he not find it? As for his brother Mo, A Yuan firmly believes that there is nothing in this world that Brother Mo cannot do!

Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen almost choked to death when they heard A Yuan's words!

This guy, what kind of stone, is the gem good! Although there is also a "stone" character, it seems that it can be counted in the general classification of stones, but people are not the same as stones at all, okay?

This is a gem. In the outside world, it is a symbol of wealth, even a status symbol!

For example, this egg-sized ruby, not to mention it is impossible for ordinary people to own it, even if they have it, they can't use it. It is safest to pay tribute to the royal family for such things.

In his eyes, it turned into a stone...

However, both Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen felt a bit embarrassed, and didn't know how to explain it to A Yuan, so that he could understand that it was absolutely impossible for these gems to appear in that cave for no reason.

This is a symbol of wealth, such a round and polished gem, what else can it be if it is not brought in by someone?

Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen were depressed here, but after Gao Dashan thought about it, he gave A Yuan a very approving look, and said, "I also think what A Yuan said is quite reasonable, just based on this alone It seems a bit too arbitrary to judge that someone has been in the cave. If these stones, oh, gems, if they were really brought in by people, there will definitely be traces of someone being there. Can't you see any clues?"

Mu Qingli: "..."

Mo Yunshen: "..."

Well, what they both said made sense, and neither of them could refute it!

Gao Dashan saw that the two looked a little depressed and aggrieved, so he smiled and comforted him: "Let's not worry about this problem, let's think about going up the mountain tomorrow, no matter whether he has appeared before, he has nothing to do with us." What a relationship!"

This is the truth, Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen both laughed, and stopped thinking about it now.

There was nothing to say all night, and in the early morning of the next day, the four of them got up early, and the sun had just risen, and they had already started to climb the mountain.

This mountain is extremely tall, majestic and broad, and it is absolutely impossible to climb over it in a day. Therefore, the four of them asked for stability and climbed up steadily step by step, and they were not in a hurry.

Gradually, the vegetation has changed from various small grasses and shrubs to tall forests, each of which is hardy pine, fir, etc., as well as a small number of other tree species and small shrubs.

The high mountains are not lonely either, close to the grass, full of all kinds of wild flowers, colorful.

But these wildflowers all have one characteristic, that is, they are small. Each flower is very small, most of which are as big as a fingernail, and those that are as big as a copper coin or a thumb are considered huge.

At noon, they rested and settled in a forest intertwined with pine and fir trees. The big peacocks happily foraged for food, while Mu Qingli and the others lit a fire to cook on the spot.

The mountain spring on the side is gurgling, the spring water is exceptionally clear, but the water flow is very small, and the water is extremely cold.

A fat hare was frightened and fled out of the grass quickly. A Yuan's eyes lit up and he said "ah!" and chased after it.

For small prey like hares, Mu Qingli didn't even bother to store them in the space. For the sake of convenience and trouble, even if there were a few left, they all threw them out to feed the big tortoise.

Afterwards, all they passed were waters, and there was no shadow of hare at all, so the four of them hadn't eaten hare meat for a long time.

No wonder Ah Yuan's eyes would glisten with excitement when he saw a hare, and he chased after it without even thinking about it.

In addition, I just heard from Mu Qingli that the game meat on such a high mountain is extraordinarily tender and compact, and it is much more delicious than that in the flat forest, and A Yuan's heart is even hotter.

After a while, A Yuan came back happily carrying the hare he had hunted.

The hares on the high mountains are smaller than those in the flat forests. This one looks like it weighs no more than ten catties, and its fur is thick and long.

Mu Qingli also picked a lot of mushrooms. Seeing him, the hare smiled and said, "I will eat hare stewed mushrooms at noon. They are all freshly picked ingredients. They must be delicious!"

"Okay, that's what I think too!" A Yuan laughed cheerfully, and as he spoke, he quickly disemboweled, peeled and cleaned the hare. Seeing wild ginger and wild onion by the water, he plucked a couple of them and cleaned them.

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