Even though Mo Yunshen's martial arts were extremely high, why couldn't Mu Qingli see it? In fact, he subconsciously still has a fear of the ocean.

This is also normal, after all, this is just contact.

She didn't expect him to be so determined to dive with her.

Mo Yun took a deep look at the unfathomable sea, because it is unfathomable, everything becomes mysterious, under the abyss, no one knows what will happen, what is the situation, or what she said Will any rip current appear suddenly, let alone encounter sharks.

However, how could he let her go on the adventure alone?

Mo Yun smiled deeply, raised his eyebrows and said, "It's a lie to say that you don't have a drum in your heart, but I think the two of us together should be enough to protect ourselves."

Mu Qingli giggled, tilted her head and blinked at him: "Then you have to think about it carefully, if there is any danger, I will run away first!"

Mo Yun stared at her deeply, his eyes were deep and his smile was charming, and he said with a smile: "If you really encounter any danger, you must remember to run away first."

Mu Qingli was startled, then gritted her teeth suddenly, glared at him bitterly and said, "You are really, really—"

"Lady, it's only natural for my husband to protect you, so you don't have to be moved!" Mo Yun said again with a deep smile.

Mu Qingli rubbed her forehead, breathed a sigh of relief, and said patiently: "Mo Yunshen, maybe we should really have a good talk, you know, from the beginning we were—"

"In the beginning we were indeed a fake couple, but that also means that we are destined! Otherwise, you are not the same as who plays the fake couple, why is it me? This is God wanting to bring us together, Qingli, Running away will not solve the problem!"

Mu Qingli: "..."

What he said was half-truth and half-false but persistent, predestined? Is this also predestined? It seems... Although it is a bit misunderstood, it also makes sense.

escape? Mu Qingli laughed at herself, his words seemed to hit the nail on the head...

Ask yourself, Mu Qingli doesn't even dare to ask herself, does she really care about him, does she like him? Maybe it's... yes? It's just that she is destined to leave here and go back to take revenge. This trip may be a farewell, so what will he do then?

Knowing that it can't be done, is it really possible?

Suddenly there was a scalding temperature in his hand, and his palm wrapped her hand tightly, and he held it firmly. The affection in those bright black eyes seemed to be deeper and wider than the sea in front of him. .

He stared at her, and said with a seriousness that he had never had before: "Lady, I will accompany you from heaven to earth!"

There was a "Boom!" in his mind, and Mu Qingli stared at him blankly, as if he was the only one left in the world.

Eyes can't see, ears can't hear, what he sees and hears is only him, only the sentence "Go to heaven and earth, I will accompany you!"

They have finally walked out of the big forest. With that super ship and the navigation map, it will be a matter of time before they return to the normal social world. Some problems may have been avoided before, but now, they cannot.

She always knew that he was good to her, but she just didn't want to think about it subconsciously.

She wanted to go back to take revenge, and he also had his own life. They were not from the same way—not even from the same era at all.

It's just because of accidents and accidents that they met in that isolated village.

But there is still a long way to go in life, and the so-called intersection is just a part of it.

After the intersection, everyone still has their own trajectories, and it will be a matter of time before they part ways.

But when did it start? Everything gradually deviated from the track and became different?

she does not know.

He didn't know, she thought.

But this fact, none of them can deny...

Mu Qingli felt her heart beating violently, her chest was scorching hot, an inexplicable heat flowed slowly from her heart, pervading to her limbs and bones, strong emotions arose, making her nose sour, inexplicable want to cry.


"Of course what I say is true, every word is true. No matter what you want to do, don't abandon me! Ma'am, we are a husband and wife!"

Mu Qingli burst out laughing, the turbulent and swollen strong emotions dissipated a lot, but another kind of warm and tender feeling followed, making her feel light as if her body was light. The feeling of jumping up the spirit.

A thin layer of blush appeared on Mu Qingli's face.

She looked up at the blue sea, let out a long breath, and her eyes instantly became astonishingly bright.

Although she doesn't know what the future will hold, she knows that if she misses him, she will definitely regret it!

Mu Qingli smiled slightly and said, "How about we go to the sea at noon tomorrow? Don't worry, I won't leave you alone!"

Mu Qingli didn't know how gentle her tone was at the moment, Mo Yun took a deep look at her, and laughed loudly, the laughter was straight to the heart, and it was extremely carefree.

"Okay, lady!"

She can say that she won't abandon him, is she accepting his confession? So, a man has to be thick-skinned and stalking...

A Yuan, who was picking up all kinds of shrimps, crabs, small fish, conchs and other small animals on the reef beach to amuse himself, couldn't help but glanced at the two people on the reef over there, and said wonderingly: "Brother Mo, why are you laughing so happy? "

It seems... there is no new thing that deserves such a hearty laugh?

Gao Dashan glanced at the two of them, and said calmly: "It's the couple's business, you don't understand!"

Mo Yunshen's other arm took Mu Qingli's shoulders unceremoniously, and pulled her into his arms. God knows he wanted to do this a long time ago!

Mu Qingli's body froze slightly, she cast a glance at him but did not resist. This man has never been such a gentleman, she should have known it a long time ago.

When his wish came true, Mo Yunshen was almost in a tizzy, and his voice was full of joy.

When eating dinner, Mo Yunshen still had an idiot-like gentle smile on his face, and kept looking at Mu Qingli with almost perfect eyes, wishing to stick them to her body.

Although Gao Dashan wondered what happened to the couple today? Why does this relationship seem to be so outrageous all of a sudden? Are they not an old couple?

But he was a very sensible person, even though he was dying of wonder, his face didn't show anything.

A Yuan was different. It was strange how many times he looked at Mo Yunshen, and finally couldn't help asking: "Brother Mo, what are you happy about today? I can't stop smiling on Brother Mo's face." pass!"

Mu Qingli couldn't help but blushed, and gave Mo Yunshen a hard look.

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