Mo Yun showed a smile to his wife, coughed, nodded solemnly at A Yuan, and said, "Of course, we opened up the underground passage, which will save a lot of trouble in the future. Isn't it worth it?" happy thing?"

"Uh..." Ah Yuan's eyes widened. This is indeed something to be happy about, but why does he still feel that something is wrong...

Mu Qingli: "..." She can't stand this man anymore!

"Cough," Mo Yunshen coughed again, changed the subject very calmly, and told Gao Dashan and A Yuan that he and Mu Qingli would go into the water tomorrow to find the sunken ship.

Regarding the logbook, Mo Yunshen and Mu Qingli also said a lot to Gao Dashan and A Yuan, and they both roughly understood the ins and outs.

However, when he heard Mo Yunshen say that, he was still taken aback and his attention was completely attracted.

"What? This is too dangerous! I think it should be carefully considered."

"That's right, Brother Mo, I know you are very powerful, but, but, that's the bottom of the sea!"

Just thinking about the vast and unfathomable sea makes people shudder. If you want to walk around the seaside and catch small fish and shrimps on the reef beach, they can already be very calm and indifferent. I won't be afraid anymore, but if I dive into the bottom of the sea...

A Yuan couldn't help shivering, and said worriedly: "There are sharks in the sea, and there are such powerful big octopuses. This is really too dangerous! Maybe there is something else!"

Gao Dashan also said: "Although you two say you are brave, you are a bit too bold."

Mo Yun smiled deeply and said, "Don't worry, my wife and I won't do anything we're not sure about. We're both good at swimming, and we'll be careful after diving in. If we really find something wrong, we'll come up immediately..."

Mu Qingli also explained a few words with a smile. Gao Dashan and A Yuan saw that the two of them were determined, so they had no choice but to give up and stop persuading them.

"Tomorrow you will go down with vines, and A Yuan and I will row on the sea to meet you. If there is anything wrong, pull the vines so we can pull you up." Gao Dashan said.

Mu Qingli and Mo Yun looked at each other deeply, moved and wanted to laugh.

This is the sea, not a river or a lake. If something happens, the small rubber boat is useless. If a wave capsizes the boat, those two guys who can't swim will be in trouble.

A Yuan's eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly, saying it was a good idea, and he comforted him: "Don't worry, Brother Gao and I don't know how to swim, but we've been in the water for so long, rowing can't be a problem for us. I think In fact, the sea is quite calm, and we can guarantee that we will be able to guard the boat!"

"No need," Mo Yun said with a deep smile, "We're going down this time to determine the location of the sunken ship. We won't go down for a long time, and we won't go too deep. But if the two of you fall into the sea, it will be troublesome! After you go back, you have practiced water skills before you can help! There is no joke at sea!"

Gao Dashan and A Yuan were speechless for a moment, but what Mo Yunshen said was right, and both of them couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. This feeling of wanting to help but not being able to do so can only be anxious, it's really bad...

At noon the next day, the sun was shining overhead, the sea was calm and peaceful, and even the swishing sound of washing the beach seemed much gentler.

Under the worried eyes of Gao Dashan and A Yuan, Mo Yunshen and Mu Qingli dived into the sea one after another.

Gao Dashan and A Yuan only felt a flash in front of their eyes, and the two of them sank into the deep sea like weights, they couldn't even see a shadow. nervous.

It was as if the two of them were swallowed up by the sea with its mouth open.

Mo Yunshen has superb internal strength, while Mu Qingli has mastered a set of wonderful body quenching methods, and various functions of the body have been developed to the maximum extent. So the two dived into the sea, staying much longer than ordinary people can.

After going into the sea, I gently opened my eyes and saw countless schools of large and small fish swimming leisurely around me, and saw those strangely shaped and bizarre reefs under the sea surface, as well as various swaying aquatic plants. What a magnificent world.

Mo Yunshen was so surprised that he opened his eyes wide.

Mu Qingli has seen the underwater world that is many times more beautiful than this, even when diving in modern times, but perhaps because of being with Mo Yunshen, seeing him fresh and surprised, she couldn't help feeling a little happy from the bottom of her heart.

From the beginning to the end, Mo Yunshen held her hand tightly and did not let go.

Slightly closing her eyes to feel the direction of the current, Mu Qingli squeezed Mo Yunshen's hand hard, pouted her mouth forward, Mo Yunshen nodded slightly, and the two swam forward.

Below the surface of the sea, the water is calmer, with almost no resistance, and the swim is very easy.

After the two of them surfaced for two breaths, they finally found the sunken pirate ship.

After more than ten years, the general components of the sunken pirate ship are still there, but the position has long left the entrance of the culvert. If the big ship deep in the culvert wants to come out, there will be no resistance at all.

And more than ten years later, the pirate shipwreck has long been covered with a thick layer of sand, water plants have grown, and many large and small stones from nowhere have fallen on it, and there are all kinds of conch. On the top, there are countless fish schools of different shapes, large and small, swimming around inside and outside the boat.

It is already a playground and habitat for underwater creatures.

Suddenly feeling the strange surge of the water, the two hurriedly dodged aside, and saw a three-meter-long shark with spots on its body, wagging its tail and swimming quickly.

Fortunately, it didn't find the two of them, and it had no interest in these schools of fish. It was just passing by, and soon disappeared into the depths of the ocean without a trace.

The two breathed a sigh of relief on the surface of the sea, and Mu Qingli smiled and said: "I want to go into the cabin to take a look, just take a look and let's go up, okay?"

"Okay!" Mo Yun smiled deeply, his face was full of tenderness and pampering, his expression clearly showed that he would agree to everything Mu Qingli said, and added a sentence of domineering gentleness and domineering: "But you can't leave by my side."

Mu Qingli could only feel an inexplicable sweetness in her heart, her face that had been soaked in sea water was slightly warmed up, the corners of her eyes were slightly raised, and she glanced at Mo Yunshen.

Mo Yunshen couldn't help being moved, and couldn't help but leaned over and kissed her slightly cool face, hugged her close to him and said with a smile: "Why didn't you open the tent last night and let me in? Huh? I I don't want to do anything else, I really just want to chat with you!"

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