He couldn't help himself last night, being silly and happy alone was not enough, and he actually ran into Mu Qingli's tent.

How dare Mu Qingli let him in? She suddenly saw through the bad nature of men, that is, they are all sheep in wolf's clothing, and once they don't need to disguise, they are even more beasts than beasts.

For example, this one, how gentle, refined and polite was he before? Ever since she missed a word, his enthusiasm was like the water of the Yellow River bursting a bank, which made her a little scared for no reason.

For example, last night, his voice was so gentle and kind, but she did not open the tent to let him in, so she would not tell him that she was actually afraid...

And that guy didn't force her, instead he sat outside her tent and talked with her in the middle of the night across the tent.

When she recalled it afterwards, it was all nonsense without substance...

At this moment, when this guy mentioned it, she couldn't help but become angry from embarrassment, kicked him, and said angrily: "It's important to do business, so long-winded!"

Mo Yunshen exaggerated "Ouch!" He leaned back slightly to avoid her foot, and said with a smile: "Things related to the lady are business matters, what my husband said is the business affairs that cannot be more serious!"

Mu Qingli didn't pay attention to her any more, she flexibly lowered her body, and dived directly.

Mo Yunshen laughed, and followed immediately.

The two quickly swam to the deck, passed by a swaying aquatic plant, disturbed countless small fish of all kinds and colors, and even scared a conch the size of a big sea bowl that was taking a leisurely walk, all of a sudden retracted its tentacles and stopped moving .

The two of them did not stop at all, and went directly into the cabin.

This pirate ship is much more shabby than that huge ship, perhaps because it has sunk to the bottom of the sea for a long time, the interior is a mess, everything is covered with sand, and it has become a home for various sea animals .

This ship also has three floors, and the stern and one-third of the hull are almost broken at the middle, making it look more than half smaller than that big ship.

They only glanced at the cabin above and didn't stay there. They didn't think there would be any valuable things. Even if there were, they were probably either washed away by the current or cheaper for the fish and shrimp. If there's anything good left, it'll be in the bilge.

It's just that the two of them dare not go down no matter what. We can only wait for more people to come in the future, and then find a way to dismember the shipwreck. Anything that can be useful should not be wasted. And it can also exercise the villagers, why not do it?

The several rolls of extremely thick cables tied to the boat can be cut off and taken away at this moment.

These cables were originally manufactured for use in the sea. Even after soaking here for more than ten years, Mu Qingli pulled them out, and they are still very strong and reliable. When building ships in the future

After gesturing, the two turned around and swam out.

After taking a breath, they came down directly, repeated several times, and finally cut off all the cables that could be taken away, and the two gave up.

When going up for the last time, Mu Qingli took away a large conch the size of a sea bowl and picked up a dozen or so scallops.

Mo Yunshen looked around, and unexpectedly caught a big fish that weighed about ten catties.

Back on the shore, Gao Dashan and A Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that the two of them still didn't forget to pick up the seafood from the bottom of the sea, they couldn't laugh or cry.

They were so worried that their hearts would jump out of their throats. These two guys are still in the mood to catch conch and fish...

Moreover, the pattern of the conch is very beautiful, which they have never seen before; and the fish, which they have never seen before, is delicious at first glance...

Hearing that the two of them had found the location of the sunken ship, both Gao Dashan and Ayuan heaved a sigh of relief: Now they won't go into the sea again, right? That's great!

After changing into clean clothes, Mu Qingli took out the wet cables from the space, and the four of them spread them out on the beach to dry.

After pulling it hard, the cable thicker than the wrist didn't move at all. It was extremely strong, but it hurt his hand. Gao Dashan couldn't help but marveled, and said: "This is really a good thing! I'm afraid the most powerful thing in the forest No good mountain vine can compare to this!"

"We can use it when we build a ship in the future. There should be many other things on the ship. Let's get it next time."

Mo Yunshen said with a smile: "The world under the sea is extremely beautiful, next time you must go down and have a look."

As he spoke, he boasted to them, and the two of them were longing for it.

"I don't know if the river in the woods is deep or not. How about we go there and learn to swim?" Ah Yuan was eager to try, wishing he could follow Mo Yunshen and Mu Qingli into the sea tomorrow.

Mu Qingli smiled and said: "Learning to swim is fine, but you don't have to worry about going into the sea. Don't worry, you will go down in the future!" You have never seen a more beautiful underwater world, and you will know what is the world on earth when you see it. No one else.

Mo Yunshen also smiled and said: "It's all over here. Speaking of which, we haven't been to the woods over there yet, so we can go for a walk tomorrow. In two days, it's time to go back."

After careful calculation, this trip was really long enough, and it is indeed time to go back.

They all nodded yes.

Thinking of a big rock falling from the bottom of my heart, and the moment when years of persistence finally came to fruition, Gao Dashan and A Yuan felt even more elated and beaming.

Facts have proved that their persistence is not wrong. The world outside the big forest is very exciting. This vast sea area alone opened the door to a new world for them. I believe that the world outside the sea area must be even more exciting!

Since they were going to take a boat on the beach there tomorrow, the four of them talked and laughed and walked towards the beach there while it was still early. They could set off early in the morning, saving them a long way to go.

Those cables are still left on the beach to dry, anyway, there will be no one else on the beach except them.

When I came to the woods the next day, the tide was just ebbing, the water volume was very large, and there were countless fish, shrimps, crabs and shellfish on the tidal flat.

The four of them boarded the rubber boat and rowed deep along the waterway, because the sea water had not completely receded at this time, and half of the trunks of the mangrove forest were submerged in the water, so it was not a problem to paddle the rubber boat through it.

There are also countless birds circling and flying in the canopy, catching small fish and shrimps for food.

As the sea receded, Mu Qingli hurriedly asked them to row the rubber boat back to the waterway, otherwise they would run aground.

It's not a good feeling to walk in the mud.

Countless small fish and shrimps were jumping on the mud before they had time to recede with the sea, but the birds on the canopy were chirping and chirping for a while, which was very lively.

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