The water area in this area is surprisingly large, and it took the four of them a whole day to go around it.

Not to mention the mangroves after low tide, even in this waterway, there are countless fish and shrimps. In the future, the villagers will move to this place to live temporarily, and they will not worry about having no food source.

And they rode in the rubber boat, walking all the way and playing all the way, they picked up the fish, shrimp and shellfish when they saw it, and put it in the bucket, and they made a bucket full without knowing it.

In the evening, I made it in the most authentic way, and it was another seafood feast.

Tomorrow we need to leave for the village, and everyone rests very early at night. Mo Yunshen didn't bother Mu Qingli, he said goodbye and went back to his tent.

The next day, the big peacock had to be put on the rubber boat and rowed into the culvert.

Adding the weight of the big peacock, the rubber boat sank obviously. Fortunately, the weather was calm, and the big peacock was used to the water for a while, so he didn't frightened and struggled wildly. He walked the waterway very smoothly and landed .

Speaking of which, the big peacock is still the number one hero. If it hadn't fallen into the cave, Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen wouldn't have chased after it, and wouldn't have discovered the cave below, wouldn't have found those gems, and wouldn't have been born because of it. Reminiscent of the underground culvert that can connect the two ends of the mountain range.

Traveling through the tunnel to the mountain range, the little fox ran straight over when he saw them whimpering because he hadn't seen them for a long time.

Before the little fox could pounce into Mu Qingli's arms, Mo Yunshen had already stopped him and grabbed him. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Smell all over your body, don't rub against people!"

Mu Qingli glanced at him and did not object.

Hearing the cries of the little foxes, countless foxes ran over from all directions in a short time, and each of them eagerly surrounded the four people, especially Mu Qingli, all the poor ones wanted to eat.

A Yuan looked at these little foxes and felt very fond of them. He touched one and kneaded the other. They were not afraid, so he couldn't help but said: "Qingli, they are so pitiful, give them some more!"

Gao Dashan said with a smile: "These guys have become smart! It's a bit overwhelming."

Mo Yunshen raised his eyebrows: "You can't feed like that anymore, or there will be more people running over next time. Just grab two and throw them out. Whoever grabs them will eat them. If you can't grab them, blame yourself for not running fast. You can't blame others. !"

Mu Qingli laughed: "That's a fair idea!" As expected, he threw out two handfuls of about seven or eight fruits, and the foxes chased them all with a "hula".

After feeding two little foxes alone, the four of them left.

The return journey of this trip was very smooth, and I returned to the cableway smoothly.

The big turtle was honest, he was waiting for them on the cableway, and he didn't run around.

At first, Mu Qingli, who was worried that it would take the opportunity to escape into the big forest, was overjoyed when she saw it. After she was happy, she said to Mo Yunshen with some doubts: "Why were you so sure that the big turtle would not leave?"

After hearing his affirmative words, although she felt a lot more at ease, she still had a bit of disbelief.

Mo Yunshen smiled without even thinking about it: "My wife is such a good master, it's hard to find with a lantern, and she's not stupid, how could she leave?"

This made Mu Qingli speechless, and even Gao Dashan and A Yuan were speechless. They looked at each other and wondered secretly: What's wrong with Brother Mo (Brother Mo) recently? Why did your mouth suddenly become so sweet? Complimenting about Qingli makes the people next to me feel nasty...

Mo Yun smiled deeply, glanced at the big turtle who was wolfing down all kinds of food that Mu Qingli took out from the space, and said with a faint smile: "There are so many delicious things in the space of the lady, how can this foodie eat it?" Are you willing to give up?"

Mu Qingli: "..."

It makes sense, but the truth is always so cruel!

After meeting the big turtle, the four of them rode on the back of the big turtle, accompanied by the big peacock. The speed of the journey was much faster invisibly.

After about twenty days, he returned to Yixiantian.

It was exactly noon when they returned to the first line of sky. When they walked into the first line of sky, they saw only a few cliff eagles basking in the sun and resting on the grass. Those sheep and deer were grazing not far away. Mu Qingli and the others were greatly surprised by the fact that they seemed to get along very harmoniously.

Shouting loudly, Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan didn't come, but a few cliff eagles flapped their wings happily and hopped over, surrounded them with extra affection.

Xiaodaimeng has grown to be as tall as its parents, but its appearance is still a little childish, which makes people know that it is not at the same level as its parents.

Da Mao, Er Mao, and San Mao all had companions by their side, which made them even more annoyed now. One, two, three, four, five, six—plus Xiao Daimeng's family, a total of nine huge cliff eagles occupied a large area. s position.

Mu Qingli didn't have much thought to tease them, she was worried about Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan, "Why aren't those two little guys here? Did they go out?"

"Don't worry, lady." Mo Yun shook her hand deeply, and said with a soft smile, "This line of sky is very safe. If they go out to practice, their current abilities are enough to protect themselves. It's still early, Maybe wait for them to come back!"

Gao Dashan and A Yuan also nodded in agreement.

Mu Qingli felt that this made sense.

It wasn't until the sun was setting that Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan came back from the sky, laughing and laughing, and the younger sister and brother really went out to practice.

Suddenly they looked up and saw cooking smoke curling up from the direction of the cabin, the two exclaimed, their eyes lit up, and they yelled "sister, brother-in-law!" all the way back in surprise and joy.

Seeing each other, there must be some excitement.

Speaking of talking, I realized that during this period of time, the younger sister and the younger brother will go out to practice every now and then, and their kung fu is much stronger than before.

Xiao Ya'er also said enthusiastically: "Sister and brother-in-law, if you don't believe me, you can give us a try!"

Xiaoluan nodded again and again, looking at Mo Yunshen with fiery eyes.

Mu Qingli and Mo Yun looked at each other with a deep smile, and Mo Yun said with a deep smile, "Why do you need to try it yourself? Your overall aura is also very different from before. Why can't your sister and I feel it?"

These words are more effective than any compliments, and made the younger sister and younger brother very happy.

And hearing them say that they have found the way out, the younger sister and brother's eyes sparkled, they were even more surprised and delighted.

Mu Qingli paid attention, picked up a lot of beautiful shells and put them in the space, and took them out for the two of them to play with. The two of them were very surprised when they saw it, and yearned for that side of the world even more.

"Next time we go, we can bring you with us, but maybe it won't be a long time, we have to go back to the village first, and solve the problems of the two villages." Mo Yun said with a deep smile.

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