Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 442: The Snakes That Came Strangely

The man ran and yelled loudly: "It's bad, it's bad! There are a lot of snakes in the west! Wang Xiaozhu's house is almost surrounded by snakes! There are so many snakes! The village chief told everyone to be careful, don't call the snakes!" Bite! Women and children should stay away from home, and young and middle-aged men should go to Wang Xiaozhu's house immediately..."

The man shouted as he ran, but he didn't run to Mu Sangu and the others.

But everyone heard what he said, and couldn't help but explode for a while.

"What's going on? God!"

"Very, a lot of snakes? How many snakes do you have to have? Are they all poisonous?"

"Judou went to his house, what did his house do?"

The women became even more anxious, chattering and discussing for a long time but couldn't discuss anything, so they had to go home and look after the door, carefully inspecting the house, for fear that if there was one or two, there would be one or two.

The men hurried out of the house, greeted each other, and ran towards Wang Xiaozhu's house to the west.

"I'll go and have a look too. Be careful at home. If you see a snake, drive it out. Don't hit it, and don't approach it. If it's too big, be careful not to disturb it. Don't worry about it. I'll talk about it when I come back. " Zhang Zishan told Mu Sangu.

Mu Sangu nodded, and said nervously: "You have to be careful, don't provoke those snakes easily!" Thinking of something, she quickly said: "By the way, you take all the antidote left by Yun Shenqingli and the others with you. , might it be useful?"

Mu Qingli and the others gave Zhang Zishan a lot of commonly used ointments, pills, and powders. Zhang Zishan used some of them, and the effect was surprisingly good.

At this time, when my daughter-in-law said this, I suddenly thought of it, and slapped my head and hurried back to the house to get it.

He handed some antidote to Mu Sangu to carry with her, and then hurried out.

When Zhang Zishan arrived near Wang Xiaozhu's house, countless villagers had already been crowded.

Wang Xiaozhu's family had already fled from the house in a hurry, surrounded by people, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law and children were crying non-stop.

Why did they attract so many snakes in their own house? They were also at a loss and didn't know anything!

It was just that when I woke up, I found dense snakes crowded in the yard and backyard, and the whole family almost fainted from fright! It was still hard to escape.

Zhang Zishan squeezed forward to take a look, and couldn't help but gasp!


At this moment, they are all gathered thirty or forty meters away from the yard of Wang Xiaozhu's house. Even so, they can still clearly see that the entire yard of his house is surrounded by snakes. What is the situation here, must have been crowded by the snakes and couldn't get in, right?

Moreover, from outside the village on the west side, there are still snakes coming non-stop. I am afraid that they will retreat before long.

Zhang Zishan's eyes were opened, he had never seen so many snakes before.

Not only are there a large number, but also a complete range, with various patterns, large and small, and countless. Looking from afar, the colorful colors are wriggling, making people get goose bumps and scalp numbness.

Village head Jiang was a little irritable, and kept asking Wang Xiaozhu's family patiently, what did they do? How could there be so many snakes? Keep asking them to think about it carefully, and think about it again, so they must think clearly.

Wang Xiaozhu's family all had bitter faces and frowned, how could they think of it?

Swear, swear, they really didn't do anything! Just hunting, farming, and harvesting wild vegetables as the villagers normally do, I really haven't done anything.

"Has someone killed a snake in your family these few days?" someone asked.

Wang Xiaozhu's family shook their heads without even thinking about it: "Not at all! If you really killed the snake, you will definitely remember it."

"That's weird. Since you didn't do anything, how could you attract so many snakes?" Village Chief Jiang frowned and sighed.

Wang Xiaozhu's family couldn't help being a little disgusted and angry, feeling aggrieved in their hearts, their family really didn't do anything! Why is it so unlucky, why did these snakes identify with their family? It's like this, no wonder Village Chief Jiang is suspicious of their family, even they themselves are a little bit uncertain.

"Now is not the time to talk about this," said Mr. Zhang Cun in a deep voice, "We have to find a way to get rid of these snakes, otherwise everyone will be worried, and this day will not be able to pass!"

Everyone nodded one after another, no, if you were bitten, it would still be poisonous, and that would be a bad taste.

"But there are so many snakes, how can we get rid of them?"

"Yeah, I think there are still snakes coming! God, I don't see many snakes on weekdays. Where did they come from?"

"How about we try archery?"

"Or smoke it with fire?"

"Actually, practical poison should be the best. It's a pity, where can I get so much poison in a while."

Seeing that the team of snakes is still growing, everyone can't wait any longer. If they wait any longer, there will only be more and more snakes, and the village will be even more dangerous.

Now everyone has already guessed that the few large and small snakes that slipped into the house in their own yard probably went through the wrong door or wandered around.

As long as the group of snakes in Wang Xiaozhu's family were eliminated, the snakes in his family would not be a problem.

Kill the majesty of these snakes and let them know how powerful they are, and they will naturally disperse.

Everyone cheered up and decided to use all the archery, fire and smoke, and poison.

Once the tasks are assigned, everyone should go home to get the bows and arrows, and the turpentine torches to get the turpentine torches. As for the poison, only Mr. Yu has some in his house, which is used to prevent insects, snakes and ants when going into the mountains.

They were also taken out.

Village Chief Jiang gave an order, and everyone standing in the team immediately started to move in unison. For a while, bamboo arrows shot into the snakes like locusts, and the person holding the turpentine torch also ignited and threw it towards the snakes.

Mr. Yu's poison was dissolved in water, and someone sprinkled it with a ladle.

For a while, the scene was buzzing.

The snake group was thrown into chaos by the sudden attack of the villagers, and countless snakes were either killed or injured.

The group of snakes changed violently, countless large and small snakes rolled over, and countless snakes were frightened and rushed in all directions.

A black and white white snake thicker than an arm raised its head from the crowd of snakes, staring at the crowd with Leng Youyou's eyes, it raised its head high and spit out the snake's letter, and suddenly chased towards the crowd like a gust of wind.

The group of snakes suddenly became more commotion, and then changed direction, rushing toward the crowd like a tide.

"Not good! Everyone run away!"

"God, run!"

Both bows and arrows and torches are very limited, and poison is even more limited. Under the counterattack of this snake group that is not afraid of death, everyone has no other way but to escape!

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