The villagers yelled and ran away in panic. Behind them, all kinds of snakes, big and small, colorful and aggressive like a sea tide, chased after them aggressively, and the whole village was in chaos!

"Don't run home! Run out of the village! Everyone try to separate! Don't stay together!" Someone shouted at the top of his voice.

Everyone woke up like a dream, and rushed out of the village in a hurry.

The panic-stricken villagers were hardly desperate at first, thinking that now they don't know what it will be like to be chased by these guys, and they don't know when they will be able to get rid of them, whether they will be bitten, or they will be killed. not poisonous...

Unexpectedly, the snakes stopped after chasing them not far from the village, turned around, and still headed towards Wang Xiaozhu's house.

Now, everyone was even more dumbfounded!

"This—what's going on?"

"Yeah, what is it about Xiaozhu's family that makes them miss it so much?"

"God, this is too evil!"

"But the problem is that we can't let them go on like this?"

Everyone was discussing in a hurry, but no one could come up with an idea, let alone understand what these snakes meant.

Fortunately, all the snakes retreated for the time being, and did not cause any harm to everyone. After tossing for a long time, everyone was tired, so they had to go back to rest and eat something.

When I got home and told Sangu Mu, Sangu Mu couldn't help being dumbfounded. The couple discussed while cooking and eating, but they couldn't discuss why.

This thing is full of evil from the beginning to the end!

"How about, let's go find Yun Shen and Qing Li! Yun Shen knows a lot, maybe he can do something?" Sangu Mu said suddenly.

Although Zhang Zishan felt that Mu Sangu seemed a little unreasonable to believe in Mo Yunshen, he couldn't think that he knew everything just because he was good at martial arts and medicine!

But when things got to this point, there was only a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Anyway, I told him first. As for whether he can help their village, that's another matter.

So, the couple came to Shangcun...

Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen were also surprised when they finished talking.

"Then Wang Xiaozhu's family really didn't do anything? That doesn't make sense! How did the snakes identify their family?" Mu Qingli couldn't help asking, and Mo Yunshen also nodded.

Zhang Zishan said with a bitter smile: "The matter has come to this point, I don't think their family will lie. After all, if this matter cannot be resolved, not to mention that every family in the whole village will not live in peace, and they will not be able to return home even more!"

Mo Yun took a deep look at Mu Qingli, then smiled and said: "Let's go and have a look first, and see how the situation is?"

Mu Qingli smiled and said: "Okay, speaking of it, this is also a great spectacle, I have never seen it before! I also want to see something new."

Zhang Zishan couldn't help but smiled wryly, thinking that it was a wonder, the whole Xiacun was about to fall apart.

The two told Xiao Ya'er and his brother to look after the house, and they took the big turtle and the big peacock with them, and they also called Gao Dashan, A Yuan and Zhao Xiaobai brothers along the way.

In the afternoon, when Zhang Zishan led them to Wang Xiaozhu's house, because the big tortoise and the big peacock were too eye-catching, everyone immediately saw them and recognized who they were.

"It's from Shangcun!"

"What are they here for?"

"Hmph, I'm afraid it's just for a joke!"

Everyone in the lower village whispered and discussed among each other, and looked at Mu Qingli and the others not friendly, but with a hint of hostility.

Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen looked at each other, and couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "A dog biting Lu Dongbin, it's such a good intention!"

Mo Yun shook her hand deeply, and said with a smile: "Miss, calm down, we don't have the same knowledge as them!"

Mu Qingli gave a "poof" smile.

"What are you doing here?" Village Chief Jiang brought people over, glanced at them and asked indifferently.

Although the tone can be regarded as polite, the indifference and coldness in it can be heard by anyone.

"What do you think?" Mu Qingli said angrily, "Do you believe me when I say I'm here to help?"

The crowd broke up with a "coax!", and they all said: "What are you talking about?"

Zhao Xiaosong was very annoyed, and was about to say something, when Zhao Xiaobai stopped him and shook his head slightly, giving him a wink.

Zhao Xiaosong was taken aback for a moment, seeing that Gao Dashan, A Yuan and the others were silent, he held back and said nothing.

Seeing that everyone didn't have a good impression of them, Village Chief Jiang finally felt relieved, and said with a sneer, "Are you really here to help? Just kidding, what can you do to help! Don't you just come to see the excitement?"

"Not as boring as you!" Mu Qingli raised her eyebrows, "If I can help you, what will happen to you?"

Village head Jiang was stunned for a moment, and said with a sneer, "If you can help, the whole village will remember your affection and be grateful to you! What if you can't help? So what?"

Mu Qingli said with a smile: "Then how can you be grateful? You can't have nothing at all, right?"

Zhang Zishan was a little annoyed, and said: "Village chief, I was the one who went to Shangcun to ask Yun Shen and the others to come and help. I think there are so many people that I might be able to come up with a way. If the village chief thinks my actions are inappropriate, then I will admit my mistake, and this is it." Send them away. It seems that the village chief treats them so badly, right?"

Jiang Huai said angrily: "Zhang Zishan, my father is the village chief, how can you talk to my father?"

"Is there something wrong with what I said?" Zhang Zishan stared at Jiang Huai coldly.

Jiang Huai was momentarily at a loss for words.

The people in the lower village looked at Mu Qingli and his party gradually, but gradually lost the fear and disgust, and nodded in agreement.

It was the same in the first place, when someone came to help with good intentions, it didn't seem right to speak to him in such a cold tone.

Originally, the source of the group fight that day was not the fault of Shangcun, let alone these people in front of him. Now that they came to help regardless of the past, if the big guy became rude instead, it would be wrong for the villagers.

There are not many exchanges between the two villages, and the people of the lower village know it well. The few who came here are all well-known outstanding people from the upper village. Of course, Mu Qingli is not counted.

So all the elites of the family came at this time, did they really come to watch the fun when they were so free? To help of course!

So many people came over to say hello to Mo Yunshen and the others, and the atmosphere calmed down a lot for a while.

The Jiang family father and son were very angry, but at this time they couldn't care about it.

I saw Mu Qingli asked Village Chief Jiang again with a smile: "Village Chief Jiang, you haven't answered me yet, if we can do it, what's the prize?"

Everyone was speechless for a while and looked at Mu Qingli, but they couldn't say anything, and they didn't dare to be dissatisfied--Well, you have encountered such a big trouble in the lower village, and they help you solve it and ask for a little bit of money, what's wrong with that? ?

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