Even Zhang Yingwu and Sun An, who rode the big tortoise when they came, looked at the back of the big tortoise several times, but they didn't dare to ask to ride on it.

Jiang Huai originally wanted to pretend to be injured, but Mu Qingli said, "If you can't keep up with the team, stay here for one more day, and call the villagers to carry it tomorrow!" completely scared him off.

Mo Yunshen would not even bother.

These people don't let them suffer, do they really think that the big forest is so easy to enter?

Mo Yunshen had long expected that someone would be eager to try and mess around, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

But the sooner it happens the better. I believe that with the lessons learned this time, the people in the two villages will be much more honest.

Fearing that some terrible beasts would appear in the big forest, everyone gritted their teeth and hurried on the road with tense spirits, and their persistence was miserable.

Even so, he only returned to the village when it was getting dark.

Village Chief Jiang and his party did not leave, they were still waiting at the entrance of Shangcun Village, each of them was looking forward to it, waiting eagerly.

When Village Chief Zhao saw them, he felt that they were pitiful and thought in his heart that they deserved it! If they didn't ask for it, why did they make it like this?

I don’t know how many times the head of the village has told me that the forest is dangerous, you are not allowed to enter indiscriminately, but you don’t listen to it...

Finally seeing their relatives, the tense strings of these people suddenly relaxed, and their spirits relaxed, "Ouch!" One after another, people also fell limply and fell to the ground one after another, so panicked that all the family members stepped forward to help them.

"What's wrong with them? Ah? What's going on here!" The former village chief Jiang was angry and distressed, pulling this and that, and asked Mo Yunshen angrily.

Gao Dashan looked cold, and said coldly: "Of course I'm tired, otherwise what's wrong with you? What do you mean by that? Blame us for not taking your son back like an ancestor?"

The villagers in Shangcun couldn't stand it anymore, and accused the former village chief Jiang one after another.

You are courting death yourself, but you guys rescued him and even dare to question him, it's really heartless! Don't cross the river and tear down the bridge too quickly...

The former Jiang Village Elder's face was flushed with anger and he was resentful in his heart.

Mo Yunshen said: "It's getting late, everyone will go back for now, and we will talk about this matter tomorrow afternoon! Anyone who enters the big forest privately must not be missing, otherwise, when they leave in the future, don't want to take care of them at all. The training of the guards There is no need to go anymore!"

The former village chief Jiang sneered, and the others were shocked, not daring to have any opinions, and dispersed for a while.

Now young and middle-aged men with a little ability are incorporated into the guards for training.

Every time I go hunting in the mountains, the harvest is much more than before, and there are more people, more strength, and much safer.

It is not easy for anyone who is excluded.

Many people couldn't help but curse Jiang Huai and Jiang Yu secretly in their hearts.

If it wasn't for their instigation, my son or husband wouldn't follow them.

What they said was hype, the big forest is not as scary as the rumors say! Nothing is much worse than Gao Dashan and the others, why can they come and go freely but not themselves?

It's all right now, I almost lost my life, it would be strange to listen to them in the future!

The most depressing ones are the former village head Jiang, his father and his son.

Besides, Jiang Huai followed Mo Yunshen and Village Chief Zhao to the passage leading to the outside, and when he came back, he had a different idea, wanting to contact a group of people to go to the seaside quietly and drive the big ship away. Find the way out by yourself, without Mo Yunshen and the others.

That's why there is a matter of motivating everyone to go hunting in the big forest with them. As long as they can return from hunting successfully and build up everyone's confidence, they won't have to worry about talking to them.

Who knew that the start was unfavorable, this time the hunt was not only unsuccessful, but almost cost him his life...

"I don't believe it! That Mo Yunshen and Mu Qingli are too hateful, hey, let's listen to them for now, when I get to the beach, I don't believe that I won't find a chance!" Jiang Huai said angrily.

The former Jiang village head also nodded: "We can't be impatient anymore, just bear with it for now! It's best if they charge in front, why are you in a hurry? When you get to the beach you mentioned, there is still time to worry about it! In the future, you Stop being impulsive, both of you, and learn more from them. Although Mo Yunshen is not very authentic, he is really capable..."

The next day, the vice-heads of the two villages, the village elders, the stewards, and the nearly twenty people who entered the forest without permission all came.

Mo Yunshen asked people to discuss how to punish these people.

Otherwise, if this kind of thing happens again in the future, is it possible that he must be rescued every time?

But apart from him and Gao Dashan, who else has the ability to save people?

Since Mo Yunshen is not willing to be a firefighter, he must fundamentally put an end to this matter.

The final result was that each of these people beat 30 boards in public and was fined to kneel in the ancestral hall for three days.

Make a note on the blacklist, if there is a next time, not only Mo Yunshen, Gao Dashan and others will not go to the rescue, but the other villagers don't have to go to the rescue. If their family members are capable, they will go by themselves.

The nearly twenty people were obedient and did not dare to object a word, and Jiang Huai and Jiang Yu were all annoyed to death in their hearts.

This matter was provoked by Jiang Huai and Jiang Yu. They were the chief culprits. They each hit fifty boards and knelt for five days.

If the fifty boards come down at once, people will have to be disabled. Mo Yunshen agreed to split them into two rounds, and finish it within a month.

Angry and ashamed, Jiang Huai and Jiang Yu also gritted their teeth and dared not have any objections.

After dealing with this embarrassing matter, Mo Yunshen took everyone to Taolin the next day.

It is impossible for everyone to ride a big tortoise and travel on two legs. It took two and a half days to get to the place.

However, when they saw the peach grove that could not be seen at a glance, full of big peaches, everyone cheered up again. There were so many peaches, how many were picked!

When they came, the big turtles carried two stacks of tall baskets on their backs, and they also carried baskets on their backs, which was enough for them.

Mo Yunshen asked them to pick baskets of peaches, pick the big ones, and pile them together when the baskets were full. He and Mu Qingli would order Da Gui to transport the baskets of peaches to a nearby safe high place for storage. It's good to have something to eat when I get on the boat later.

Everyone quickly agreed.

In their eyes, Mo Yunshen was either omnipotent or almost. Although he was a little curious about how he stored it, since he said it with confidence, he thought there would be no falsehood.

And what he did, there is no need to explain to them, so it is enough for them to just do it.

"Don't get separated, everyone, remember to stay together! In case of any danger, it's important to run for your own life! Didn't I give each of you a ringing arrow? If you get lost while escaping, let's release the ringing arrow. Don't be in this peach forest. I didn't expect any beasts, at most it was a wild boar, if you can avoid it, you should avoid it. There is also a monkey with an exceptionally large size, you must not provoke it when you see it..."

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