Perhaps it was because Jiang Huai and others entered the big forest privately two days ago, which taught everyone a lesson. Everyone listened carefully to Mo Yunshen's explanation, and expressed their willingness to obey one by one.

Mo Yunshen waved his hand, and everyone went to pick peaches.

He took Mu Qingli to the depths of the peach forest.

With so many people coming, he naturally didn't need to do the peach picking himself. He, Mo Yunshen, A Yuan, and his wife were responsible for walking around and guarding the area.

Besides, the peach groves are dense, and the branches and leaves of the peaches are overlapping, densely packed, which is just suitable for a tryst, isn't it?

In the past two days, I have dealt with those bad things at home, and I haven't spent my time making out with my wife. Now the time and place are favorable, so naturally I can't let it go.

Mo Yunshen's eyes were dark, but Mu Qingli smiled and performed lightness kung fu. His figure quickly disappeared into the depths of the peach forest, only a voice came from afar: "Mo Yunshen, how about trying my lightness kung fu?"

Mo Yunshen's eyes became darker, he shook his head helplessly and smiled, this woman is really disgusting! See how he will deal with her when he catches her! At that time, it will be useless for her to beg for mercy!

After finishing speaking, he also performed lightness kung fu and quickly chased after him.

A Yuan scratched his head, blinked his eyes, and said to Gao Dashan in confusion: "Brother Gao, why do I feel that there seems to be something different between Brother Mo and Qingli?"

Gao Dashan thought that this silly boy is not stupid, so he asked: "Tell me, what's different?"

"I don't know..." A Yuan shook his head, thought for a while, and said, "I just feel... Well, the two of them seem to be closer than before? The relationship is also better? Look at Brother Mo's eyes, look When I hold the green lily, I can't wait to give birth to a pair of hooks!"

Gao Dashan laughed loudly, patted A Yuan on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "They are husband and wife, so what's so special about their relationship? Well, stop talking nonsense, and hurry up to work!"

A Yuan let out an "oh", thinking about it, indeed, it's normal for them to have a good relationship, why bothering myself!

Mo Yunshen went after Mu Qingli, and it took a while for the two of them to come back.

This is still thinking about harvesting peaches, otherwise I can't say when I will come back.

I don't know what exactly Mo Yunshen took advantage of, with a smile on his face, he looked quite satisfied.

There are so many peaches here, the biggest ones are all picked, and soon baskets of peaches are picked, and they are neatly placed in the open space of the peach forest.

Mo Yunshen and the others put eight baskets on the back of the big turtle at a time.

The big turtle carried the peaches, Mu Qingli, and Mo Yunshen and ran away from the peach forest. Mu Qingli put the peaches into the space where there was no one else, made an empty basket, and still brought them back to fill them with peaches.

Don't look at the countless baskets of peaches piled up on the ground, they will all be emptied into the space soon.

Mo Yunshen pointed to the mountains not far away and said to Gao Dashan and A Yuan: "We have walked around here, but today is peaceful. Why don't you go to the mountains over there to see if there is any tea?"

A Yuan was feeling bored, so he nodded quickly when he heard the words and said yes, and then he drove Gao Dashan away in a gust of wind.

If it weren't for Mu Qingli's space bracelet that needs to store peaches from time to time, Mo Yunshen would have dragged her there long ago, where would it be the turn of the two of them?

The mountains and forests are much better than here, where he can only talk to his wife, he is even taboo to pull little hands, let alone cuddle - that will have to wait until night.

It has to be said that a large number of people means great strength. After a day's work, they picked six to seventy thousand catties. After two days of picking, there will be more than 200,000 catties.

However, although the amount sounds like a lot, it won't be small when the time comes.

There are more than 6,000 people here. The peaches here are very big, and there are at least two taels per one, and at most four or five per catty.

One meal can cost hundreds of catties. Although two hundred thousand catties is a lot, it is definitely not a lot. Genius knows how long it will take to sail at sea!

But you can't stay in this big forest for too long at a time, and there is a big pond of lotus root next to it!

Pick peaches for three days, dig lotus roots for another three days, and then you can go back, and experience experiences along the way.

That's what Mo Yunshen and the others planned.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon on the first day, Mo Yunshen asked everyone to stop, and had to set up a tent to find a place to live.

Gao Dashan was more thoughtful, he didn't want A Yuan, so he just went looking for tea leaves, and he also took a look at the surrounding terrain to see where it was more suitable to spend the night.

As a result, the tea leaves were not found, but a place to stay overnight was found.

On the hillside of a mountain depression, surrounded by three sides, with an exit on one side, and backed by a stone wall, there happened to be a flat land in front of the stone wall, enough for fifty people to set up simple tents.

After Mo Yunshen told everyone to finish their work, he hunted some wild animals and venison for dinner. As for yams and the like, they can be easily found in the mountains, and it will be enough to find some more at that time.

The crowd scattered into the peach forest, and soon returned with a harvest. All kinds of pheasants, hares and the like, everyone can't miss it.

"There are so many wild animals in this big forest!"

"Yeah, I'm not afraid of people, just use your hands casually!"

"That's natural, don't even look where it is!"

Everyone chatted and laughed, and soon arrived at the place Gao Dashan found for the night.

Immediately, the prey was piled aside first, and the tree-cutting was divided into tree-cutting, vine-hunting vine-hunting, and vine-hunting vine-hunting, and thatch-hunting vine-hunting, and the tent was ready to be set up first.

The tents they set up were very simple, with a herringbone frame tied together in bundles, covered with leafy branches and broad plantain leaves, tied up with mountain vines, and it was done.

The inside is covered with thatch, covered with animal skins, and another animal skin is used as a quilt, and it is done.

Two people in one tent is not only for saving trouble, but more importantly, if two people are together, they can take care of each other in case something happens.

Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen followed suit and set up a tent for themselves.

However, it didn't get together with the big army. Instead, it went up to the top of the mountain for about 20 meters.

In Mo Yunshen's words, he and Mu Qingli played the role of sentry and surveillance on the periphery, so that if there is any trouble, they can be found immediately.

Seeing everyone's grateful eyes, hearing all kinds of praise and admiration, Mu Qingli just wanted to roll her eyes.

What sentry surveillance? At least half of the purpose is not the case.

This guy wants to make it easier for him to pounce!

After the simple tent was set up, some people went to collect firewood, some to deal with prey, and some to dig yams. Soon, dinner was made.

After dinner, Mo Yunshen asked someone to sprinkle a circle of anti-poisonous insects, poisonous snakes, mosquitoes and ants around the outside of the tent, telling everyone not to play for too long, and to rest early, and then pulled Mu Qingli to the upper tent.

As for the big tortoise and the big peacock, stay in the valley.

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