Mo Yunshen ordered everyone to sleep as much as possible, so that they could sprinkle medicine around them.

Spending the night in the big forest, without anti-snake and insect repellent drugs, it is impossible to sleep peacefully.

Gao Dashan and A Yuan slept on the edge, so it was convenient to take care of them.

The big tortoise and the big peacock also guarded two directions respectively, and they couldn't hide any movement from them.

Of course, Mo Yunshen would not stay with them, so he dragged his wife to find a hiding place so that it would be convenient for them to make out...

After coming out this trip, everyone finally understood why the village chief and the others were safe every time they entered and exited the big forest.

Follow them out, everyone can sleep very soundly at night.

Because they were thinking about the herd of deer and sheep that would come to drink water the next morning, everyone was very excited, and all of them got up one after another when the sky was bright.

Mo Yunshen held his wife in his arms and was a little reluctant to let go, and he had to get up when he heard A Yuan yelling "Brother Mo, Qingli!"

The crowd sneaked past. It was still a little early at this time, and the herd had not yet come to drink water, so they spread out and ambush in the bushes and grass.

The big peacock squatted high on the big tree, while the big tortoise lay lazily on the road, watching the movement around.

The big peacock suddenly called twice: I found an animal coming!

Everyone was excited for a moment, gearing up.

Soon, I heard rustling footsteps and yelling—it was a herd of deer.

Looking through the gaps in the bushes, there are about thirty or forty deer in this group. They are very fat, more than four feet long, with shiny brown-gray fur, and three or four forked horns on their heads.

The cry of the big peacock didn't panic the deer or anything, they still went to the water's edge to drink in a big way.

When they relaxed and drank water to their heart's content, Mo Yunshen gave an order, and the crowd rushed forward, shouting like wolves and tigers.

Entering the big forest, although picking peaches, how could it be possible without weapons? All of a sudden, spears, short bows and sticks came out, and rushed towards the herd of deer.

Mo Yunshen, Mu Qingli, Gao Dashan, and A Yuan took the lead.

When everyone saw the village head's daughter-in-law easily knocking over a deer with her fist, their hearts jumped and their movements froze.

Seeing is worse than hearing. Although they had all heard the rumors about Mu Qingli, what they saw with their own eyes was still extremely shocking.

Mu Qingli didn't care about these things, Xianxian punched again, and another deer fell down screaming.

Everyone woke up like a dream, and they were stimulated by her, and their blood was boiling, and they rushed forward with even more brave shouts.

With the addition of the two equally ferocious guys, the big turtle and the big peacock, the deer herd was almost killed in a short time, and only a very small number of them escaped.

The crowd counted and collected the trophies excitedly, and killed a total of thirty-two deer, all of which were fat adult deer.

The villagers have an unwritten rule in hunting, and they will basically let go of animals that have not grown up.

Although it can't be divided into one head, it's almost the same.

Going back along the way, and hunting some small animals such as pheasants and hares, the harvest is still very good.

Everyone was happily collecting their prey, when one suddenly trembled and shouted in horror: "Oh my god, snake! What a big snake!"

"Where! Where is it!"

Everyone was surprised and looked around.

When he saw the big boa constrictor almost as thick as a bucket winding slowly over from the big tree, spitting out blood-red letters, and staring at it coldly, he subconsciously took two steps back and his face turned pale.

This snake approached slowly in a coiled pattern, slowly descended the tree, and headed straight for the prey they had piled up.

It seems that they want to pick up ready-made cheap ones.

When it got down to the ground, everyone could clearly see that it was at least three feet long, and the black and white striped snake skin made people's scalps tingle.

"Here, what to do!"

"What else can I do? Don't hurry up! Could it be that it's free?" Mu Qingli scolded.

Mo Yunshen stopped the big tortoise and the big peacock who were about to rush up, glanced at everyone and said: "My wife is right, you are not too late, this is a good opportunity to experience!"

Gao Dashan also came to his senses, and said, "Yes, what are you afraid of with us around?"

Everyone thought so, especially after seeing the ferocity of Mu Qingli, the big turtle, and the big peacock, their confidence increased greatly.

So he raised his weapon and rushed towards the giant python shouting and killing.

After dealing with the ancestor of the giant boa constrictor with the thickness of a water tank, the size in front of them was nothing to Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen, and they were not worried at all.

The scene of fifty people picking up a snake was quite spectacular. They rushed up, beat with sticks, shot arrows, stabbed with spears, tried to grab the tail, and got up after being overturned by the python. It was very lively for a while.

As the saying goes, ants kill elephants, it is true. No matter how powerful this boa constrictor is, it will soon become overwhelmed by so many people's attacks.

The crowd became more and more courageous. When someone pierced a big hole in the tail of the python with a spear, the python went mad with severe pain. Although everyone was shocked, it was already At the end of the crossbow, he was pierced by spears one after another, his strength gradually weakened, and he was finally killed by fifty people.

Everyone cheered excitedly. Although there was a small skin injury, it was not worth mentioning.

Mu Qingli smiled and said: "It's all right now, with this big python, there is no need to hunt other prey anymore!"

Mo Yun smiled deeply: "That's right, it's enough to go back!"

Everyone put the herd of deer on the back of the big turtle one by one. As for the big python, they were a little worried.

Mu Qingli glanced at him, and said, "It's just me and Mo Yunshen dragging this guy back, you don't need to worry about it."

The snake's head was tied with vines, and it was dragged along easily.

Anyway, this giant python has rough skin and thick flesh, so it is not afraid of dragging...

Everyone: "..."

Someone silently wiped the sweat from his forehead, this, the village head is really good at it, when did he teach Qingli such a powerful kung fu.

They need seven or eight people to barely move this giant python, right? Fortunately, she dragged it away with one hand, as if dragging an insignificant branch, which was too shocking!

Mo Yun smiled deeply, and walked with Mu Qingli, sweating in his heart: lady, are you really okay for being so tough? Your self-esteem as a husband and a man was hit hard by you again, do you know that?

However, think about it, even if she is so powerful, isn't she begged for mercy by herself? Thinking of this, Mo Yunshen felt a little more confident as a man.

It was already evening when we returned to the village.

Mo Yunshen and the others didn't want it, so fifty people divided the prey.

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