Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 490: Building a Transit Station

As usual, it is distributed on the square in the middle of the village.

In addition to deer and giant pythons, there are also many pheasants and hares.

Nothing else, but this is the first time I've seen this giant python.

When the women saw each other for the first time, they all screamed in fright and turned their heads away to dare not look at them. The children and teenage men were so excited, they huffed and surrounded them, petted and pinched them, and even went to scratch the snake's head to see how rare it was. , There are also children who climbed on the giant python to ride.

Snake meat is a good thing, each of the fifty people was divided into a section, and Mu Qingli took the snake gallbladder away.

The remaining wild deer were divided into half by each person, and the surplus was handed over to village head Zhao according to the usual practice, and village head Zhao distributed it to the lonely elderly and needy households in the village.

The same goes for pheasants and hares.

Originally, it was supposed to be handed over to Mo Yunshen, the village chief, but Mo Yunshen still asked Village Chief Zhao to be responsible for these matters. After all, Village Chief Zhao was used to doing it, and he was fair and righteous.

No wonder the old man of the Jiang family wanted to be the village head!

The next day, Mu Sangu brought the dried tea leaves to Mu Qingli.

Mu Qingli sent two big baskets full of fresh tea, but Mu Sangu sent back only a small basket.

"That's how it ended up, and I don't know if it's broken or not, so I sent it over in a hurry!"

Mu Sangu said with a smile, a little nervous and nervous in her tone.

It was so dark, she tasted a bit, and it had a bitter taste, for fear that she would spoil this "tea".

Mu Qingli took a look, although this is not a famous tea, but it is genuine tea.

Although she is not a tea lover, this is the first time she has seen tea leaves after coming here for so long, she was also excited, she grabbed a handful, put it under her nose and sniffed it, and nodded with a smile on her face: "That's right. That's right, that's it!"

"That's good, that's good!" Mu Sangu felt relieved and laughed.

Mu Qingli asked about the third uncle's situation again, and asked her if there was anyone in the village who would dare to plot against the third uncle, the deputy village head, behind his back?

Mu Sangu shook her head, and smiled gratefully: "Last time, you calmed down all those people, and even the old Zhang's family became much more honest! I really didn't expect that Qingli, you are so powerful! Both Did Yun Shen teach you?"

Mu Qingli: "..."

Even if Mo Yunshen didn't want to take this blame, she still had to be thankful that he was there alone. Otherwise, how would she explain all the strange things that happened to her?

I can't even find anyone who is responsible for it!

"Well, he taught it! I found some unusual good things in the big forest for me to take..."

Mu Sangu was convinced, she repeatedly lamented her good luck, and smiled very gratifiedly, saying that she can feel relieved. He also told her to treat Mo Yunshen well...

Mu Qingli: "..."

Seeing that they followed Mo Yunshen and Mu Qingli into the big forest and came back with fruitful results every time, the villagers were very excited, and everyone wished it was their turn to go.

So this time, they wanted to go to the stronghold to build a foothold, and everyone was scrambling to go.

People came to ask every day, and Mu Qingli was so annoyed that she closed the door and began to organize the medicinal materials behind closed doors.

She hasn't sorted out the rare medicinal materials picked from the Medicine Valley yet.

These are all good things, and it takes a lot of time and energy to refine them, as well as various auxiliary medicinal materials. She plans to spend the winter at home before refining them.

It's already autumn, and Mo Yunshen discussed with the village elders, planning to build the stronghold in front of the wet forest first, and build the other two before the rainy season next year, and then we can set off after the rainy season next year.

This time, he and Mu Qingli brought Zhao Xiaobai, Lin Tusheng, Zhou Dali and others, and two escort teams.

Six hundred people are enough to build a house for a thousand people.

He took the big tortoise and left the big peacock for Gao Dashan and A Yuan.

In this way, if something happens, you can communicate in time.

In addition, fifty women were also brought along, responsible for making food and looking for food such as yam, wild taro, and kudzu root.

These foods have to be stored as soon as possible, otherwise what will they eat when they go to sea? You can't just eat fish and fruits!

So no food is trouble.

Even if a lot of potatoes, peanuts, corns, pumpkins, winter melons and radishes are planted in Yixiantian, even if they can plant another crop next year, it is better than nothing.

Gao Dashan and A Yuan continued to lead the people to practice. Seeing that it is late autumn, they can pick more fruits and make wine.

On a long voyage on a ship, wine is a good thing!

Although the wine they make is not the best wine, it can barely be called wine, but it is better than nothing.

Old Uncle Qin and his four carpenters have almost figured out the structural diagram of the big ship, and they are confident that they will be able to make the model before winter begins.

Village head Zhao and Zhang Zishan listened to Mo Yunshen's confession that everyone should make more wine, so they sent more people to pick all kinds of wild fruits.

Mu Qingli also said that it is more convenient to store wine in wooden barrels, so she asked the carpenter to rush to make wooden barrels...

For a while, everyone in the two villages was busy walking around.

Fortunately, this year, because the combat power of the guards has greatly increased, and Gao Dashan and the others are leading the way, hunting all kinds of prey has become much easier. Even the women are looking for wild vegetables, and the guards follow them into the big forest. There is no need to worry about food for the winter this year. .

It took almost a month for Mo Yunshen, Mu Qingli, Xiao Yaer, Zhao Xiaobai and others to lead the 650 people to the wet forest.

This is still without the burden of the old, weak and children, and there is no burden of luggage. It is fifty women who are selected to be the most able-bodied and able to work.

If you drag your family and walk with you, old and young, the length of time may have to be doubled.

The location for building the house was decided by Mo Yunshen and Village Chief Zhao during their trip, so it saved the search for a place.

In a wide valley on the left before entering the humid forest, there is a stream more than three meters wide flowing beside it, and the water source is not worrying.

After looking at the place, Mo Yunshen began to divide the work.

The defense must be strong, with wooden piles on three sides and a high wooden fence surrounded by densely packed branches as thick as arms to make a fence.

Numerous large stones were transported from the nearby mountains and piled up outside the fence. The soil between the stones was firmly rammed, and the height must be at least 1.5 meters.

Put the cut thorns and thorns on the top.

Set up obstacles on the outer periphery, dig some traps, set up some animal traps, trip ropes, etc., so it is almost as solid as gold.

As for the direction of the valley entrance, a gate is to be built, and the terrain is open. Once a group of wild beasts attack, most of them will choose this place, so a high wall is rammed with stones and soil, and two large wooden gates are made of thick wooden boards.

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