Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 801: The Envoy of Di Country

Zhao Ji hummed lightly, then turned his face away contemptuously. Only people from the Xi family have the face to say such things.

How dare he be upright.

Mr. Zhao said with a fake smile: "Young Master Xi, be safe and don't be impatient. It seems that no one has said anything about the young master, but the young master himself said it first. The young master wants to tell everyone that there is no silver three hundred here. Two?"

"What do you mean?" Young Master Xi's forehead was swollen with veins, and he glared at Master Zhao viciously from embarrassment.

Never expected that someone would dare to answer his words.

Zhao Ji stood in front of his father, glared at Young Master Xi with a long face, and said angrily, "What's your attitude! My father is also an elder after all, do you ever talk like that?"

Master Zhao pulled his son away, and wrote casually: "Young Master Xi has always been like this, you don't need to worry about it, Aji. Young Master Xi asked me what I meant, so I will inevitably explain a thing or two."

Mr. Zhao talked eloquently, starting from the grievances between the two families and the difficulties the Xi family made after entering Xihai City, and then matched the physical characteristics mentioned by those who set the fire one by one, and finally raised his face and said loudly: "I am here All the words are true, Young Master Xi has serious suspicions, please ask the prefect Lu to make a decision!"

"Old Mr. Zhao, say it again!" When did Young Master Xi get called a thief by pointing at his nose like this? In front of so many people, I was really about to explode my lungs.

"It's the same meaning if you say it again. If Young Master Xi says that your ears are not good, you can say it twice!"

Mr. Zhao stared at him with a cold look in his eyes, and said coldly, "You have serious suspicions. I dare to say this anytime!"

Did the Xi family and his son really think that the Zhao family would be afraid with the support of the Meng family? Let him be slaughtered without daring to resist?

If taking one step back, even two or three steps back, can bring peace and peace, Mr. Zhao swallowed his anger and was willing to endure it.

But he finally understood that the Xi family and his son would not let it go if they didn't swallow Zhao's whole mouthful. In this case, why should he bear it?

"You!" Young Master Xi said angrily: "Then our goods were also burned, and I have reason to suspect that you did it!"

Master Zhao laughed and mocked: "Young Master Xi is really forgetful. How did your goods get burned? Everyone in Xihai City knows that Young Master Xi doesn't know? Even if Young Master Xi wanted to frame you, he didn't open his eyes." You're talking nonsense! Or, Young Master Xi thinks that this yamen was opened by your Xi family, so you can do whatever you want?"

Mr. Zhao stopped talking to him, and instead bowed his hands to the prefect Lu and said solemnly: "Please, the prefect, please make decisions for the grassroots."

"It's up to the family to decide what to do!" Young Master Xi sneered disdainfully. Originally, there was going to be a discussion on whether the Zhao family and his son had set fire to their own goods, but since they were rushing to find shame in front of the prefect, he didn't say much, just looked at it.

The magistrate frowned, a little embarrassed.

Regardless of the previous situation, judging from the entanglement of grievances and grievances between the Xi's family and the Zhao family's alliance along the way, as well as the various open and secret struggles between the two companies after entering Xihai City, and the descriptions of those captured, the young master of the Xi's family The identity of being the number one suspect cannot be escaped.

If it was in the past, prefect Lu would have ordered the arrest.

After arresting him for the first trial, the result was clear.

However, Young Master Xi has the Meng family and His Highness Second Highness behind him, how do we arrest this person?

Lu Zhifu put on a paralyzed face and remained motionless, but his heart was entangled.

The nature of this matter is too bad and the impact is too great. It would be wrong if he gently let the prime suspect go without asking a single question—how many pairs of eyes are watching in Xihai City!

Wouldn't the prefect's credibility drop to freezing point? If something happens in the future, who will trust him?

This is Xihai City, which is different from other cities in Dazhou.

Doesn't Zhifu Lu secretly resent this young master in his heart for being unreliable in his work, and for setting fire to such a low-level person, who was actually caught doing it, isn't this intentionally embarrassing him?

Seeing him standing there with a sneer and confidence, Lu Zhifu felt even more aggrieved and panicked.

I don’t want to, at this moment, the envoy of Di Kingdom’s court came, and the visitor was filled with righteous indignation to fight for the injustice of Mr. Zhao and his party, expressing without any taboo that the people behind the scenes did not take their Di Kingdom seriously. Provocative, I beg Lu Zhifu to catch the real culprit!

It hints inside and out that if it is not convenient for the prefect Lu to take care of this matter, then it is the same for Di Guo to take care of it.

In short, it means that this matter must have a clear result.

Ever since the envoy from the Kingdom of Di appeared, Young Master Xi had a bad feeling. After listening to his words that sound reasonable on the surface but are aggressive and pressing every step of the way, Young Master Xi couldn't help it. Heartbroken.

"My lord, this is a matter of our Great Zhou. It seems inconvenient for your country to intervene, right?" Young Master Xi saw that Lu Zhifu's face wavered, his palms were sweating, and he quickly apologized with a smile.

The Di Kingdom envoy rolled his eyes at him with a cold snort, and said angrily: "Master Zhao is our partner, don't we have the right to intervene in this matter? Who are you? Are you an official of this place? Otherwise There is no place for you to interrupt!"

The prefect Lu was taken aback, hurriedly drank and retired the young master, and secretly scolded him for being troublesome.

Do you really think he is something? In Xihai City, even if he is facing the people of Di Kingdom, he has to be cautious and think carefully before he can say a word. Fortunately, he comes up with accusations!

It's not that he's wrong, but are those barbarians in Di country reasonable? Can you reason with them?

If the barbarian gets angry and kicks him to death, how can I explain to the Meng family?

Zhao Ji and others have long been displeased with the domineering and domineering Young Master Xi. Seeing him being squeezed face to face by the envoys of Di Kingdom and being reprimanded by the prefect Lu, they couldn't help but gloated and chuckled, which made Young Master Xi very angry, but dared not to be angry. Dare to speak.

But being disturbed by him like this, the prefect Lu also made up his mind, and smiled at the envoy of Di Kingdom: "Of course I will take care of this matter, I will definitely investigate it to the end, and give everyone an explanation! Otherwise, this Xihai City will not be chaotic. Set up!"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Young Master Xi, and immediately ordered the yamen servant to step forward and detain him as a suspect.

Young Master Xi was startled and angry, struggling and shouting desperately, and soon went away.

The Di Kingdom envoy was satisfied with this, and laughed loudly: "Prefect Lu is really efficient in his work. If this is the case, let's wait for the good news from Prefect Lu!"

Mr. Zhao, father and son were also very happy, and they all bowed their hands to express their thanks, and praised Zhifu Lu as the master of Qingtian. This made Lu Zhifu feel better.

The crowd dispersed for a while, and the two groups of people, of course, had two different moods.

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