Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 802 The farce in the East Palace

In the inn where the Zhao Family Alliance is located, everyone lamented the cruelty of the Xi family father and son, this time it was really a fluke.

Although everyone can't afford to offend the Xi family and his son, they have all been in business for so many years. Who is really a little sheep at the mercy of others?

This was all blatantly slapped on the face, and it would be a waste of life if I could bear it.

If he succeeds, that fire will completely destroy all their hard work on this trip!

This Xihai City is really not safe, and everyone is eager to return to their hearts for a moment.

If it is only to deal with Mr. Zhao and his party, the prefect Lu has a lot of solutions, but the envoys from the country of Di got involved, and this matter has already caused a lot of noise. If there is no real and clear result made public, it will definitely cause a lot of businessmen. dissatisfaction.

You must know that this place is located at the border, with a complex composition of people and tough folk customs, so every businessman from Dazhou who came here to do business is not trembling and fearful.

The higher the return, the higher the risk.

If the government is incapable of controlling such things, is it possible to do the same in the future if anyone dislikes others? Don't talk about burning goods, even killing people, is it possible?

The prefect Lu really hated the young master Xi to death. If he wanted to set fire to it, could he leave Xihai City? Why did he cause such a mess here!

Young Master Xi also hated Zhao's father and son to death, but at this time he was more afraid, begged the prefect Lu, and promised great benefits.

The prefect Lu knew that the Xi family was rich, but he never thought that the young master Xi would be so generous, so generous that he couldn't help being indifferent.

After the two of them made up their minds, Lu Zhifu secretly sent someone to invite Mr. Zhao to come to the back hall of the yamen to speak.

No one knew what they talked about. All in all, Young Master Xi was released in the end, and a manager of the Xi's firm who accompanied him was pushed out as a scapegoat.

Zhao Ji was indignant, saying that it was too cheap for that surname Xi! For such a despicable and insidious thing, it's over if you put out a steward to take the blame?

Mr. Zhao shook his head and sighed: "How else? He has the Second Highness and the Meng family behind him. The prefect Lu must not take his life, and neither can we. Selling favors to the prefect Lu, we will establish a It will be much more convenient to have a business name. Besides, at least those of us who came from the capital don’t know it well, hmph, the reputation of the Xi’s family is completely stink. Besides, our safety on the way back is guaranteed. This is better than anything else. If you have to fight to the death, it's hard to say how it will end in the end."

The steward had already been executed, and Young Master Xi was forced to agree that he would never think about going back to Beijing on this way.

For Mr. Zhao and his party, it was like taking a reassurance.

It is not easy for such a huge amount of goods to return to Beijing safely.

Zhao Ji listened, so he didn't say anything.

Besides, Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen returned to the capital quickly on the back of Da Mao.

The two landed in the other courtyard, and then returned to Beijing in a carriage.

It was just past three o'clock in the afternoon, and the two of them did not expect that there was a lively scene going on in the East Palace at this moment.

When the two entered the East Palace, Eunuch Xu, the chief manager, was running around in a hurry. When he saw the two masters coming in with a smile, he was so excited that he almost shed tears. You two are back!"

Zhou Yunshen couldn't help laughing: "What? Miss Biao made things difficult for you?"

"No! This - master - why did you say that?" Eunuch Xu was stunned.

Mu Qingli smiled "puchi" and said: "We are not here, you are the chief executive in this East Palace, you are the biggest, since Miss Biao didn't make things difficult for you, then why are you crying? Look at your old face, it is almost wrinkled into a bitter melon! "

Zhou Yunshen laughed loudly.

Eunuch Xu touched his bitter face, and said with a wry smile: "The two masters should stop making fun of the slaves. Someone from the Marquis of Long En came, uh, at Miss Biao's place, and said that she was going to take Miss Biao back."

The temperature dropped suddenly, and Zhou Yunshen's face, which was originally full of smiles, was instantly covered with ice. He stared at Eunuch Xu and said coldly, "You are the chief manager of the East Palace, you are doing well."

Eunuch Xu shivered and subconsciously bent over, and said with a bitter face: "Prince, is that a member of the Mo family, old slave—"

He was interrupted by Zhou Yunshen staring at him before he finished speaking, "A member of the Mo family? What kind of Mo family is he!"

Furious, Zhou Yunshen dragged Mu Qingli to the courtyard where Mo Xinyuan lived.

Mu Qingli glanced at him and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu is a servant after all. No matter what, Long Enhou is your cousin. He came to visit his own 'sister'. Mr. Xu can't stop him!"

Zhou Yun sighed softly, shook Mu Qingli's hand, and said sullenly: "Why don't I know? It's just that I can't control it for a while."

Mu Qingli didn't say anything anymore, she couldn't help but glanced at him, and couldn't help being a little curious about that Long Enhou: What a bad person he must be, to make Zhou Yunshen dislike him so much so?

You must know that this guy has always been in the city very deeply, and he is an out-and-out black-bellied and smiling tiger. She seems to have never seen him so out of control.

When they arrived at the courtyard where Mo Xinyuan lived, before they entered, they heard the roar of a man from inside.

"Mo Xinyuan, don't forget what your surname is! You are from the Mo family, so what's the point of living in the East Palace like this? It's not enough for people to gossip! You are shameless and I want shame! The Meng family can't control you, Don’t tell me that I, the older brother, can’t control you anymore? Even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes today, you have to go back with Lao Tzu!”

Mo Xinyuan was furious, and said angrily: "Who are you calling shameless? How can I be shameless when I live in my cousin's house? What gossip? Who said gossip? Come and listen to it!"

"Are you still reasonable? Do you really think that the East Palace can protect you forever? If you have the ability, you can stay here for the rest of your life. Otherwise, you'd better restrain yourself, otherwise it will fall into my hands in the future, and I want you to look good!"

A woman also said in an indifferent voice: "That's not it, aunt, the Mo family is your serious natal family. How can anyone live in your cousin's house? Now that you have grown up and are married, you can't follow It’s like before, at least you have to avoid suspicion! Aren’t you afraid that the Crown Princess will think too much? Not for your own reputation, but also for the Crown Prince’s reputation, right? And the reputation of your deceased parents in the Mo family, could it be that your aunt also Don't care about anything?"

"You—" Mo Xin fell backwards angrily.

Zhou Yunshen couldn't help being furious, he kicked open the door and strode in, his cold gaze swept them away, and he sneered, "If you dare to speak nonsense again, your tongues will be cut off!"

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