Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 803 The Responsive Long Enhou

"Cousin, cousin! You are finally back!" Mo Xinyuan rushed over with red eyes, and burst into tears in Mu Qingli's arms.

This is her "brother", the adopted "son" of the emperor for her parents, but which brother would talk to his sister like this in front of his face? Would you scold a girl for being shameless? Will even the parents who have passed away bite out and say?

Long Enhou and his wife Xu were taken aback, and were quite shocked by the icy chill that emanated from the crown prince's body.

Thinking that he is Long Enhou, who was appointed by the emperor, and he is still the cousin of the crown prince in name, even if he is the crown prince, how dare he do anything to himself?

Long Enhou subconsciously straightened his back as if he was courageous, with a smile on his long donkey face, and said: "It's just right that the prince is back, so let's not bother, and take the girl back first." -"

"Bold!" Mu Qingli raised her eyebrows suddenly, and scolded: "You are not polite when you see the Crown Prince and this Crown Princess?"

Long Enhou and Xu Shi were taken aback for a moment, they had to quickly bow and kneel to salute the prince.

"See Prince."

"Greetings to the prince."

Mu Qingli pursed her lips, and after seeing the couple for the first time, she couldn't bear to take a second look - she really couldn't bear to look at them, they looked too shabby.

This is Long Enhou, who is Mo Xinyuan's real brother in name, and he looks really unflattering.

With a long horse face, bulbous nose, and slender eyes, he stood there shyly and shyly, wanting appearance without appearance, wanting temperament without temperament, and just like that, the emperor gave him an embarrassing comfort. Under the name of Mo Xinyuan's parents, he became her "brother" of her own. No wonder Mo Xinyuan and Zhou Yunshen looked unhappy when they mentioned this Long Enhou.

It is better not to have such an heir.

And that Xu family, with high cheekbones, triangular eyes, thin lips, big mouth, and a high-pitched voice when he speaks, which makes people's eardrums feel extremely uncomfortable as if something has been scratched.

Mu Qingli couldn't help but cast a sympathetic glance at Zhou Yunshen, no wonder he was so angry when Director Xu mentioned Long Enhou.

In other words, how much the current emperor fears the Mohists.

It's okay to kill the whole family, but to adopt such a "son" to others, if you want to die, you will be afraid of others.

"Xinyuan, why are you still standing there stupidly? Why don't you hurry up and salute? How did I teach you? The face of the Mo family made you lose all face!" Long Enhou glared at Mo Xinyuan, his voice rough Angrily reprimanded, "Brother" put on airs completely.

Mrs. Xu said "Yo!" and looked at Mu Qingli with a smile and said sharply: "Crown Princess, please don't take it to heart. Xinyuan has always been spoiled by the Crown Prince. It's not a big deal. Small!"

Zhou Yun cast a cold glance at the two of them, it was a bit of an embarrassment.

What I wanted to say at first, but after hearing Xu's words, I had no choice but to hold back.

It is right to feel sorry for his cousin, but he is absolutely unwilling to make Mu Qingli feel the slightest bit of unhappiness.

He doesn't say this, but his wife won't ignore it

This damned Xu family is really not a thing!

Sure enough, Mu Qingli giggled, and said to Long Enhou: "Xinyuan is a girl, she is delicate, so there is no need to be polite! Long Enhou, you want to teach someone a lesson, so let's go back to your Long Enhou's mansion." , this is the East Palace, it's not your turn to yell."

Then he smiled at Mrs. Xu: "You tell me—don't take it to heart? Then what do you think I should take to heart? I said, to sow discord between me and the crown prince and Xinyuan in front of my face seems like Not so good? This is playing us fools? Don’t look at me and the prince’s face, you should also look at Xinyuan’s face. Is there a sister-in-law like you? No one else has said anything yet, you are a sister-in-law Instead, take the initiative to put the big hat on my sister-in-law's head!"

Mo Xinyuan couldn't help but burst out laughing, pulling Mu Qingli's sleeve and laughing, "My sister-in-law always speaks like this, she is also a relative after all, cousin, don't be as knowledgeable as her!"

Mu Qingli suddenly realized: "So that's the case! Forget it, the prince and I don't bother to argue with her!"

"Well, hee hee, thank you cousin!" Mo Xinyuan and Mu Qingli looked at each other and smiled.

Zhou Yunshen pursed his lips, feeling a little relieved at last. He knew that his wife would not let him down

Seeing that the two of them were very intimate, Xu could not help but feel secretly resentful in her heart as she looked more like an outsider in comparison.

However, Mu Qingli is the crown princess, and the Xu family can't and dare not do anything to her. Regardless of her status, this woman even dared to do something to Mrs. Meng, let alone herself?

Mrs. Xu glared at Mo Xinyuan, and said angrily: "You know I'm your sister-in-law, why don't you hurry home with us? Auntie won't only recognize the East Palace, and won't go back to Mo's house again? Then This is your home!"

Mo Xinyuan's body froze slightly, and she squeezed her palms hard, full of anger and unwillingness.

Family? That's right, the Mo Mansion is her home, but now these two so-called brothers and sisters-in-law have taken over the magpie's nest.

How can a mansion with them be a home?

Zhou Yun snorted coldly: "You two get out of here quickly, Xinyuan won't go back with you!"

Long Enhou and Xu's couple looked at each other with the same unwillingness in their hearts.

"Prince, isn't this appropriate? Xinyuan—"

"Didn't you hear what Gu said?" The prince stared at Long Enhou coldly. Before Long Enhou could finish his sentence, he stuck it in his throat, subconsciously shrank his neck, and looked timid , so that the prince could not help but feel even more disgusted when he saw it.

How can such a person deserve to be the son of the uncle? It was an insult to uncle!

Isn't the father afraid that the uncle's spirit in the sky will not be reconciled and come back to settle accounts with him?

"Prince, this is against the rules, Xinyuan must go back with me!"

Just when Zhou Yunshen and Mu Qingli thought that Long Enhou and his wife would leave in disgrace, Long Enhou suddenly rushed forward and stretched out his hand to pull Mo Xinyuan, shouting.

Mo Xinyuan was startled and exclaimed in a low voice. Mu Qingli was also very surprised, and subconsciously pulled Mo Xinyuan to the side to avoid Long Enhou's claws, and kicked her.

Long Enhou tried to grab it, but he screamed "Ah!" and fell heavily.

Mu Qingli gave him an annoyed look, and said in her heart that it's your fate. My aunt stepped back before she stepped towards the door to be sympathetic, otherwise you wouldn't even have a chance to scream.

Xu's face turned pale, and he yelled "Master Hou!" and rushed up to help Long Enhou.

Seeing this, Zhou Yunshen couldn't help being furious, and stared at Long Enhou coldly and sneered, "Okay, very good! Long Enhou, who gave you the courage? Huh?"

Long Enhou was trembling, and bit the bullet and said: "Please the crown prince to save some face for the Mo family, the minister's sister is married, please let the crown prince let her go home"

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