"That's right! That's right!" Zhou Yunshen gave the Long Enhou couple a cold look.

Mo Xinyuan didn't even bother to talk to them, and bowed to Zhou Yunshen and Mu Qingli with a smile, "Xinyuan thank you cousin and sister-in-law!"

Long Enhou and Xu's expressions were ugly, knowing that the crown prince would not give them any face, they finally shut up resentfully.

Anyway, as long as he gets the man back to the mansion, he has nothing to do with the rest. The prince can send as many people as he likes to follow.

Zhou Yunshen couldn't help but get angry after looking at these two people for a long time, and immediately said: "There is nothing else, you go back! Xinyuan, if you encounter any difficult things, remember to call someone to come and say, with my cousin here, don't worry about it. bully you!"

Long Enhou pretended not to hear such words, so what about the prince? He is Long Enhou who was canonized by the emperor, let alone the emperor is still here, even if the emperor is gone in the future, even if he succeeds to the throne smoothly, he still can't do anything to himself!

Mo Xinyuan nodded gratefully, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, cousin, I will. Cousin, cousin, I'll go first."

Zhou Yunshen nodded, and ordered someone to prepare a car to take Mo Xinyuan back to the Mo residence.

Long Enhou and Xu Shi didn't want to ride in the same car with Mo Xinyuan, they wished so much.

After they left, Zhou Yunshen hugged Mu Qingli tightly in his arms, buried his head in the crescent of her neck, and half enjoyed it, Fang sighed a long time.

Mu Qingli could feel the anger and unwillingness in his heart, but it was his father who created all this, what could he do?

"Leaving Xinyuan in the East Palace is safe, but it loses the opportunity to test them. It's better to let her go back to the Mo family. I believe that the Meng family will make some moves soon. At that time, we can play by ear. The matter will be settled forever."

Mu Qingli said.

People like the Meng family, who have suffered such a big loss in their own hands, will never admit the bad luck and swallow it, and will definitely try their best to get back the place.

Hehe, if you want to get back the position from her Mu Qingli, that is to die.

There is usually only one end to death, and that is death.

She is looking forward to how the Meng family will die.

Zhou Yunshen also calmed down at this moment, and he agreed with her actions very much. He nodded with a light smile and said "yes", held her face, bowed his head and kissed her lips.

Fortunately, he is not alone.

As soon as Mo Xinyuan left the East Palace, Mu Qingli became an idler again. Especially when Zhou Yunshen was busy with government affairs.

It was estimated that Mr. Zhao and his son and Mr. Xi would return to Beijing in about five or six days, so Mu Qingli decided to make a big deal.

The Xi family has always been too deceitful. Is it true that with the Meng family as a backer, they can be domineering, show off their power, and be invincible?

The fact that he dared to use the trick of setting fire again and again showed how insane he was.

It's completely a face of "even if you know that I set the fire, but what can you do with me?" It's really disgusting.

That night, after Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen rested in the East Palace, the two masters changed into night clothes, quietly climbed over the wall and left the East Palace, heading straight to the huge warehouse of the Xi family in the south of the city.

The hidden guard had already stepped on the spot in advance, and the two of them followed the map to find a clue, and soon arrived at the place.

Although there are a few people guarding the warehouse, such small roles are not counted at all to Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen.

Easily dodging the dozing watchman, the two sneaked into the warehouse.

The Xi family is worthy of being the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River and a great imperial merchant who has risen in Beijing in recent years. In the huge warehouse, there are a variety of goods, which are piled to the brim.

Brocade silk and fine Gebu of the upper and lower grades, various consumables for daily necessities; grain depots full of rice and wheat; wine cellars with countless fine wines

Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen walked through the warehouses one by one, taking away nearly two-thirds of almost every kind of goods.

Mu Qingli used it very skillfully, hollowing it out from the inside, unless she came in to check, otherwise she just glanced at the door, and she would never find anything.

And there have never been any accidents in this warehouse on weekdays, who would come in to check for no reason?

Imagining how the Xi family would come in and see the situation when the goods needed to be shipped, Mu Qingli laughed unkindly.

The two of them were so busy that it was getting dark, and then they quietly returned to the East Palace.

It was said that it was silent, but the hidden guards hiding in the dark part of the East Palace could clearly see the two people entering and leaving.

The hidden guards are at a loss: the prince and the princess really know how to play

After they changed their clothes, they talked for a while and said that Zhou Yunshen was going to court.

After he left, Mu Qingli hugged the quilt and fell asleep contentedly.

It was already noon when I woke up, and the serving maid reported that the crown prince was left in the palace for lunch by the emperor, and that he had other things to do in the afternoon, so he might not be able to come back for a while, so he invited the crown prince to have lunch by himself.

Mu Qingli just replied lazily with the three words "Got it".

The emperor liked to stay with Zhou Yunshen for lunch, and Mu Qingli was already used to it.

She once joked half-jokingly that his father seemed to like him very much and treated him very solemnly.

Zhou Yunshen just smiled mockingly at this, and said with a faint smile that it was all due to Phoenix's glory.

Well, to be exact, it's a big peacock.

His father never gave up on looking for "Phoenix". He would ask him about Phoenix twice out of the three stays.

Yinfeng Terrace is already under construction, and Father Huang personally took the design drawings and asked him for his opinion, saying that Phoenix would like it after it was built?

How did he know if Phoenix would like it? He has never seen Phoenix!

Mu Qingli ate something casually and left the palace.

The dark guards only stepped on the warehouse, and haven't visited pawn shops, gold and silver jewelry shops, and antique and curio shops yet.

Gold and silver jewelry shops and antique curio shops do not have independent warehouses because the goods they sell are precious and the quantity is not large. in the shop.

Now that the warehouse has been raided, there is no reason to let go of the more valuable gold and silver treasures, isn't it?

Mu Qingli planned to go to Xi's largest gold and silver jewelry store and antique curio shop to check out, and then go to sweep it tonight.

The warehouse has already taken action, if this side does not hurry up, once the other side is exposed, the guard here will definitely be strengthened, and the risk will be more than 10% higher if you want to start again.

I don't know whether Mu Qingli's luck is good or bad. When she was picking out jewelry in the largest gold and silver jewelry shop of Xi's family, she unexpectedly met Aunt Xi again.

Because she was going to the jewelry store, Mu Qingli didn't change into men's clothes when she went out today.

Not only did he not change into men's clothing, but he also deliberately dressed up.

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