The violet skirt worn by Mu Qingli looks ordinary, but those who know the goods can recognize that it is made of grape brocades worth thousands of dollars.

The black oily hair was casually pulled into a simple bun, and the jasper hairpin on the bun was made by a famous artist, and it was priceless.

Similarly, it is also something that is low-key, luxurious and has connotations. Most people can't see it, but shopkeepers and big guys in places like Xi's Jewelry Store can definitely recognize it.

Sure enough, as soon as Mu Qingli entered the store, the shopkeeper and the shopkeeper who were good at observing words and expressions in the store only looked at her calmly, and there was a little awe in their eyes. neglect.

Of course, there is no excessive enthusiasm and flattery.

In the capital city, there are people who show off their power by relying on their wealth and status, and are domineering. Similarly, there are also people who are obviously rich and powerful but deliberately keep a low profile.

In the eyes of the shopkeeper and the shop assistants, Mu Qingli is the latter.

Since the distinguished guests deliberately wanted to keep a low profile, they naturally wouldn't expose it ignorantly, so they didn't deliberately flatter them.

The shop of Xi's shop is very spacious, with two floors in total, and Mu Qingli is on the second floor at the moment.

There are all kinds of gold and silver jewellery, gemstones, pearls and emeralds in the shop. Whether it is a single piece or a complete set of headdresses, all of them are exquisite in workmanship and novel in style. The weather can also be seen.

It was mid-afternoon at the moment, there were not many people in the shop, and the shop seemed a bit empty.

But this is just right, Mu Qingli can watch as much as he wants, and it will be much more convenient to come back in the middle of the night.

Seeing her looking at each piece of jewelry with picky eyes, the big guys who were waiting on the side were not surprised, but rather happy: the real good products are all seen in the back hall, and it seems that they will be made again today A big deal.

So, I got more energy and introduced it with a smile on the sidelines.

Mu Qingli originally planned to take a look around and then go to the back hall to see the high-quality goods. Unexpectedly, at this time, the Aunt Xi who had met in Lingshan Temple came.

On that day, Mu Qingli was dressed as a man, and she put on a little makeup. It was impossible for Aunt Xi to recognize who she was—if she did, she would naturally know that she was the princess, and she would not find fault.

Mu Qingli can only say that the Xi family and the Meng family are born to be at odds with her, so Aunt Xi can find her bad luck, which shows that she is indeed born to be the prince's wife.

Aunt Xi was punished and frightened at Lingshan Temple, she was reprimanded by her husband after returning home, and she recovered after a long rest. Today is the first day to go out after recovering.

She made an appointment with Long Enhou's wife, Mrs. Xu, to meet at the nearby Qingzhuxuan. It was still early, and before Mrs. Xu arrived, she went to her family's jewelry shop to see if there were any good things that caught her eye.

Aunt Xi likes Diancui jewelry inlaid with rubies and pearls the most. When she came in, Mu Qingli happened to be in front of the Diancui jewelry table, playing with a colorful hairpin inlaid with rubies and pearls. I took a fancy to it.

Seeing the Diancui hairpin in her eyes being played with by a plainly dressed woman, Aunt Xi was a little unhappy, and couldn't help frowning and glaring at Mu Qingli.

She didn't recognize Mu Qingli, but it doesn't mean that Mu Qingli didn't recognize her either!

In fact, as soon as she came in, Mu Qingli recognized her.

She was about to seek the bad luck of the Xi family so that she could build her own business empire. Seeing Aunt Xi who was so annoying, even if Aunt Xi didn't come to provoke her, she wanted to provoke her. Since Aunt Xi took the initiative to stare at her, Of course she was even more impolite.

Before Mu Qingli could say anything, Aunt Xi sent a girl to come forward and said proudly: "If you don't want to buy this hairpin, please put it down, our aunt wants it!"

Seeing the bad luck that Aunt Xi had found a guest as soon as she arrived, the big guy couldn't help but secretly complained, and quickly winked at the other guy, signaling to invite the shopkeeper.

Unexpectedly, the guy just went to call for someone, and Aunt Xi got into trouble.

The big man hurriedly stepped forward to accompany him with a smile: "Auntie, why don't you invite me to sit in the back hall?"

Aunt Xi snorted softly, but looked straight at Mu Qingli, which meant that she was waiting for her reply.

Mu Qingli pretended not to see Aunt Xi, looked at the maid who was as proud as a peacock from head to toe with disdainful eyes, raised her eyebrows and said: "Grandma? Concubine! A small concubine can buy Let’s talk about something from the second floor of Xi’s jewelry store? This hairpin inlaid with emerald jewels will cost two thousand taels of silver, and it can buy several concubines!”

"What did you say!" Mu Qingli's words almost made Aunt Xi's motherly nose smoke.

Before the maid could say anything, Aunt Xi rushed over and pushed her away, glared at Mu Qingli and sneered, "What are you, you dare to humiliate me like this! This is our Xi's shop, no People like you are welcome, get out of here!"

"So you are the concubine of the Xi family?" Mu Qingli chuckled.

"You—" Aunt Xi almost got smoke from her nose, staring at Mu Qingli, choking so hard that she didn't know what to say.

Seeing this, the big man secretly complained, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and came up, and persuaded with a smile: "Madam, please be merciful, this Aunt Xi is the daughter of our master, and our Aunt Xi is from the Meng family—"

"It turned out to be the married daughter of the Xi family! Oh no, being a concubine should not be said to be married. What is it called? It turned out to be the daughter of the Xi family who became a concubine for others! There is no one who is the head of her natal family, let alone a concubine? Tsk tsk, what is the rule of your Xi family, a girl who was given to another family as a concubine, actually ran back to her natal shop to find trouble with customers——ah, I I don't seem to know you? I haven't even met you, and you're picking on me, isn't it too much? This is how the Xi family does business?"

Mu Qingli's voice was filled with a bit of aggrieved anger, subconsciously raised a few degrees, and all of a sudden, five or six customers who were looking at jewelry in the shop, together with their maids and wives, gathered around to watch the fun.

Aunt Xi is out of luck today, at this moment, all the people looking at jewelry on the second floor are the wife of the wife.

The wife and the concubine are natural enemies, and everyone looked at Aunt Xi with a bit of hostility in their eyes, so they couldn't help whispering.

Aunt Xi was angry and resentful, she was used to things going smoothly, but she suffered a big somersault in Lingshan Temple. She wanted to relax and relax when she went out today, but she didn't want to, but she ran into such a bad thing again. How can I not be angry if I look at myself like this?

"What about the concubine? The empress's mother's family is also something you can talk about? I want to see who has the courage to leave a name card today, and tomorrow I will ask each family for advice, and I want to see who looks down on the Meng family!"

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