Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 807 Dig a pit and bury it yourself

The wives were stunned for a moment, and some people realized it later and whispered: "Yes, it's the Meng family! Isn't the empress also from the Meng family? Could it be?"

The others also remembered it, and they all looked a little uncomfortable for a while.

Xi's jewelry store is the main store in the capital, located in the most prosperous area, and it is also one of the three top jewelry shops in the capital.

On weekdays, it is natural that there are countless rich and powerful wives who visit this shop, but when the high-ranking and powerful go to this shop, they usually go directly to the VIP room in the back hall, or simply in their own homes, order a steward to come over and let the shopkeeper bring good goods to the door .

Other than the "low-key" ones like Mu Qingli, those who strolled in this shop were some families who could not be regarded as first-class dignitaries.

Aunt Xi knows this well, so there is no need to be merciless when scolding these wives—even if they are wives from an official family? Compared with the Meng family, it's nothing!

My father and brother are the money bags of the Meng family, and I don't know how much money they have donated to the Meng family over the years. For the sake of the father and brother, the young master will definitely not blame himself for such a trivial matter.

Otherwise, if it were any other aunt, she might have ended up dead for offending the crown prince that time at Lingshan Temple, but she was just reprimanded.

As expected, these ladies did not dare to offend Aunt Xi, even though they were angry and angry at being taunted by such an aunt face to face, they did not dare to say a word, but their faces were red and white with anger.

"Hmph!" Aunt Xi glanced at these red and white faces, and finally felt a little relieved, and her eyes became more and more sharp.

What about the wife? In front of her, the aunt of the Meng family, she wouldn't even dare to fart!

The shopkeeper finally arrived. Hearing the clerk present briefly explain what had happened in the distance, he couldn't help but frowned and gave Mu Qingli a secret look.

As the head of the Xi's Jewelry Headquarters Store, he naturally saw Mu Qingli's low-key and luxurious attire at a glance, and then recalled what the clerk relayed just now, although his aunt's attitude was a bit domineering, but the lady It is obvious that she is a provocative person. Who is she? What do you want to do by deliberately provoking trouble?

Thinking about this in his heart, he glanced at the crowd gathered in a circle over there, the shopkeeper thought about it, and decided not to go there for the time being, just take a look first.

Aunt Xi saw that no one dared to point out her since she was out of identity, so she gave Mu Qingli a hard look, and said with a sneer, "Kneel down and kowtow three times for me, and slap your mouth ten times, for the sake of just now If you don’t want to apologize, today’s matter will be over, otherwise, hum!”

The wives who were watching were relieved when they saw this. Fortunately, fortunately, the aunt of the Meng family did not make things difficult for him.

Since it's not against me, it's okay to watch the show on the sidelines.

Even if this is the capital city at the foot of the emperor, it is not common to see lively scenes like this.

Mu Qingli looked at Aunt Xi like a fool, and blinked innocently: "Aren't you out of your mind? Why should I apologize? Did I say something wrong? You are a concubine. Isn’t the concubine of the Meng family not a concubine? Can a concubine of the Meng family be domineering and domineering? What’s the reason? Or, let’s go to the Yamen of Shuntian Prefecture? Please judge by the magistrate?”

The wives couldn't help being startled, gasped, and looked at Mu Qingli in surprise. They really didn't understand how such a woman in ordinary clothes dared to make such comments about the Meng family.

Either she was too young to be impulsive and ignored her; or the husband at home had a favorite concubine and neglected her, so that over the years, he hated all the concubines because of love and hatred.

But, this is a concubine of the Meng family, and also from the Xi family, can this be compared to concubines of ordinary people? It's not wise to go up against her.

"You!" Aunt Xi's lungs were almost blown out by Mu Qingli's words, her chest heaved and she stared at Mu Qingli fiercely, her eyes wishing to burst into flames.

Mu Qingli was playing with the Diancui hairpin in her hand, with a slight smile on her lips, she glanced at Aunt Xi and said with a leisurely smile: "Am I wrong? Or, your Xi family—oh no, or The shop of Xi’s family is not opened for business, but to find fault with customers? I was in a good mood today, and I came in to pick out some good things. A servant girl came over and said that she liked the hairpin in my hand, and asked me to put it down and give it to her. Well, if this is the case, why do you put it up for sale? Why don’t you give everything to this honorable concubine’s aunt of the Meng family first? After a while, sell the rest, so that no one will rob you in the future!"

Aunt Xi was about to be pissed off by Mu Qingli. She didn't know why there was such a hateful woman in the world. Without even thinking about it, she sneered bitterly and said, "So what? I'll pick and choose first next time! This is me. In Xi’s shop, I have the final say on whether or not to sell things to you! I’m still going to order the emerald green hairpin in your hand today!”

Mu Qingli sighed regretfully when she heard the words, and sighed: "Oh, that's such a pity! I can't come to this shop again in the future! Although the concubines in Meng's mansion are different from those in other mansions, they are the same after all. Concubine, a concubine picks up the leftovers and then it's the ladies' turn to buy them, well, I don't know what other people think, anyway, no matter how good the things are, I feel like I'll feel sick when I use them!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the ladies suddenly looked a little uneasy. You looked at me and I looked at you, with disgust and displeasure in their eyes.

They really didn't dare to provoke Aunt Xi in person, but when they came to this shop in the future, the things they bought were all left over by a concubine, so they really didn't want to respond.

"Don't misinterpret my words with nonsense! When did I say that?" Aunt Xi suddenly came to her senses.

The shopkeeper over there couldn't help but secretly groaning, if these words were spread, would anyone still come to this jewelry shop in the future?

Among the wives and ladies of the rich and powerful families in the capital, which one is not arrogant? The things purchased are not only required to be of good quality, new and unique in style, but also often required to be unique.

Others pick and choose the rest, who will buy it?

The shopkeeper came over hurriedly and said with a smile: "Madam, you misunderstood! Aunt Xi didn't mean that, Aunt Xi was just a joke out of anger! Every year, the jewelry made for Aunt Xi in the shop is customized separately. The ones sold in China and other channels are two different things, please don’t get me wrong, don’t get me wrong.”

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