Yesterday, when Mo Xinyuan returned to the Meng Mansion, the hidden guards reported everything that happened in the Meng Mansion to the Crown Prince and Princess Concubine in the evening.

Zhou Yunshen laughed loudly when he heard that, and said with a smile: "I told you that Xinyuan was not a bully since she was a child! Okay, okay, this is her nature! It finally made me feel better!"

As she spoke, she sighed with great distress and pity: "It's no wonder that she has lived so aggrieved these years, without the protection of her mother's family, and without being alone, she is a weak girl all alone, what can she do except forbearance?"

Mu Qingli nodded and said with a smile: "But she's not bad, she always believed that you would come back, and she finally made it through."

People are different. Although Mo Xinyuan bears the title of Miss Hou's Mansion, she is indeed alone and has no backing. Before Zhou Yunshen comes back, she has no way to resist.

She doesn't have the ability of Mu Qingli, she can despise everything.

Zhou Yun smiled deeply, obviously thought of her together all of a sudden, and said with a smile: "She is not you, if my wife were in her position, I am afraid that the capital city would have been turned upside down."

Mu Qingli herself laughed "Puchi!", but it is really possible.

Now that Mo Xinyuan was not bullied when she returned to Meng's house, but instead sternly threatened and avenged her, Zhou Yunshen and Mu Qingli felt relieved.

Waiting for her and Li to return with peace of mind.

Meng Fujun's man, Zhou Yunshen, knows best. Although he is insidious and despicable, with the support of Empress Meng and His Highness the Second Highness, he is very courageous behind his back and dares to do anything bad.

But at the same time, he is also very timid.

Once something threatens him and he is sure that he cannot resist, he has always been very sensible and will not come hard.

Sure enough, the next morning, Mo Xinyuan came to the East Palace.

Zhou Yunshen went down to the court to deliberately postpone all summons from the bureaucrats, and made a special trip to wait for her return.

"Xinyuan, congratulations! You will be free from now on!"

When Zhou Yunshen said these words with a smile, Mo Xinyuan was so excited that she almost couldn't hold back and threw herself into his arms like when she was a child.

Instead of jumping at him, she turned around and rushed towards Mu Qingli, hugging Mu Qingli tightly while smiling and nodding with sobs: "Cousin, cousin, I really feel like a dream! It's really like a dream. "

Mu Qingli was a little bit dumbfounded by her.

Except for the best friend of Shennongtang and Zhou Yunshen in modern times, she is not used to having such intimate actions with people.

When Mo Xinyuan rushed over, she almost punched her out with a subconscious instinctive reaction.

Fortunately, he regained his composure and restrained himself, but his body was still stiff. After a while, Fang patted Mo Xinyuan's back lightly twice, and forced a smile: "It's not a dream, but don't be too happy too early, the Mo family is still alive now." It's not yours."

Seeing that Mo Xinyuan rushed over to hug his wife, no matter how big or small, Zhou Yunshen felt a little apprehensive. Hearing Mu Qingli hit her unceremoniously, Zhou Yunshen couldn't help but smile, stepped forward and pulled Mo Xinyuan away, and said with a smile : "Your cousin is right, you still have a lot to do, don't be too happy!"

Although the cousin is a woman, but holding his wife like this, he still feels awkward in his heart, no matter how you look at it, it is not pleasing to the eye.

Mo Xinyuan was so shocked by his couple that she immediately collapsed: "Cousin, cousin, you can't make me happy!"

All three of them laughed for a moment.

"After all, Mo Mansion is your home. After lunch, your cousin will take you back. Yuegui and Yuemei will still stay by your side to serve you, and you will bring two nuns back." Zhou Yunshen said again.

Mo Xinyuan nodded, "I'll listen to my cousin!"

The Mo Mansion was originally her home, so why did she not go back when it was given to outsiders?

"One more thing, I'm afraid I need to ask my cousin and sister-in-law for help." Mo Xinyuan took a sip of tea and said, "My dowry is still in the Meng Mansion!"

Heli is reconciled, but the Meng family has no intention of returning the dowry to her at all.

She didn't want the matter of reconciliation to be complicated, so she didn't mention it at that time.

Let's take He Li's book and leave the Meng Mansion first.

Anyway, I have a dowry list in my hand, and the Meng family cannot afford to let this matter go.

Mu Qingli's eyes lit up, and she said with a smile: "Don't worry, wrap it on me."

Asking for debts is what she likes to do most!

Especially go to Meng's house to ask for debts.

"Then Xinyuan thanked my cousin first!" Mo Xinyuan smiled all over her face, and gave the dowry list to Mu Qingli very readily.

Mu Qingli flipped through the thick dowry book in surprise. Not only were there many things, but they were all good things, many of which were of the highest quality.

Moreover, the dowry gold and silver alone reached three thousand taels of gold and ten thousand taels of silver.

Even ordinary Hou's and Bo's houses can't afford a dowry of three thousand gold and ten thousand silver to marry a daughter, not to mention that this is just an inconspicuous part of it.

But Mo Xinyuan sneered, and said lightly: "My brother came here to curry favor with the Meng family, and he was lending my hand to benefit the Meng family. This is all the wealth accumulated by my parents, grandpa, uncle, and the like. He sent half of it to the Meng family in one fell swoop! Secondly, he is inviting the hearts of the Mo family’s disciples and former officials, and he is also doing it for the emperor and the world to see how good his ‘brother’ treats me!”

At that time, the whole capital was praising him!

So far, Mo Xinyuan is still full of anger and unwillingness when she mentions it. She gritted her teeth and said, "What's wrong with him? Before, the poor were almost starved to death, and he inherited everything from my Mo family. Isn't it right to send me any dowry when I get married?" Divided? You have the face to be praised by others!"

Mu Qingli said with a smile: "Sooner or later, all of this will be yours, and it will just be in his hands. When the dowry is in hand, you will have a huge amount of money in your hands, and you will have the capital to fight against him in Mofu."

Mo Xinyuan smiled and said: "At that time, I will have to ask my cousin and sister-in-law for help! I can't take care of the dowry by myself. It's a pity to put it in my hands for nothing!"

Over the years, the Mo family's shops and villages no longer have the people her parents and grandparents used. Even if she has money, no one will take care of her at all.

After all, it is not so easy to find a trustworthy shopkeeper and manager who is capable and trustworthy--the hearts of the people are far away!

Zhou Yunshen looked at Mu Qingli, and said with a smile: "Your cousin is good at this matter, just let her help when the time comes."

Mo Xinyuan immediately looked at Mu Qingli dog-leggedly: "Biao sister-in-law."

Mu Qingli twitched the corner of her mouth, is she good? Could Zhou Yunshen be a little more reliable? She doesn't know how to do business or how to recruit people, she just acts as a shopkeeper.

Zhou Yunshen seemed to understand what she was thinking, approached her and smiled softly: "My lady, don't be like this. Although my wife is not good at it, she has a good eye for people, isn't she? Whether it is Deng Yunji or the Zhao family father and son, it is the lady who is looking for you." here?"

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