Mu Qingli's eyes lit up, so she just let Zhao's father and son take care of Mo Xinyuan's dowry? No matter whether they do it by themselves or hire someone else, she doesn't need to worry about it. She is still the chic hands-off shopkeeper?

"Okay, then I'll do what I can!" Mu Qingli laughed.

"Thank you cousin!" Mo Xinyuan was very happy.

After lunch, Mo Xinyuan went back to the Mo House.

Accompanied by the maids of the East Palace, Long Enhou and his wife did not dare to be rude to Mo Xinyuan at all.

Long Enhou still had the handle firmly in Zhou Yunshen's hands. It would be fine if Zhou Yunshen didn't come to provoke him. How could he dare to provoke Mo Xinyuan and provoke Zhou Yunshen's anger?

As for Mrs. Xu, yesterday Mo Xinyuan went into a rage and taught Aunt Xi a lesson. Mrs. Xu's memory is still fresh, and she dare not provoke her at this moment.

Anyway, she lives in her own yard, and everyone treats them as strangers and lives in peace.

The servants in the mansion are used to meeting with wind and wind, although they are all from Long Enhou and the Xu family, they have always taken pleasure in bullying Mo Xinyuan.

But seeing that the two masters didn't show anything, who would dare to mess around?

Who doesn't know that the crown prince has returned to Beijing!

This made Xu very depressed: That little bitch Mo Xinyuan was abandoned and returned, shouldn't she cry and dare not see anyone? Why can't she go in front of her to show off her power and sneer at her?

She was fine, she swaggered into the mansion, ordered the kitchen to eat this and that without any politeness, and let her open the warehouse to get things in a big way, it was simply too hateful!

However, Long Enhou told her not to provoke this woman easily, and as long as it was not too much, she would give her whatever she wanted.

Mrs. Xu is called depressed.

What made Xu even more depressed was that the Crown Princess came early the next morning.

At that time, Mrs. Xu was still eating breakfast unhurriedly, and she was so frightened that she almost choked when she heard this!

He hastily drank two sips of tea to swallow the food stuck in his throat, hurriedly asked someone to come in, and at the same time sent his confidant to find Long Enhou to inform him.

The princess is here, there will definitely be no good things

Of course, there is no good thing for Mu Qingli to come to the Xu family. If there is any good thing to come to Long Enhou's mansion, it must be to find Mo Xinyuan.

"Cousin-in-law, Xinyuan has escaped the sea of ​​suffering and returned to her mother's house. From now on, you will need to care and take care of her. You and Long Enhou are her elder brother and sister-in-law. The crown prince and I are very relieved!"

Xu reluctantly laughed along: "Prince Princess is serious, Xinyuan is our sister, we will naturally take care of her."

But he rolled his eyes in his heart, thinking that this princess is so shameless, she dares to say anything without being ashamed to panic. No wonder Lord Hou said that she was as cunning as the prince, but there was no truth in her mouth.

Also, what does it mean to be free from the sea of ​​suffering? The Meng family is such a good family, how many people want to get in but can't get in, why has it become a sea of ​​suffering?

Is it really so great when she becomes a princess herself? Really, with her background, she doesn't even want to be a maidservant to the Meng family.

"Well, you have a heart, the prince and I know it!" Mu Qingli smiled kindly and gratifiedly, and said with a smile: "Now there is something to be decided for Xinyuan, so my cousin will go with me Let's go to Meng Mansion!"

Xu was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Didn't Xinyuan be divorced—uh, and divorced? What are you going to do in the Meng Mansion? This—isn't that good?"

"Of course I won't go for other things, but Xinyuan's dowry must come back!" Mu Qingli didn't bother to talk to her, and said with a smile: "The dowry list is still with me, it would be cheaper for the Meng family not to come back." Now? Since Young Master Meng has reconciled with Xinyuan, he is a big man, and the Meng family is a respectable family, so it is embarrassing to take the reputation of dowry and dowry from his wife to be a joke, right? I am also doing it for their own good. Cousin sister-in-law, let me go! I have other things to do, it’s better to do this sooner! The crown prince is also waiting for the result!"

"That, that's fine, I'll change clothes, and I'll be here." Xu could only bite the bullet and agree.

But Mu Qingli pulled her away, and said with a smile: "I think the clothes on my cousin are very new and beautiful, so don't bother me so much! Is the Meng family so shallow-sighted? If you don't change clothes, you won't recognize your cousin." Is my sister-in-law Mrs. Hou? If you delay a major event and the crown prince blames it, who can afford it? Will my cousin take it?"

Not giving Xu a chance to refuse at all, Mu Qingli could not help but drag her away, and got into her carriage together.

Xu yelled "Ai ai", and was dragged away by Mu Qingli just like that, before he even had time to explain to the maids, he got into the carriage and left the house.

Xu's expression was anxious and unhappy, as well as distraught.

dowry? That's not a dowry for that dead girl, it's a gift for the Meng family!

This was something both sides knew and agreed with tacitly at the beginning, but now they want to get the dowry back. Isn't this a slap in the face of the Meng family?

How does the Meng family think of Lord Hou?

However, the Crown Princess dragged her away after she finished speaking, and she had no chance to be reported to the Meng Mansion.

The carriage was brisk, and soon arrived at the Meng Mansion.

Although Mu Qingli did not put on the guard of honor of the princess this time, she was accompanied by the guards and maids of the Eastern Palace. The guards showed the token of the Eastern Palace arrogantly. How could the people at the door dare to neglect? He quickly greeted him respectfully, and at the same time sent people to report to the old lady.

It just so happened that Master Meng was also in the mansion today, and the couple heard that the Crown Princess and Mrs. Long Enhou came together, and almost suspected that there was something wrong with their ears.

Although those two were not enemies, they were not friends either, so why did they get together?

"Please come in quickly!" Master Meng got up while talking, and said lightly: "After all, she is the princess, and the lady treats her well."

As for him, of course he doesn't bother to see any princesses.

Hearing that the woman was extremely rude and ignorant of etiquette, it would be better for him not to see her.

Otherwise, if she did something dumbfounding again, he wouldn't know what to do as a man.

Mrs. Meng sneered, and said lightly: "Master, don't worry, I don't believe she can find the flowers! Now that our Meng family has married the Mo family, she'd better be more polite, otherwise, hum!"

Mrs. Meng greeted her with a smile on her daughter-in-law Mrs. Zhang, and Mu Qingli and Mrs. Xu also smiled and were very kind.

It was as if nothing unpleasant had ever happened.

However, what makes Mrs. Meng feel strange is why the Crown Princess smiles calmly, while Xu's face is so stiff?

Is it the other way around?

After sitting down in the hall and exchanging a few words of pleasantries, when Mu Qingli opened her mouth, Mrs. Meng knew that there was no retaliation.

Hearing that Mu Qingli came to ask for the dowry for Mo Xinyuan, Mrs. Meng got stuck in her throat and couldn't get up or down.

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