Hearing that Mu Qingli came to ask for the dowry for Mo Xinyuan, Mrs. Meng got stuck in her throat and couldn't get up or down.

I just felt that the smile on the Crown Princess's face was too dazzling, and when I raised my eyelids, two eyes stared at Xu Shi coldly.

This dowry is just in the name of dowry, not the real dowry, so why should Mo Xinyuan go back?

Mo family, what does this mean? Let her do this?

Mrs. Xu was already complaining in her heart, but after being stared at by Mrs. Meng, she was even more restless.

Mrs. Zhang blinked, and couldn't help laughing: "Dowry? Sister-in-law—oh, Mrs. Mo has never mentioned this matter before, why did you remember this again? She didn't say anything herself, the princess—— "

Mrs. Xu hurriedly said: "That's not it, I also feel puzzled! Xinran didn't mention the dowry to me after returning home, isn't it a bit too much for the Crown Princess to take care of this matter?"

Mu Qingli smiled and said to Mrs. Meng: "Does Mrs. Meng think so too?"

Mu Qingli didn't find it strange that the Meng family refused to give it.

After all, this dowry is not a small sum.

Who would be willing to spit out the meat after eating it!

Mrs. Meng was a little ashamed and annoyed by her look, coughed and said lightly: "Mr. Mo doesn't know how to take care of the dowry. After she got married, she handed over the dowry to me and let me take care of it. To be honest, the princess doesn't like to hear Yes, if I hadn't been in charge, I'm afraid her dowry would have been ruined long ago, and those Zhuangzi shops would have been ruined by others, not to mention making money, I'm afraid I don't know how much they have to fill in every year It’s a loss! She didn’t mention this when we left, and I thought she was a sensible person, knowing that if the dowry was in her hands, there would be nothing left, so I didn’t have the face to mention it. The concubine is here on a special trip!"

Mrs. Zhang also agreed with a smile, and counted how many examples to prove how corrupt Mo Xinyuan's dowry would be if she managed it herself. The reason why it is not ruined now is because Mrs. Meng took care of it.

Besides, doesn't Mo Xinyuan have to spend on food and clothing for all these years in the Meng Mansion? Where is there any dowry left?

Mu Qingli was not annoyed, she just smiled and said: "I don't study much, so don't lie to me. I have never heard that the food and clothing expenses of a woman married in her husband's family should be deducted from the dowry! Or, Is this the rule of the Meng family? I'll ask the prince when I get back!"

"Princess, don't get me wrong. Who said that the Meng family has such a rule? The crown princess pinned this on the Meng family, and the Meng family will not recognize it!" Mrs. Meng said in a panic, and cast a reproachful glance. Mrs. Zhang took a look.

You clearly know that the Crown Princess is not kind, so why not be more careful when speaking in front of her? Tell her to grasp the handle, turn around and start talking nonsense outside, where will the Meng family's face be put?

"So I misunderstood! Thanks to Mrs. Meng's explanation, otherwise I would have misunderstood!" Mu Qingli smiled, and said again: "Then, will the Meng family pay back the dowry, or not?"

Mrs. Meng remained silent with a sullen face, and stared at Mrs. Xu.

Xu had no choice but to bite the bullet and forced a smile: "Crown Princess, Xinyuan has never mentioned to me the matter of asking for a dowry, so it can be seen that she knows it well in her heart. It's better not to mention it."

"But she mentioned it to me and the prince!" Mu Qingli smiled very kindly, showing her unprecedented upbringing, and she almost wrote "I am a good person, I am really reasonable" on his forehead. , smiled and said: "After all, she and the prince are like brothers and sisters. When she got excited yesterday, she told us first, and said that this matter is up to me and the prince. When the Meng family comes to ask for money, call your sister-in-law, after all, you are a sister-in-law!"

After that, Mu Qingli looked at Mrs. Meng and smiled and said, "What Mrs. Meng said is actually quite reasonable. After all, I have helped take care of it for so many years. Well, I will report to the prince and ask the prince to order someone to check the market price. , will definitely pay Mrs. Meng a corresponding reward, and will definitely not let Mrs. Meng suffer!"

"You—" Mrs. Meng's nose was almost twisted in anger, and she said angrily, "When did I say I want to be paid?"

Do you need to be paid for helping your daughter-in-law with her dowry? The princess wanted to embarrass the Meng family!

"Ah, I misunderstood again!" Mu Qingli suddenly realized: "If you don't want it, it would be better! Then there is nothing to say about this matter. I have the dowry list here. The princes of those shops The Lord has already sent someone to collect the account books, and the profits are considerable. We will do whatever we want! Don't worry, Mrs. Meng, we will never let the Meng family suffer!"

Mrs. Meng was so angry that she was almost speechless.

Listening to what the Crown Princess means, not only do you have to return everything in the dowry, but you don't even lose the income from Zhuangzi and the shop in the past few years?

Mu Qingli raised her eyebrows and sneered slightly: Who told you to look so ugly? How to eat it, tell me how to spit it out!

It would be fine if you treated Xinyuan better these years, but you shouldn't have taken advantage of her and trampled her into the mud. You are the ones who want to take advantage of everything!

There is nothing so cheap in the world.

"Princess, don't go too far!" Mrs. Meng said angrily, "Do you really think our Meng family is easy to bully?"

"Where!" Mu Qingli said with a smile: "The Meng family has the support of the empress, even for the sake of the empress, they dare not bully the Meng family. Besides, isn't it natural to ask for a dowry? I read Little, I understand this truth! If you have the heart, you don’t need to be asked by your natal family, and you will take the initiative to give it to me. Is it possible that this natal family has come to the door, but you still want to occupy it with shamelessness?"


Mrs. Meng was trembling all over, and her anger was blowing out of the sky.

After living for so much of her life, no one has dared to use such words to describe her in front of her face! If the woman in front of her is not the princess, she must pull out her skin!

"Prince Princess is serious. We should discuss everything carefully. You have to wait for the future to see each other, right?" Mrs. Meng took two deep breaths, tried to suppress her anger, and smiled: "I'm not too sure about this matter. Clearly, when Fu Lin comes back, I have to ask him to find out. I am also a little tired right now, so I will not entertain the Crown Princess, please come back first, how about giving the Crown Princess an explanation tomorrow?"

Mu Qingli didn't expect to come here to solve everything at once. Although she is a princess, she also has a reason, and she has no reason to forcefully rob the Meng family's warehouse.

The Meng family refused to let go, and it didn't matter to give them time.

"Okay, if that's the case, I'll come back tomorrow." Mu Qingli stood up very happily, and said with a smile: "But Mrs. Meng, I took a step back today, but I have left a thread. I hope Mrs. Meng can give me a tomorrow." A simple answer. If I don't want the dowry tomorrow, I won't come, and the dowry list will be handed over to the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion, which will save me a lot of trouble!"

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