Mrs. Meng, Xu's and others all changed their expressions.

"Then how can I do it!" Xu hurriedly said: "What face does Xin Yuan have to face people now? Long Enhou's mansion has no face!"

Mu Qingli said innocently: "If you can't reach an agreement, what should you do if you don't ask the government to come forward? Could it be possible to ask the empress or the emperor to worry about such a trivial matter? It's not that the Long Enhou Mansion and Xinyuan have nothing to do with it. Li, what are you afraid of?"

Xu was angry——

Mrs. Meng snorted coldly: "Don't worry, the Crown Princess, I will definitely give the Crown Princess an answer to this matter tomorrow!"

"That's that, the Meng family is rich and powerful, and it's not the kind of people who live off their daughter-in-law's dowry. How can you be greedy for such a little thing, ha ha!"

Mrs. Meng turned her head away and stopped talking.

Saying one more word to this princess will shorten her life by a few months, so it's better not to say anything.

Mu Qingli laughed, and said with a smile: "Cousin, let's go first."

Mrs. Zhang hurriedly smiled and said: "I think there are two things that I need to discuss with Mrs. Long Enhou. The princess please go first."

Xu's face was tense, and she squeezed out an ugly smile, so she had to stay.

Mu Qingli was not interested in caring about their dog-eating dogs behind their backs, so she didn't say much at the moment, nodded "Oh" and left.

As soon as Mu Qingli left, Mrs. Meng and Mrs. Zhang were not so polite to Mrs. Xu.

Mrs. Meng took all the anger she received from Mu Qingli on Xu's body, and called Xu's scolding a dog blood sprayer.

Mrs. Xu, who was scolding, stood up unknowingly, and stood there with her head down, listening to the scolding and not daring to sit down.

After venting enough, Mrs. Meng took a deep breath and said coldly, "What are you going to do about this matter?"

Xu stammered and said: "The Crown Princess arrived at Long Enhou's mansion early in the morning, grabbed me and came over. I'm afraid the Marquis doesn't know about this matter."

"What! You—" Mrs. Meng had nowhere to vent her anger.

"You know what happened to the dowry back then, you should go back and discuss it with Long Enhou first! Tell Long Enhou to come over later." Madam Meng said sullenly.

As soon as the dowry was brought in, it went straight into the warehouse of the Meng Mansion. At that time, nine out of ten people believed that it was impossible for Zhou Yunshen to come back alive. Who would be afraid of Mo Xinyuan?

Said it was her dowry, but she never even glanced at it.

But using her name to justify the transfer of the property of the Mo family to the Meng family.

After entering the Meng family's warehouse, it was the Meng family's stuff, and now thinking of returning it to her, not to mention that Mr. Meng and Mr. Meng Fu would be furious, even Mrs. Meng felt very distressed.

Mrs. Xu hastily agreed, and hurriedly left in despair.

She is also wronged, what does this have to do with her? Why is she the one being scolded.

Hurry up and tell Hou Ye, let Hou Ye have a headache.

Mrs. Meng didn't stop, she went to find Mr. Meng and talked about it.

Master Meng's expression also changed, and Ban Xiang didn't speak.

When Meng Fujun came back and heard about this matter, he was also filled with anger and scolded Mo Xinyuan for being too shameless!

Wasn't it great luck for her to be able to marry into the Meng family? Otherwise, under the hands of Long Enhou and his wife, even if she does not die, she might be married into some terrible family by them!

With Long Enhou's kind of communication, what kind of high-class people can you know? As for Mo Xinyuan, who has no father, no mother, and no one to rely on, who would be willing to marry her?

Maybe at that time, for the sake of money, Long Enhou may marry her into a merchant.

In that situation, she can still marry herself and become the first wife of the Meng family. What is there to be dissatisfied with?

She would throw face at herself when she got married, and even dare to ask for a dowry after He Li.

Of course, no one in the Meng family is willing to give it.

But when he thought of Zhou Yunshen and Mu Qingli's prince and concubine, he lost all temper in an instant.

do not give? Will the prince agree?

What will the shameless princess do?

"The Crown Princess will come back tomorrow, let's discuss it with her," Master Meng said in a deep voice, "They have their own reasons for this matter, and the dowry has to be given."

Meng Fujun sneered: "Father, do you think they really dare to make trouble at the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion?"

Master Meng glanced at him, and said indifferently: "This matter has nothing to do with the East Palace. What do you think Mo Xinyuan, a woman who has been divorced by her husband's family, can have any face? Why doesn't she dare?"

At that time, once she handed over the pleadings, she would not be involved in the East Palace at all, and it would only be the Meng Mansion and the Long Enhou Mansion who would be laughed at.

But can Mo Xinyuan care?

Now that she is protected by the prince, Long Enhou and his wife can't control her at all, otherwise these things would never have happened.

Glancing at his frustrated son, Master Meng said again: "You are confused, this dowry has entered Long Enhou's mansion, can it be that Long Enhou has nothing to do with it?"

Meng Fujun's eyes lit up, he smiled happily and said, "It's not that they are confused, it's because my father is right."

The dowry returned to Long Enhou's mansion and fell into Long Enhou's hands. Will it be left to Long Enhou's disposal?

Just send them over quietly.

It's just a circle outside.

So the mansion counted Mo Xinyuan's dowry overnight, and the nuns in charge worked all night before they managed to sort it out.

According to the dowry list, only about half of it was found, and the remaining half had already been sold and spent.

The next day, Mu Qingli and Mrs. Xu came back, and Mrs. Meng and Meng Fujun received them.

The nurse in charge handed over the checked list to Mu Qingli, and Mrs. Meng coughed and said with a smile: "Everything is ready, it's all on this list, the princess will take the ready-made ones away first, next time." The rest has been used up, the Crown Princess will see if she wants to get the things back, or convert them into silver?"

Mu Qingli smiled and said: "How can it be so easy to get back the used things intact? If I ask so, wouldn't it be a bit too forceful?"

Mu Qingli said, "I'm very reasonable and considerate", and said with a smile, "It's better to convert it into silver, so that it will be convenient for everyone! The prince had expected this, so today he specially asked me to bring two accountants. Come here. It’s too early for this matter, after all, everyone’s time is limited, right? Why waste it on this?”

Meng Fujun finally realized how his mother felt yesterday, his chest was full of anger, and he sneered, "What is the meaning of the crown princess? Do you think that after today, my Meng family will refuse to accept it, and will not give it?"

"No, no!" Mu Qingli smiled and said, "How could this be? I told you, it's early and good morning! You are free, but I am not free either! Besides, it is only your accountant who estimates this kind of thing. Forget it, it’s not fair, is it? I don’t read much, and I don’t understand anything, so I can’t just say what you say!”

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