Could she still complain?

"I, I, Chen Qie, Chen Qie immediately asked someone to release Xinyuan. No, no, Chen Qie will pick her up personally, Chen Qie will go in person"

Mrs. Xu kept praying in her heart to Mantian Gods, Buddhas, and Bodhisattvas, as long as she didn't beat her up like Lord Hou, she would agree to anything, really anything!

"Biao sister-in-law is really a smart person," Mu Qingli said with a smile: "In this way, the prince and I are really relieved. Didn't I tell my cousin? The prince and I entrusted Xinyuan to my cousin Now, cousin sister-in-law must take good care of her!"

"Okay, okay." Mrs. Xu nodded repeatedly, and her beating heart gradually calmed down.

As for the unconscious Long Enhou lying on the ground, how could she care about it now?

"It's really unbearable that such a regrettable thing happened in the Hou's house. Well, since that's the case, I won't bother my cousin, she should deal with the serious business first! By the way," Mu Qingli suddenly He approached Mrs. Xu again, and said in a low voice with a smile: "I am very measured in my actions. There is no problem with Long Enhou's life. My cousin should take good care of him. Don't let him die, otherwise, But I can’t tell.”

It's best for Long Enhou to hang himself half-dead, but he can't die, it would be troublesome to die.

The Xu family may not have the courage to kill him, but it is guaranteed that the Meng family will not do it.

When Xu heard this, her whole body trembled, and she nodded in agreement.

She understood what Mu Qingli meant. If Long Enhou died, then she would be in bad luck too. Donggong will not let her go.

Mu Qingli was very satisfied, and said with a smile: "Oh, there is a family ugliness that should not be publicized, right? How should this matter be said to the outside world, my cousin also understands it? If there are any different opinions spread—"

"No, no, no! Absolutely not!" Xu shook his head like a rattle, wishing to swear that he would never tell the truth, no matter to whom.

Mu Qingli smiled and said: "I trust my cousin very much, I hope my cousin will not let me down!"

Mu Qingli didn't see Mo Xinyuan's face, and left with a smile.

Mrs. Xu couldn't bear it any longer, she clutched her chest and gasped for breath, and only after a while did she yell loudly, "Come here!", and asked someone to carry Long Enhou back to the bedroom, crying and calling for the doctor.

It's just that Master Hou was accidentally tripped and fell, and unfortunately knocked.

Most people don't believe this, but no one knows what happened at that time, so naturally what Madam said was what she said.

After the doctor came to see him, he frowned and said that Master Hou was seriously injured, he had to stay in bed and rest well, the medicine could be used, and he should be recuperated first, but it is hard to say when he will recover.

However, it is not harmful to life.

Hearing these words, Xu's heart suddenly became turbulent, and he was even more frightened. He didn't dare to doubt a word of Mu Qingli's words.

The Crown Princess is. Terrible.

After paying the reward and sending the doctor away, Xu Shi thought of Mo Xinyuan, and was terrified, hurriedly went to the ancestral hall in person, and politely invited Mo Xinyuan out.

Mo Xinyuan saw that this sister-in-law, who was usually shy of her but always ignored her answers and basically regarded herself as a transparent person, suddenly became polite to her. There seemed to be a little cautiousness in this politeness. To please, Mo Xinyuan was puzzled.

But she didn't think too much about it, she didn't need to ask, she knew that the reason why her sister-in-law was like this must be someone from the East Palace.

My cousin and sister-in-law really treat me very well! It feels really good to have a backing.

When Mo Xinyuan returned to her yard, Yuemei heaved a sigh of relief, she didn't dare to hide anything, and told her everything that happened last night.

Mo Xinyuan was shocked and angry, and immediately went to Long Enhou to argue.

In the middle of the night, he climbed over the wall and wanted to steal something—he was lucky to be able to figure it out!

In addition to being angry, Mo Xinyuan broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, fortunately, Yuemei was clever yesterday, otherwise, wouldn't the dowry that her cousin worked so hard to get back for her just come out of the tiger's den and into the wolf's mouth?

Isn't it a waste of work!

Seeing this, Yuemei hurriedly stopped her, and said with a smile: "If Miss Biao came out earlier, it would be fine to go to Long Enhou to settle the score, but there is no need to go at this time, and it is useless to go."

Mo Xinyuan sneered angrily: "But he left the mansion? Huh, even if he left the mansion, I will go to Mrs. Xu first. It is impossible for Mrs. Xu not to get involved in this kind of thing! When he comes back, we will Find him again!"

With the backing of her cousin and sister-in-law, if she still bears being bullied to this point, it really can't be justified!

"It would be great if Long Enhou could get out of the mansion right now!" Yuemei gloated and said that he was broken by a wrestling and could no longer move.

This matter has already been spread in the Hou's mansion, so there is no need for her to inquire about it deliberately.

"." Mo Xinyuan opened her eyes wide and dumbstruck, staring at Yuemei with half-belief.

It's not that she doesn't believe it, but - isn't this thing too outrageous? Why did things take such a sudden turn for the worse?

Yuemei "Puchi!" smiled, and said with a meaningful smile: "The Crown Princess is here today."

Mo Xinyuan suddenly realized, and also gloated and said with a gleeful smile: "This is the Skynet. It's not leaking. He is also unlucky. He can fall while walking, and he falls so badly! Hey, no matter what, he is also my 'brother', Such a big thing has happened, I have to go and see for myself no matter what!"

It was only then that Mo Xinyuan realized that it was no wonder Xu's attitude towards her was so strange just now, it was probably because she was frightened by her cousin.

Yuemei, Yuegui and the others were eager to watch the fun, so Qiqi said yes at the moment, and accompanied Mo Xinyuan over there.

Seeing her, Mrs. Xu was like a frightened bird, and greeted her with a panicked smile, how dare she say no?

Seeing Long Enhou lying there unable to move or speak, Mo Xinyuan was relieved.

In this way, she can finally live a peaceful life for a few days.

In the East Palace, Zhou Yunshen was anxiously waiting for news.

He swears that if his wife suffers even a little bit of grievance in that Long Enhou Mansion, then don't blame him for not being sympathetic. Damn guy meal.

While waiting anxiously, Mu Qingli finally came back.

Zhou Yun breathed a sigh of relief, embraced her and asked softly, "How is it? You have been wronged and bullied? Are you angry?"

Mu Qingli "Puchi!" smiled, and said with a smile: "You look down on me too much, do you think I am the kind who is willing to be wronged and angry?"

Zhou Yunshen sneered, and said: "Of course my lady won't suffer, but if they dare to be disrespectful, speak disrespectfully, or have a disrespectful attitude, in my eyes it means that my lady has been wronged and bullied, and I must go to the theory!"

Mu Qingli told him to smile coaxingly with a few words, and immediately told him the matter with a smile.

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