Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 835: The Truth Is the Truth

Mu Qingli told him to smile coaxingly with a few words, and immediately told him the matter with a smile.

Zhou Yunshen: "."

Rao, he never imagined that his wife would be so—well, so—

Mu Qingli smiled and said: "I don't bother to talk to such a person, simple and rough is the best, the effect is immediate, right?"

"Yes!" Zhou Yunshen laughed loudly, and said with a smile: "After all, you are a lady, and only you can think of and do such a simple method!"

Mu Qingli rubbed her nose and said angrily, "This won't cause any trouble, will it?"

Zhou Yunshen was extremely happy in his heart, and without thinking, he sneered and said, "He walks without eyes, falls by himself, who is to blame?"

Hearing what he said was serious, Mu Qingli couldn't help being happy, and said with a smile: "Now you feel at ease?"

Zhou Yunshen stared at her with a warm smile in his eyes, hugged her and lowered his head to kiss her: "Thank you, lady!"

After they were intimate for a while, Zhou Yunshen told her that in two days at most, Mr. Zhao and his son should return to the capital.

The harvest this time was very rich, and they bought a large number of high-quality goods at the most suitable price. After returning to Beijing to process all the goods, the profits were also very rich.

But in comparison, Young Master Xi's group of people are extremely shabby.

Because almost all the goods were destroyed in the fire, although I managed to scrape together some money to buy a few truckloads of goods, they were all very bad things.

Both the quality and the quantity are not on the table, and this trip is destined to be a loss.

There are dozens of other companies in the two parties who went together this time. Once they come back, what happened there will definitely be publicized. At that time, the Xi family will suffer a greater blow and lose their vitality even more.

"Even if the Xi family's vitality is seriously injured, the foundation is still there. If the dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, you have to be on guard. At that time, you remind the Zhao family and his son that it is better to hand over all the goods belonging to the Zhao family's business to your management. You still have more money in the income space." convenient."

Mu Qingli nodded and said with a smile: "Without the support of the Meng family, the Xi family and his son would not be able to compete with the Zhao family. Now that the Zhao family has you and me behind them, it can be seen that they are sure to win. I will remind them then! If the Xi family wants to die early, I will help them."

Zhou Yun smiled fondly, "As long as you are happy!"

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Long Enhou had an accident, and the Meng Mansion knew about it not long after.

What walking and wrestling caused unfortunate consequences? Meng Fujun and his son did not believe such words at all. It was not too late, the Crown Princess had just been to Long Enhou's mansion, and this kind of thing happened to Long Enhou, wouldn't it be strange?

Although it was because of Mo Xinyuan that the dispute was caused, and Long Enhou was in a tragedy when he got excited - but this kind of statement still cannot be believed by Meng Fujun and his son.

The Meng Mansion specially sent the old lady to the Long Enhou Mansion to ask Mrs. Xu.

Xu thought of the smiling face of the Crown Princess, and the soft-spoken warning, how dare she reveal a word to someone?

He insisted that Long Enhou really fell by himself.

The old nanny asked a few more questions, and Xu burst into tears in a hurry, sobbing so sadly.

Just kidding, her surname is not Meng. If this is really told to the Meng family, and the Crown Princess takes care of her later, can the Meng family still protect her?

It made the nanny helpless, so she had to go back and answer.

The Meng family was furious, so Mrs. Zhang simply went to Long Enhou's mansion in person, appeased Mrs. Xu in a good voice, interrogated the truth, and said that the Meng mansion just wanted to know the truth so that it would be convenient to formulate the next strategy, and had no other intentions. .

It was a matter of life, Xu's nerves were always tense, and he insisted that he would not change his mind.

Mrs. Zhang was furious, and if she could not be soft, she would be tough, her face darkened, and she questioned her with a stern tone.

Straightforwardly asked Xu: "Did the Crown Princess do something?"

"No! Really not!" Xu objected without the slightest hesitation, covering his face and crying.

Crying over and over again

This made Mrs. Zhang lose her temper, so she had to give up and leave angrily.

The Meng family still didn't believe it, but lost track of it.

When Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen got the news, they thought to themselves that this person finally got acquainted with him. Sure enough, some people just remember to beat him.

Clean up severely and be honest.

The Meng family sent people to Long Enhou's mansion twice in one day, and it was clear that they were not in a good mood.

Zhou Yunshen was unhappy, and Mu Qingli was also unhappy, so he sent someone to the Meng House to ask for debts, and reminded the Meng family: She still has the IOU in her hand!

The faces of the Meng family were extremely ugly.

An angry Mrs. Meng scolded bitterly: "I have never seen a little bitch who can't be seen for money. Such a big incident happened to my cousin's house. I still remember this little money, and I can't get it out of the money!"

Meng Fujun was also desperate. Thinking of Long Enhou's current situation, Mo Xinyuan might not be able to get her dowry—not only would she not be able to get it, but she would have to give it so much.

What about three million silver, where should he go?

With a dark face, he ordered the accountant in the house to count the gold and silver utensils. After a rough estimate, several boxes of things were only worth about two million.

I gave hundreds of thousands yesterday, and now there is still a difference of four or five million——

It's not that there are no good things in the warehouse, it's just that they are all rewards from the palace, or gifts with logos from other families, how can they be used to pay off debts?

For example, a top-quality agarwood screen with sixteen top-quality double-sided embroidered screens, with pictures of ladies and beauties embroidered on one side and broken branches and flowers on the other side, are all embroidered with paintings by famous masters, embroidered by the most famous top embroiderers in Suzhou.

Just this one thing is worth at least one hundred thousand silver.

But it was rewarded by the empress on the old man's birthday last year. Can it be mortgaged?

When the time comes, it won't be enough for people to laugh at it!

Meng Fujun had no choice but to go to the Xi family again.

Mr. Xi is suffering. The Xi family has been hit one after another. This time, the news that the young master Xi was defeated in Xihai City and returned home with a huge loss has also come back—the shell of the Xi family is still there, but it has already hurt his tendons. It's broken.

At this moment, Meng Fujun asked for half a million yuan, where should he go?

Meng Fujun said very understandingly: "It doesn't matter if you don't get the money, I know you have some problems with the cash flow at the moment, and it's the same with other things, as long as the value is 500,000, it doesn't matter what."

Mr. Xi had no choice but to order someone to open the storeroom and order a batch of curios, and then sent Meng Fujun away.

Master Xi was not reconciled, so he challenged Meng Fujun again, saying that the Zhao family had gained a lot from this trip, at least ten times the profit, and if they sold all the goods in their hands, they would definitely get millions of silver.

Meng Fujun who said it was very moved, with a look of sternness in his eyes, he sneered and said: "Give the Zhao family one last chance, if they don't know what is good and what is bad, and they don't want to eat a toast, then be prepared to eat a fine wine!"

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