Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 836 Returning to the capital

Only then did Master Xi feel a little better, and quickly responded.

Meng Fujun didn't want to see Mu Qingli's face again at all, and wished to end this matter early. Not wanting to wait for a moment, the next morning, he called the housekeeper and two accountants to deliver all the things to Long Enhou's mansion, and sent someone to the East Palace to inform him, asking for an IOU.

Mu Qingli immediately drove to Long Enhou's mansion, also took the accountant, looked at the boxes full of local things, and said with a smile: "There are too many of these things, who knows if there are any fakes in them? Of course, the Meng family is rich and powerful, so they don’t bother to deceive people with fakes, but it’s possible to accidentally misread them when buying them! These things have to be inspected one by one by my people.”

How dare the butler of the Meng Mansion argue with her? I had no choice but to squeeze out a smile to accompany the smile and say yes, and let her people inspect the goods one by one.

Mrs. Xu came over to greet the princess tremblingly, stood with him for a while, then laughed and said that there were still housework to be done in the mansion, and left quickly.

This is a killing god, let alone provoke her, if she stays in front of her for a while, she will feel her legs and feet go weak, and her back will be sweating coldly.

It’s true that these things are good things and very attractive, but no matter how good things are, they have to be enjoyed by life.

The crown princess took it personally, and taught her a very vivid lesson in front of her, making her understand how ridiculous and unworthy her greedy calculations were.

Every time I looked at Long Enhou, who was lying motionless and speechless, this cognition became more profound.

She has already figured it out, she is a woman, and it is better than anything else to be able to live a stable life.

Whether the crown prince ascends the throne or the Second Highness ascends the throne, no one will make things difficult for her like a woman, right? After all, she can't get in the way of anyone, can she?

Therefore, Xu secretly hoped that it would be best for Long Enhou not to recover, and it would be best to just lie down like this for the rest of his life.

Anyway, there are plenty of servants in the mansion, so the marquis's salary every year, plus the mansion's income and family wealth, is enough for her to live affluently.

Therefore, intentionally or unintentionally, Mrs. Xu withheld one-third of the decoction given to Long Enhou by her, hoping to hang him in such a level manner, at least until the dust of the throne was settled.

There are so many things, it took a full day to count them all.

Sure enough, the people from the East Palace picked out a dozen of inappropriate items, the housekeeper of the Meng Mansion had no choice but to swallow his anger and take them back to report to his master.

After the master vented his anger and cursing, he found a few more to make up for.

By the time everything was loaded into the inverted room at the back of Mo Xinyuan's yard, it was almost dark.

Mo Xinyuan smiled, pulled Mu Qingli's arm and said with a smile: "I don't feel at ease with these things piled up here. Cousin, if you are free these two days, come over and take them away! If cousin needs money , I will give it to my cousin! How to use it and how to use it, you don’t need to tell me. And those shops, Zhuangzi, are the same.”

Mu Qingli was a little surprised, this is a property worth several million, and Xiao Nizi just opened her mouth to promise it?

"Let's talk about it in a few days! Now unless there is someone who is not afraid of death in this mansion, no one dares to touch your things. You put your heart in your stomach and just sleep soundly at night!" Mu Qingli laughed.

Mo Xinyuan smiled and nodded.

After returning to the East Palace, Mu Qingli mentioned this matter to Zhou Yunshen. Zhou Yunshen didn't feel any surprise, and said with a smile: "Xinyuan has been like this since she was a child. She has never cared about money and has no other hobbies. Her favorite is Nest in the house to sleep, and after enough sleep, go to the garden to plant flowers and grass, and then make some snacks with your own hands, and you will be satisfied. Since she said so, find a time to get everything back later!"

Anyway, now that she has them to rely on, she won't suffer any more grievances. Keeping the extra money with her is not only not a guarantee, but may bring disaster.

Mu Qingli smiled and said: "Since this is the case, let's all move to the East Palace tomorrow, and I will store some in the space. Mr. Zhao and his son should be back in these two days, and they will take care of the shop by then. It’s justifiable.”

Mu Qingli has been thinking about how to turn the relationship with the Zhao family from dark to clear, and it's not easy to do it abruptly.

Now is a good opportunity.

Mo Xinyuan has four shops and two Zhuangzi, one big and one small, and the big one has 3,000 mu of fertile land.

Added up, it can be regarded as a group of industries that are not too big or small, and they are handed over to the Zhao family to take care of them. Although the relationship with the Zhao family has been made public, it will not appear that the relationship is too close.

It has nothing to do with Donggong directly.

This is exactly what Mu Qingli hoped for.

The next day, most of the things were removed from Long Enhou's mansion, and Mo Xinyuan picked out dozens of things she liked and kept them for viewing. She also kept one hundred thousand taels of silver notes, and moved the rest to the East Palace. up.

For fear that the Meng family would not know, Mu Qingli deliberately let someone try to inform Meng Fujun, and almost vomited blood in Meng Fujun's anger.

The prince was obviously not such a shameless person before, but after marrying a shameless princess, he became so shameless!

Taking the money from the Meng family and turning it around to deal with the Meng family is really shameless!

Immediately, Meng Fujun sent someone to send a letter to Yaoshengu, asking Yaoshengu to send a highly skilled medical doctor to cure Long Enhou as soon as possible.

At that time, this account will be settled with Ron slowly.

Doesn't the Mo Mansion still have property? Since there is no way to get the dowry back, it might as well take the property of the Mo family as collateral.

Otherwise, how could he swallow this breath?

On this day, Mr. Zhao, father and son, and the young master of the Xi family finally returned to the capital smoothly.

Mr. Zhao was elated and high-spirited, and made a lively appointment with everyone at Xinghualou tomorrow to celebrate his smooth return to Beijing after this trip.

The group of people from the Xi family looked as dingy as quails. After entering the city, they forced a smile on each other's faces and said a few polite words to each other before going home.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this trip was a waste of money.

The news quickly spread in the business circle of the capital, and everyone was shocked.

Why is the fact always the opposite of what is expected?

Could it be that the Xi family committed Tai Sui this year? So everything goes wrong, everything is unlucky?

Then the Zhao family really had shit luck, and they actually flattered the King Di's court?

With the backing of King Di's family, who dares to provoke them in Xihai City, it's not surprising that they will return with full rewards!

The businessman who was afraid of the Xi family and refunded the capital from the Zhao family was so regretful that he almost vomited blood.

And the quick-witted one has already prepared generous gifts and rushed to Zhao's house to make friends. Although I missed this time, there will be a next time, right?

And those who didn't withdraw due to sympathy at the beginning, all of them smiled and squinted their eyes, thinking in their hearts that they got a big deal by luck, and the fortune they made this time is enough for a year without doing other business.

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