So, after the prince replied with a more enthusiastic response, soon Mu Qingli secretly regretted that he really shouldn't have provoked him. This guy has been tossed enough by him on weekdays, and this time he took the initiative foolishly. Isn't it stupid to send it to your door?

The crown prince doesn't think so, he just thinks today's lady is so cute! He was so cute that he was so happy, wishing she could be so cute every day.

The crown prince sighed in his heart, young master Xi is really a good man!

Well, not only him, but also the second young master of the Meng family and the worthless kid in the Marquis of Yongchun's mansion, so they aren't all that bad after all.

Giving his wife such a big gift made his wife so happy.

After lingering fiercely, the crown prince hugged the crown princess who was limp in his arms contentedly, smiled softly, and from time to time lowered his head and kissed her cheeks, eyebrows, eyes, lips, nose, and hair bun tenderly, pinching Holding the weak and boneless little hand, no matter how you look at it, how you kiss it, how you like it.

Mu Qingli's breath gradually calmed down, and her body, which had been numb from his kiss, gradually regained some strength. She gave him an angry look, pushed him away gently, and raised her hand to straighten her hair.

The crown prince was not annoyed either, and his slender hands with distinct knuckles naturally moved up again, and gently smoothed her hair.

She said with a slight smile: "When you go out of the East Palace in the future, remember not to dress like today. If you don't want to wear women's clothes, you can change your appearance."


These words successfully caught Mu Qingli's attention, and she couldn't help turning her head to look at the prince in surprise and asked.

The crown prince smiled and contemptuously, and said: "Don't look at that boy Meng Xinlin being played around by you, he is not stupid, it's just that you made him stupid today. I think he should have guessed You must have some kind of relationship with the East Palace, plus he has suffered such a big loss today, he will definitely not let it go, will search you all over the city, and even send people around the suburbs of Beijing to watch, once you appear again, I am afraid it will be difficult Get out of his sight."

After his reminder, Mu Qingli also thought of it.

I don't appear many times in front of that idiot of the Xi family, and it just so happens that every time I appear, it has something to do with the Zhao family's affairs.

Today they played a big game, as long as they think about it, they can easily think of this.

"Ah, I see!" Mu Qingli agreed suddenly, raised her eyebrows, and said, "It seems that my land deed is not easy to see? I have to think of a way."

Otherwise, no matter what business she does on the original site, the business will be watched by the Meng family and the Prince of Yongchun. This is not the result she wants.

Although I am not afraid of their staring, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble.

"It's easy too," Zhou Yunshen smiled faintly, approaching her with a treacherous and malicious smile: "For my husband to help my wife solve this problem, how can my wife repay my husband?"

Glancing at someone who was excited and looking forward with bright eyes, Mu Qingli was a little dumbfounded.

I couldn't help pinching his handsome face, crying and laughing angrily, and said with a grumpy smile: "When are you still talking? Why don't you be more serious!"

Zhou Yun smiled deeply. Although the benefits were not paid, it was okay. Naturally, there would be plenty of time to ask for it slowly.

He laughed and said, "Isn't this simple? Just spread the word and auction it off."

Mu Qingli's eyes lit up, she clapped her hands and said with a smile, "It's really a good idea!"

Well, in this case, I still have to send a letter to Deng Yunji, and ask him to send a few people who are innocent and have no apparent relationship with Wanshanbao to buy it, and turn the light into darkness. Unknowingly.

Let's not talk about whether the Meng family and the Xi family think they will play this kind of thing from left hand to right hand. Even if they want to, and they secretly monitor and investigate thoroughly, how can they easily find out with the means of the East Palace?

The two spent time together, boating on the lake, and they were in love. Meng Xinlin's face became even uglier when the Meng Mansion found the two tracking guards who had been killed and thrown back.

This incident frightened many people in the mansion, Meng Fujun was so annoyed that he ordered the housekeeper to keep his mouth shut, and asked what was going on with a dark face.

This matter could not have been hidden.

Meng Xinlin had no choice but to bite the bullet and tell the whole story. By the way, he also told the story of the export of Jiu Linglong Gambling Workshop—this is even more tough.

Master Meng and Meng Fujun opened their eyes wide in disbelief, and almost fainted when they came back to their senses!

"What! You bastard—I'll beat you to death!" Mr. Meng was furious.

Meng Fujun was heartbroken, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Aren't you stupid? Do you have any brains? People know your identities, but you still dare to be so arrogant and domineering when you are alone. Can you be ordinary people? Needless to say, you must It has something to do with the East Palace!"

Meng Xinlin immediately looked at his brother with a look of admiration: he is indeed a core member of the Second Highness's faction! It is indeed the young generation that the queen's aunt values ​​most!

I can think of this just by hearing what I said about it, but I have to know that I have deduced this conclusion by correlating with other information

Meng Fujun turned to comfort his father who was about to run away because of his brother's anger, and sighed: "Father, don't blame Xiao Er. If he meets someone from the East Palace, how can he be his opponent? After all, he is in the dark when he is in the dark. It is not surprising to pay attention to other people's calculations."

Meng Xinlin nodded again and again, gritted his teeth and said, "I'm unlucky this time! But I still remember the face of that stinky boy, and when I turn around, I will draw it down and trace it to the artist. I must find him out and tear him into pieces!"

Master Meng sneered, and looked down on him: "You are unlucky? I think you are out of your mind! If you didn't mention the gambling house yourself, how could he be like this?"

Meng Xinlin was speechless all of a sudden.

Although it was Mo Nan's idea to go to the casino, he didn't refuse, did he?

However, Mr. Meng really hit the mark. In fact, today's windfall was really unexpected for Mu Qingli.

Therefore, if you commit evil yourself, you cannot live.

Meng Fujun glanced sympathetically at his second younger brother whose IQ was obviously not online, and didn't want to say anything in front of his father, otherwise his father would only add to the embarrassment.

Silly second brother, they thought that the man belonged to Donggong, could it be that Donggong couldn't think of it? That person can't think of it? How could he still appear in the capital with that appearance? Waiting for his Meng family to arrest people?

Therefore, it is definitely impossible for that person to appear in the capital with that appearance, or even around the capital—whether it is his original appearance or not.

He still thinks about it, what name should be changed to the semicolons of the other two Jiulinglongs? Well, this name can no longer be used.

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