Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 849: The Medicine God Valley Comes

The matter quickly spread throughout the capital and became a joke behind countless people's backs.

Everyone only dared to laugh behind the Meng family's jokes, but many sons and daughters dared to laugh at Mo Nan's jokes in front of him. As for the young master Xi, he didn't even have the face to go out again.

The schedule was advanced, and he left the capital at a very low-key speed.

On the second day after he left, Mr. Xi received an urgent message from the person in charge of Jinling. After reading it, Mr. Xi suddenly felt dizzy and short of breath, and immediately passed out. The courtyard was in chaos again.

The foundation of the Xi family has been pried up! Who is it? Where did such courage come from!

Jiangnan is the foundation of the Xi family's industry, how could Mr. Xi be willing to let it go? Although he had a very bad premonition when he saw the news sent by the shopkeeper, and knew that the matter seemed irreparable, but he was not reconciled, and he still had a ten-thousandth hope.

So he hurriedly explained the business here in the capital, asked the Meng family for help, and sent two proper people to go to Jiangnan with him.

Right now, he can only rely on the Meng family.

After all, the Meng family has Empress Meng and Second Highness.

As long as the Meng family is willing to come forward, there may be room for redemption in the Xi family's affairs.

Otherwise, it will surely fail.

The Xi family is the money bag of the Meng family, so Meng Fujun naturally refuses to sit idly by.

It's been too unlucky for a while, Meng Fujun just wanted to go out of Beijing for a walk to relax, to get rid of bad luck, to change the mood or to calm down and clear the mind, which is better than staying in the capital all the time, so he said that he would personally accompany Mr. Xi take this trip.

In this way, kill two birds with one stone.

Mr. Xi never expected that the Meng family would value the Xi family so much, and that Young Master Meng would personally accompany him to the south.

With Young Master Meng here, all problems will be no problem!

Master Xi's turbulent heart suddenly settled down for the most part, and he thanked him with tears of gratitude.

Meng Fujun knew that he must have misunderstood, so naturally he would not explain anything to him.

He ordered him to go back and clean up a little, and the two of them went south by boat the next day.

When Zhou Yunshen got the news, he only smiled dismissively and didn't take it seriously.

It's not worth his consideration at all.

Because no matter who goes to Jiangnan—even if the second emperor brother of his family goes there in person, it is impossible to change anything.

The Xi family, this time it's definitely going to be over!

Since Meng Fujun wants to witness it with his own eyes, that's not bad.

And just two days after Meng Fujun left Beijing, the people from Medicine God Valley finally entered Beijing.

Those who came were Bai Ziyang and Bai Qing, the sons and daughters of Bai Guzhu.

The God of Medicine Valley has always been hidden in the world, and it is not easy to go out of the mountain. It specializes in treating difficult and miscellaneous diseases, and at the same time refining some precious medicines for sale.

The father, son, master and apprentice of the Bai family are outrageously expensive, whether it is for the treatment of diseases or the pills they sell.

In the eyes of everyone, they are reclusive and lofty, and painstakingly study medical skills, but in Mu Qingli's view, they are out-and-out profiteers-typical three years without opening, and opening for three years, okay?

The last time the Bai family came to Beijing was three years ago, and this time they came again, which naturally attracted a lot of attention from all parties. Even Emperor Yuande specially summoned Bai Ziyang, rewarded him generously, and especially allowed their brother and sister to stay. Only ambassadors from various countries are eligible to stay in the high-standard post house.

He was also asked to discuss more with the imperial physicians of the Imperial Hospital, and ordered the Imperial Hospital to be responsible for the reception—in fact, he just wanted the Imperial Hospital to steal his teacher.

Even if only the Bai brothers and sisters can give some pointers, it is expected to be of great benefit to the imperial physicians.

The common people are also very interested in the miracle doctor, the streets and alleys of the capital, teahouses and restaurants are full of people talking about the Bai brothers and sisters coming to Beijing.

This surprised Mu Qingli, but she became a little curious, what kind of Medicine God Valley is really so powerful? These brothers and sisters are not very old, but they are so convincing and trustworthy?

Zhou Yunshen was very disdainful, and said contemptuously: "As far as their little medical skills are concerned, they are not worthy of carrying shoes compared to the lady!"

He plausibly said: his blood exhaustion disease, Bai Guzhu also saw it back then, and said he was powerless, but his wife solved it easily.

Mu Qingli was speechless. Compare her with the ancients? Could this be a grade.

However, Mu Qingli was very happy to hear that he raised himself up so much.

Mu Qingli was thinking about finding an opportunity to see the amazing medical skills of the young master and young lady of Yaoshengu, and the opportunity came.

Empress Meng asked the emperor for an order. It happened that the imperial garden was full of purples and reds and the scenery was picturesque. It was a good time to hold a banquet to enjoy the flowers.

Empress Meng smiled half-jokingly and half-seriously and said to Emperor Yuande that if the concubines in the harem can get one or two beauty care prescriptions from Miss Bai, everyone will be happy and grateful for the emperor's grace.

Emperor Yuande was so happy that he agreed without even thinking about it.

Since there is a banquet in the palace to entertain the distinguished guests, it is natural for Mu Qingli to go as the princess.

Before leaving that day, Zhou Yunshen put one hand on her shoulder, and said in a deep voice with burning eyes in his black eyes: "The harem is Queen Meng's territory, so you should be more careful. I'm afraid it's not so good for Queen Meng to host a banquet for Bai Qing this time." Simple!"

The Meng family suffered losses one after another in the hands of the East Palace. It is impossible for Empress Meng not to know, and it is even more impossible not to be angry.

But no matter how powerful she is, she can only be powerful in the harem. In the court, she has no control at all, and it is even more impossible for her to stretch her hand so long to Zhou Yunshen.

Then, if she wants to make up for it, she can only go through Mu Qingli.

So this is about to stage a palace fight?

"Don't worry, if it doesn't look right, I'll just leave the palace earlier." Mu Qingli smiled very simply.

No matter how stupid Mu Qingli is, she would never confront Empress Meng in the harem.

Besides, Zhou Yunshen's main opponent has never been Empress Meng.

As long as the Second Highness collapses, what is Queen Meng in the harem? The three-acre land in the harem was never Zhou Yunshen's battlefield, nor was it hers.

Zhou Yun smiled deeply, and said softly: "Well, I will also be watched by people. If there is something that can't be handled, you simply don't do anything, and I still have it."

"Okay!" Mu Qingli smiled and felt more relieved.

Seeing her getting into the carriage and seeing the carriage driving towards the palace gate, Zhou Yunshen's eyes deepened and he sneered slightly.

The queen mother had better not have any unreasonable thoughts about his wife, otherwise it is right for him to be inconvenient to touch her now, then he will use the Meng family as a knife! Make another cut!

The Baihuatai area in the imperial garden of the palace is very lively at the moment.

Hundreds of flowers are blooming, bees are flying and butterflies are flying around, and the green leaves line the flowers. The air is full of intoxicating fragrances of various flowers. When the bright sun shines, the fragrance of the flowers will become more fragrant and sweet. Drunken, unconsciously lazy.

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