However, this security was quickly breached.

Empress Meng said with a smile: "Miss Bai came to Beijing at the right time, and it is the time when the scenery in the imperial garden is the best! Miss Bai must take a good walk around and stroll around, so as not to lose sight of it." It’s a waste of time to come here.”

Empress Meng's words won the unanimous approval of all the concubines.

"No, there are quite a lot of precious flowers and trees in the imperial garden, which should be quite interesting compared to the Valley of the God of Medicine. Miss Bai, follow me to take a walk around and have a look!"

"The peonies in the southeast corner are blooming the best right now. Ben Gong will take Miss Bai there?"

"Through the peach forest in front is the Taiye Pond. The lake is vast and misty, and the weeping willows beside the lake are like silk. It's refreshing to see it from a distance. How about we go to the lake for a walk, Miss Bai?"

All the concubines were scrambling to be the first to propose and invite Bai Qing with smiles. Bai Qing's smile was as bright as a flower. Mu Qingli's teeth were even more sore.

This outfit is really useless.

In the end, everyone decided to go to the grassland by the lake to have fun first, and then go along the lakeshore to see the peony flowers, so they surrounded the "white girl" talking and laughing and went to the lakeside.

Originally, there was nothing wrong with Mu Qingli, but her loving mother smiled and said to her very kindly: "Qingli, you can go together, Miss Bai is a guest after all, you should greet her well on behalf of the mother." The queen mother can't walk anymore with her old arms and legs, and I don't want to spoil the interest of you young people, so I don't want to join in this fun! You are young, it will be good for you to move around more!"

Empress Meng smiled at her meaningfully as she spoke, which was full of goodwill in the eyes of others, meaning that the Crown Princess Mu Qingli would take this opportunity to make friends with the concubines in the palace. , we are all family after all.

Mu Qingli didn't want to go at first, but Xue Shi had already held her arm affectionately and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, let's go! The queen mother's kindness, please don't disappoint the sister-in-law."

Empress Meng smiled at her again and said: "I have entrusted Miss Bai to you, Qingli, you must treat her well!"

Mu Qingli rolled her eyes silently, is it her turn to entertain Bai Qing? It's mostly because people want to confess Bai Qing as if they were their ancestors, right?

"With all the mothers and concubines here, the concubine has little experience and doesn't know the rules of the palace. How dare the concubine act recklessly! If Miss Bai is upset, it will be the concubine's fault. But don't worry, the queen mother. , this concubine will definitely study hard by the side of the mothers and concubines, now that I have experience, I will be fine next time!"

"Alright! You are right to be so cautious. You are such a meticulous child. Go." Empress Meng nodded with a smile, showing even more kindness, and she was not at all dissatisfied.

Mrs. Xue had already dragged Mu Qingli away, and couldn't help laughing: "The emperor's sister-in-law is really magnanimous. Such a good opportunity to show off has been pushed away. There is a mother who let go, and there are eunuchs and nuns in charge. This credit is ready-made for doing things, but the emperor's wife is stupid."

He said with a soft laugh: "Sister-in-law Huang probably doesn't know, right? There are many people in the palace who secretly laugh at Sister-in-law's background. Sister-in-law should really do a few things to let everyone see her skills, okay?" Teach them to shut up! Isn't today an excellent opportunity? The emperor's sister-in-law really shouldn't give up."

Mu Qingli was extremely disgusted when she heard her buzzing like a fly, and sneered: "Since you want to take care of things so much, you can take care of it. Why do you keep pushing me? My background is originally It’s quite low, that’s how it is, anyone who likes to laugh can laugh! Even if the smile is crooked, the prince still likes me, what should I do? If I have the ability to snatch the prince away from me, then I will obey Already!"

After finishing speaking, Mu Qingli didn't bother to wait for Xue Shi any longer, so she lifted her foot and left.

Leaving Xue Shi there, he didn't speak for a long time.

"I don't know what to say, it's really an uneducated thing, hum." Xue stamped her feet angrily, feeling a hatred in her heart.

At the lakeside, all the concubines were still laughing and laughing, surrounded Bai Qing, chatting and laughing so lively.

Mu Qingli followed closely behind, mixed among a group of court ladies.

Places like the lakeside are the places where troubles and accidents are most likely to occur. If Bai Qing really has something wrong with her husband as Xue said, then she will definitely find an opportunity to trick her. She is stupid. Get close to her.

Empress Meng ordered her to come over, she couldn't do it if she didn't come, but there was no need to come forward, as long as she stayed not far or near until the end of the banquet.

However, what Mu Qingli didn't expect was that an accident still happened.

A court lady laughed and called "Crown Princess" and brought tea to her.

Mu Qingli immediately became vigilant, thinking of all kinds of dramas in the legend, such as deliberately pouring water on people by serving tea, the maid shook her hand, and as she expected, the tea tray tilted and the tea splashed on her. ——

Mu Qingli sneered in her heart, without even thinking about turning her body to hide——

No, at this moment, a woman said in shock: "Oh, be careful, princess!" Da Hengli rushed over to block her.

In the end, the tea didn't splash on her, the crown princess, but on the woman's skirt.

That woman should be a harem woman like a nobleman or concubine, and she happened to be wearing a pink embroidered palace dress today, and was dyed by the yellow-green tea, and half of the skirt was soaked in such a color that it was impossible to see.

She was crying, and she was about to cry on her delicately made-up face.

Mu Qingli was very speechless, and had the illusion that she was the culprit.

And the palace maid who got into trouble turned pale with fright and "thumped" and knelt down, begging again and again: "Prince Lin, please forgive me, please forgive me!"

"What happened?" Concubine Li couldn't help asking with a frown when she heard the movement here.

Seeing Concubine Lin's embarrassment, many concubines and beauties couldn't help sniggering, and looked at Concubine Lin with sarcasm.

There are countless beauties in the palace, but there is only one emperor. Everyone is in a relationship of competition. Seeing Concubine Lin make a fool of herself, of course there must be someone who hurt her.

"The concubine. The concubine accidentally—"

"You are too modest," a beautiful concubine suddenly said with a smile, "I can see clearly that Sister Lin concubine accidentally poured tea all over because of the Crown Princess, tsk tsk, sister is really kind people!"

"Okay Concubine Fang, what are you talking about?" Concubine Li couldn't help but frowned and glanced at her, and said, "Prince Concubine has a high status, if Concubine Lin is protecting the Concubine, what's wrong?"

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