Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 853 Send Concubine Lin Back

The princess Mu Qingli is still a princess no matter how humble her background is, no one dares to sarcastically mock her in front of her.

That arrogant concubine Fang still dare not?

Don’t dare to say it, dare not say it, but Concubine Fang rolled her eyes disapprovingly, showing a bit of disdain, and whispered contemptuously: “Hehe, she is also crazy? , I’m in such a panic, this is. I’m afraid that I’ve done useless work, and it’s really ridiculous to waste such thoughts in vain.”

Linpin's face turned red with anger, but she dared not speak out, she just lowered her head and held her wet and dirty skirt, with tears in her eyes, her face was flushed red.

Who doesn't pay attention to face in the palace? Although her skirt was only stained by the tea, she made a big ugliness in public. It is conceivable that Concubine Lin has been laughed at by all the "sisters" for a long time.

Concubine Li glanced at her with some disgust, frowned and said: "Okay, okay, you can change your clothes quickly, what does this look like? There are still distinguished guests here, I have lost the dignity of the royal family, please ask the empress carefully! "

When Concubine Li said this, Concubine Lin was taken aback, her face turned pale, she hurriedly responded, and under the mocking eyes of everyone, she helped the little maid's hand and went back to change her clothes in embarrassment.

"It's just a little accident, I told Miss Bai to read a joke!" Turning around, Concubine Li smiled at Bai Qing with some embarrassment.

All the concubines immediately flattered Bai Qing.

"That Concubine Lin is really ignorant, accidents will happen in this kind of occasion, it really shouldn't be!"

"No, it's better not to affect Miss Bai's mood."

"Miss Bai, let's go over there for a walk, just now you said what women need to pay attention to to maintain a youthful appearance"

The eyes of all the concubines were shining brightly, and they took the white girl away like stars holding the moon.

Miss Bai looked at Mu Qingli and said with a smile: "Won't the princess go with you? Bai Qing has always wanted to get close to the princess."

No wonder Mu Qingli believed this! Get close to her? Bring hatred to her?

See, because of her words, Li Fei and the others looked at themselves not so kindly.

There was still a hint of dissatisfaction.

Thinking about it, yes, I am not as good as them in anything except for being lucky to be a princess of the East Palace.

Now it's good, they tried their best to flatter and flatter Miss Yaoshen Gubai, who didn't see any affectionate and kind behavior towards them, but showed her kindness to her, can they be balanced in their hearts?


Before Mu Qingli could finish her sentence, Concubine Li raised her eyebrows and scolded: "Which palace is that slave, what are you doing sneaking around there?"

"Your Majesty, please forgive me!" A little court lady knelt out from behind the flowers and trees tremblingly, and said in a trembling voice: "My servant, this servant is the red lotus in front of Madam Lin, Madam Lin accidentally twisted her foot. , Numaid, Numaid alone can't help Concubine Lin to go back, so, I want to come over and ask someone to help."

This remark caused all the concubines to stare blankly and ridicule, this concubine Lin is really useless, twisting her feet after walking a few steps? How delicate!

Or, could it be that she was still angry and did it deliberately?

Or else, is it just deliberately looking for bad luck to make things difficult for everyone? Want to make trouble on a day like today?

These women in the harem are more poisonous than the other, and they are more online than the other.

Mu Qingli couldn't stand it anymore, and she didn't want to stay with Bai Qing at all, so she might as well accompany Concubine Lin to change clothes.

Come back after changing clothes, I guess it's almost over here.

After all, what good physical strength can a woman in the palace have? I'm afraid I'm already tired after playing for half a day today.

With this in mind, Mu Qingli smiled and said: "Mothers and concubines and Miss Bai, please go ahead, I will go and see Concubine Lin, and I will send her back. After all, she suffered an innocent disaster just to protect me!"

Many people rolled their eyes, obviously disapproving of Mu Qingli's words.

But to give her some face, no one said anything.

Concubine Li thought for a while, then nodded and smiled: "In that case, then the Crown Princess will send her back. Turn around, the Crown Princess will come quickly."

Bai Qing also said with a smile: "Prince Princess, remember to come here quickly, Bai Qing still wants to talk to the Crown Princess more! Besides, Miss Bai, Miss Bai, it's too much. If the Princess doesn't dislike it, call me I'll say Ah Qing is all right."

The jealous eyes of all the concubines were like a fire to Mu Qingli, Mu Qingli was on the verge of crying, but this bastard Bai Qing was simply not a thing, this provocative skill was so perfect.

This kind of talent does not enter the palace, and fights to the death among a group of women, it is a waste of talent!

Mu Qingli scolded Bai Qing half to death in her heart, answered vaguely, and ordered Honglian to lead the way, and followed her with the two maids who followed her.

Honglian was overjoyed, but she didn't dare to show her joy, and she was even more afraid that there would be changes and side effects, so she couldn't help but quicken her steps, and led the princess to leave quickly

"It's all my fault for not living up to expectations. I'm sorry for the concubine." Seeing Mu Qingli's master and servant coming, Concubine Lin was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled at Mu Qingli with some embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter, you just suffered an innocent disaster, which is what you should do." Mu Qingli smiled, and the maid who followed took the initiative to help Concubine Lin without her ordering.

After finally escaping from the extremely lively scene over there, Mu Qingli suddenly felt that her ears were clean and refreshed, and she was the one who wanted to thank Concubine Lin.

Otherwise there would be no reason to leave there at all.

It wasn't that she was really afraid of those concubines and didn't dare to fight back with them, but that there was no need to do that before she reached that point.

Since she has the title of princess, she has to think more about whether it will cause bad consequences if she bears this status.

As Mu Qingli, she is not afraid of this kind of consequences, and she doesn't care at all, but as a princess, she has to be scruples.

Would Emperor Yuande be happy to be domineering and domineering in the harem and demand the power of his concubines?

He was not happy, and it was not good for Zhou Yunshen.

Furthermore, those concubines more or less bear the name of her "mother concubine", if someone insists on accusing her of "disrespect and disrespect" it is okay.

She didn't care, but those words would hurt Zhou Yunshen and affect his image.

This is what she doesn't want to see.

Otherwise, when Empress Meng asked her to take care of Bai Qing, she would simply refuse to be lazy.

However, if the mother-in-law orders it, the daughter-in-law cannot refuse

With this ready-made excuse now, it's too late for Mu Qingli to be happy, so how could she blame Linpin?

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