"After I cleaned my hands, I looked at the Rose Garden and did not see Miss Bai still there, so I didn't go there, but returned to the banquet scene."

"As for what happened in the rose garden, I still don't know very well at this moment!"

"Besides, if you keep saying that I am harming you, there must be a motive, right? May I ask Miss Bai, what is my motive? What do you have that is worthy of Bengong taking such a big risk to harm you in the palace?"

"You are the eldest lady of Medicine God Valley, how could someone easily harm you?"

"It's true that Miss Bai wants to cleanse herself and save her image, but she shouldn't drag Bengong into trouble. Did Miss Bai think that Bengong came from an ordinary background and was easy to bully?"

After what Mu Qingli said, let alone the concubines, even Empress Meng frowned, thinking it was impossible.

That's right, if Mu Qingli really wanted to harm her, shouldn't it be Mu Qingli who took the initiative to find her? What the hell is this?

And, what about motivation?

No matter how bad Mu Qingli's family background is, she is still a righteous concubine, and the prince treats her well. The East Palace doesn't even have a concubine or side concubine except for her. The eldest lady of Medicine God Valley.

If it is said that the crown prince wants to deal with Yaoshengu, then he shouldn't attack Miss Bai through the crown prince, right? If you want to attack, you are talking to Young Master Bai!

Moreover, where did Queen Meng and Concubine Li not know? Bai Qing was poisoned with spring medicine, showing her ugly appearance in the rose garden.

She herself came from Medicine God Valley, how could she be tricked so easily?

And the effect of this medicine should not be heavy, otherwise it would not be so easy to remove.

This also means that this medicine should not be a very good medicine, so it is even more impossible for her to be recruited by the lady of the God of Medicine Valley.

Bai Qing was about to go mad with anger, and there was an undeniably unparalleled anger deep in her heart—the anger of being deceived!

She didn't say that she always looked at Mu Qingli with colored glasses, and she belittled Mu Qingli in her heart for no reason, so that she lost her guard and didn't take Mu Qingli seriously.

It's just that he resented Mu Qingli in shock and anger, and blamed her for pretending to be honest to deceive himself.

However, if she hadn't changed her mind from the beginning to the end, what difference would it make if Mu Qingli pretended or not?

In desperation, Bai Qing said angrily, "The motive? The motive is that you are jealous of me! You are jealous that the crown prince likes me! So you want to get rid of me so that the crown prince hates me! Mu Qingli, are you okay? Kindness!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

Empress Meng even changed her face and shouted loudly: "Shut up!"

Empress Meng's face was extremely ugly, and in a flash, she finally understood.

Bai Qing likes Zhou Yunshen!

The eldest lady of Medicine God Valley, who has already secretly allied with their Meng family and her son, likes Zhou Yunshen!

For Empress Meng, this was not only anger, but also humiliation.

Bai Qing also came back to her senses suddenly, her complexion became uglier than Queen Meng's, she was at a loss what to do, her eyes were full of fear and stammered: "Emperor, empress."

"Bai Qing, do you know what you're talking about? Not only biting the princess, but even biting the prince? You are so brave!"

Empress Meng stared at her, almost gritted her teeth and said.

Although Bai Qing was dazzled by Mu Qingli's anger, and even more angry that Mu Qingli cheated and teased her, she yelled impulsively, but she was not stupid, and immediately realized how serious a mistake she had made.

She was so frightened that she knelt down again, bowed her head on the ground, her head was roaring and dizzy, she finally collected herself after a while, gritted her teeth and said in a trembling voice: "Minister's crime, she deserves to die! Min'er was confused just now, Unscrupulously begging the empress to forgive me!"

The queen's face was ashen, and she said coldly: "It's good that you know you're wrong, I will definitely give you an explanation for today's matter, get up!"

Bai Qing was not convinced, she still believed that Mu Qingli had harmed her.

But how dare to argue now? I had no choice but to kowtow to thank you, stood up, and stood aside with my head down, not daring to vent my anger.

Empress Meng was extremely irritable, she glanced at everyone, waved her hand and said calmly: "You all go down too! Watch your mouths, don't say things you shouldn't say."

Concubine Li waited for her heart to tense, and hurriedly responded.

Mu Qingli looked up at Empress Meng, and said innocently: "Mother, Miss Bai has slandered my concubine, should I apologize to my concubine?"

Empress Meng was so angry that she wanted to beat Mu Qingli up—is there any end?

Mrs. Xue also couldn't see Mu Qingli's arrogant face, she couldn't help but smiled and said: "Sister-in-law, you have to forgive others and forgive others, why do you have to do this? Isn't this already said?" Well, it was just a misunderstanding."

Mu Qingli snorted softly: "If it wasn't for a misunderstanding, if it wasn't for the sake of Yaoshengu, would I have spared her? Am I jealous of her? The Crown Prince likes her? Why don't I know that the Crown Prince likes her? Should I? Invited the prince to come and ask clearly."

All the concubines secretly winked at each other, all speechless: This princess is not easy to mess with.

Fortunately, I didn't provoke her before

Xue Shi felt even more embarrassed, suddenly her heart moved, she said with a faint smile: "This, outsiders don't know, but I heard that Miss Bai runs to the East Palace every day."

Hearing Xue's mention of this matter, Bai Qing's body froze slightly, and she felt embarrassed and resentful.

These words reminded her of how stupid and stupid she was in front of Mu Qingli, and how she pretended to be a pig and a tiger to play with her hands without knowing it.

"That's right." Mu Qingli nodded, glanced at Bai Qing and sighed softly: "Miss Bai went to the East Palace to accompany me every day these days. I thought she was sincerely making friends with me. Who knows, alas!"

Xue smiled mockingly, and said lightly: "So, sister-in-law, do you mean that Miss Bai goes to the East Palace every day to see you?"

"Isn't it?" Mu Qingli raised her eyebrows: "There are only two masters in the East Palace, the crown prince and me. Didn't you see me? Did you see the crown prince? All the servants in the East Palace can testify that Miss Bai has been in the East Palace for a while. I haven't even met the prince. He is with me every day. Why don't you see me? I never imagined that Miss Bai had such a good relationship with me, but today she suddenly turned her face. Those days I could I really treat Miss Bai as a friend and sister, otherwise, Miss Bai would not pass every day. But who knows, I really don't understand why Miss Bai would say such ridiculous things today, Everything is on my head! Could it be that Miss Bai has approached me deliberately these days just to frame me today? Bai Qing, what do you mean?"

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