Mu Qingli seemed to have figured it out suddenly, her eyes sharpened in vain, she stared at Bai Qing coldly and scolded.

Concubine Li was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help thinking to herself, this makes sense, Miss Bai fell in love with the Crown Prince, but the Crown Prince has a Crown Princess.

Therefore, she purposely approached the Crown Princess in order to find an opportunity to harm her and pull her down from the throne of the Crown Princess so that she could sit on it herself.

Otherwise, at today's banquet, she would not take the initiative to approach the princess

It's just that there was something wrong in the process, and it turned out that by accident, the princess was fine, but she——

Not to mention Concubine Li, even Empress Meng couldn't help thinking like this, because only thinking like this can make sense.

In order to explain everything clearly.

Bai Qing was so angry, she almost didn't give out internal injuries, and said in a panic: "You are talking nonsense, you are talking nonsense!"

Mu Qingli sneered: "I'm talking nonsense? Then you say it, you run to the East Palace every day, make friends with me, talk and laugh together like sisters, but today you treat me with such an attitude, why is that? "

"I—" Bai Qing gritted her teeth, and said bitterly, "That's because you were not like this at all when you were in the Eastern Palace."

"Then what about me?"

"You pretended to be stupid on purpose! You pretended to be stupid on purpose to lie to me!"

"Mother," Mu Qingli glanced at Bai Qing with a speechless look at an idiot, and said to Queen Meng angrily, "I don't want to talk to her anymore, this person is simply—"

Mu Qingli didn't say the word "sick", but everyone thought of it, and they were quite speechless.

play dumb? The princess is fine, why did you pretend to be a fool to lie to you? There has to be a purpose, right?

Moreover, pretending to be a fool in Donggong's own home? Is anyone in the world that stupid?

"You believe me, you have to believe me! She is just pretending to lie to me, just to lie to me!" Bai Qing was dizzy, the more she tried to explain, the more she couldn't explain clearly.

Her words were so weird they had no credibility at all.

"Enough!" Empress Meng scolded in a cold voice, and said coldly: "Bai Qing, I thought you had an accident today, you were so confused and you were so confused, so you didn't care about your words, so hurry up and apologize to the princess!"

"I—" Bai Qing was hurt internally, and wanted to distinguish a few more words, but how dare she meet Empress Meng's sharp warning eyes?

I had to swallow my anger and bowed my knees to Mu Qingli, gritted my teeth and said, "I shouldn't offend the Crown Princess, please forgive me!"

Mu Qingli's originally icy face softened by three points, and said lightly: "Since you know that you are wrong, then forget it, and I am not the one who is chasing after you. It's just that everything is inseparable, Bai Da Miss, please keep your mouth shut."

Bai Qing's body was stiff, tightly clenched the fist hanging by her side: "Yes"

Mu Qingli ignored her, bid farewell to Empress Meng, and left the palace.

It's no fun for Concubine Li to stay any longer, and the queen is in a bad mood at first glance, so why would she feel uncomfortable staying here?

If the unlucky one is picked up by the queen and punished, wouldn't that be self-inflicted?

Seeing that the idlers had all left, Empress Meng's face relaxed a little, but she looked at Bai Qing with even more unhappiness.

Mrs. Xue glanced at Empress Meng secretly, and asked with a tactful smile for her, "Miss Bai, what's going on today? There are no outsiders around at the moment, why don't you tell the truth."

Bai Qing was full of grievances, her eyes were red, and she said angrily: "Empress, Wangfei, what the lady said just now is the truth, the lady did not lie! It must be the crown princess, it must be the princess who hurt the lady!"

Empress Meng couldn't help but also became angry, and said coldly, "Why did she want to harm you?"

"She—" Bai Qing suddenly remembered what she said just now that Mu Qingli hurt her because she was jealous of the prince's liking, and couldn't help feeling a little remorse and embarrassment. Naturally, she couldn't say a word of this in front of the queen.

He said: "Because Minnv is from the God of Medicine Valley! Minnv's elder brother is not an easy person, even if someone wants to harm him, it will not be easy, so she turned her idea on Minnv."

"Actually, although Minnv went to the East Palace every day, it was not Minnv who went by herself, but was kindly invited by the princess. Minnv couldn't figure out whether she was trying to show her friendship or had other ideas, so she went I thought it would be okay to go and have a look, so I went here.”

"Today." Bai Qing wanted to say that it was not Mu Qingli who she took the initiative to go to see today, but Mu Qingli ordered someone to call her over. It's just that Mu Qingli brought two people into the palace today, and they have been serving in the palace. There may not be anyone around her who saw her. If I said this, I would have nothing to say in front of the queen if I got dressed.

"Today, the Minnv saw everyone talking, laughing, and bustling around, but her master and servant were the only ones hiding pitifully in the corner. For a moment, her heart softened, and she thought that she was very kind to the Minnv a few days ago. Minnv just went over to say hello to her."

"Who knows that she has no good intentions, and forced the girl to accompany her for a walk to enjoy the flowers"

Bai Qing cried and said: "Empress, although the Crown Princess keeps saying that she doesn't know medical skills, it is true that she comes from a family of medicine. How can she believe everything she says? Since she can cure the Crown Prince with the amazing medicine , even if there is any miracle medicine that is not available in other medicine king valleys, it is hard to say! Minnv is sure that she must have framed Minnv, otherwise, others would have no reason to harm Minnv!"

Mrs. Xue couldn't help but nodded, and said: "Mother, what Miss Bai said is very reasonable, the concubine has always acted weirdly, and she doesn't have the slightest demeanor of a noble lady from a famous family. How dare you do it. How could the crown prince not know about our relationship with Medicine God Valley? She will definitely be happy to make Medicine God Valley embarrass me!"

Bai Qing glanced at her gratefully and nodded repeatedly.

Empress Meng, on the other hand, was inscrutable and silent.

She couldn't fully believe Bai Qing's words.

Because what Bai Qing yelled out in a panic before, and the expression she showed all confirmed one thing, that is, Bai Qing liked that bitch Zhou Yunshen.

The eldest lady of the Medicine God Valley. She has such a big heart!

He clearly formed an alliance with his own family, but he still dared to move such thoughts.

Since she likes Zhou Yunshen, she naturally has a reason to frame Mu Qingli.

It's really hard to say whether it's cleverness but being mistaken by cleverness.

But at least, if it was Mu Qingli who made such a big scandal in the imperial garden today, she would definitely not be able to hold the position of crown princess.

So, at that time, did Miss Bai think that her chance had come?

After making up her mind, Empress Meng said lightly: "The East Palace is always going to die. It doesn't matter whether this little bitch did it or not. They will be dealt with sooner or later! It's just that they can't right now. Because there is no evidence .but you—"

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