Unable to restrain herself, she moved her lotus steps lightly and stepped forward slowly, intending to sit down beside Zhou Yunshen.

Zhou Yunshen, who had never met her eyes when he entered the private room, suddenly raised his head and stared at her.

That gaze was like dots of gloomy starlight, and it just stared straight at Bai Qing, as if two icy lines shot straight into Bai Qing's heart, icy cold to the bone.

Bai Qing's body froze immediately, her footsteps stopped involuntarily, she didn't dare to go forward, so she had to sit beside her.

As soon as he sat down, he couldn't help feeling annoyed: the prince and grandpa are here, so he must have a good impression of him, why didn't he sit down beside him?

The crown prince has a noble status and has been in the top position for a long time, which naturally makes people feel respectful and far away, not necessarily for himself.

I was really too timid and too reckless.

Bai Qing was still upset, Zhou Yunshen asked again calmly: "Miss Bai, please come alone, what is the matter?"

The prince who spoke again had a bit of impatience in his cold voice.

Bai Qing came back to her senses with an "ah", and hurriedly said: "Nature, nature is a big deal! The crown prince, the crown princess is not a good person, the crown prince, please don't be fooled by her! The daughter of the people can't bear the crown prince being cheated, so this I asked the prince to come out and remind the prince."

My eldest brother knew about the accident that happened in the palace, so the news had already spread, and the crown prince must have known about it too.

Bai Qing couldn't get around it if she wanted to, so she had to tell the story upside down, without distinguishing between right and wrong, which was similar to what she said in front of Empress Meng.

There is only one main meaning: she was framed by the Crown Princess, who is narrow-minded and mean-spirited. Seeing her often going to the East Palace, she mistakenly thought that she had unreasonable thoughts about the Crown Prince, so she wanted to destroy it. she.

But in fact, when I went to the East Palace, I really just wanted to make friends with her. I never thought that she would be so vicious.

He also said that she clearly understands medicine, but she claims that she doesn't understand it. I don't know what kind of intentions she has. The prince should be more careful about her, otherwise he won't know if he is tricked by her someday.

These words provoked the "little eunuch" who stood with his head down and tried to reduce his sense of existence, couldn't help raising his eyes and glanced at Bai Qing, who wanted to do his best for the prince, and secretly rolled his eyes.

This young lady from Medicine God Valley is really good, she has a set of tricks to slander people

She could still listen, but the crown prince couldn't.

The crown prince's face turned cold, and he said coldly: "Really? What Miss Bai means is that the person next to Gu's pillow is not as well understood by Miss Bai as Miss Bai? Miss Bai is so powerful, why don't you try to tell fortunes for others?" !"

"My lord, what the girl said is true!" Bai Qing was angry, anxious and ashamed, with tears rolling in her eyes: "The girl can swear that it was really the princess who framed the people that day in the palace." Daughter, otherwise Minnv has no grievances or enmity with her, so why bother to wrong her? Even if the crown prince doesn’t believe in Minnv, he must never trust the princess! Be careful in your heart, so that you won’t suffer from her in the future persecution"

Zhou Yun stared at Bai Qing deeply, without saying a word for a while, his deep gaze was like a cold pool, staring at Bai Qing until his scalp became numb.

"You would be so kind to tell Gu these things?"

Just when Bai Qing felt uncomfortable and didn't know what to do, Zhou Yunshen finally spoke out.

Bai Qing was overjoyed immediately, her cheeks were suddenly stained with two blushes, she lowered her head slightly, unconsciously playing with a strand of her hair with her hands, raised her eyes to look at the prince, then lowered her head hurriedly, with a shy expression appearance.

"Daughter of the people, the prince must be aware of the relationship between our God of Medicine Valley, His Highness the Second Highness, and the Meng family, right? In fact, things are not the same as what the prince thinks in his heart. Our God of Medicine Valley, the Second Highness, and the Meng family are just It’s just ordinary transactions and cooperation that come and go. This kind of transaction and cooperation can be terminated at any time, and there is nothing else to do with it.”

"If the crown prince is willing, Medicine God Valley can also form an alliance with the crown prince."

"Folk girl. Minnv's medical skills are good, and she has the entire Medicine God Valley as her backing. If the prince is willing, you are willing to marry a folk girl, and Medicine God Valley——"

Before Bai Qing could finish her shy reply, the door of the private room was kicked open from the outside with a sound of "Boom!", and Bai Ziyang rushed in with a livid face and a murderous look behind him. His Royal Highness

Bai Qing's face changed drastically, she stared at Bai Ziyang in horror, her mouth was slightly open, unable to utter a word!

Bai Ziyang's eyes were about to burst into flames, and he glared at Bai Qing viciously, wishing he could step up to slap her hard and beat her up.

This dead girl who has done more than succeed in failure, she really has other thoughts!

Does she know how annoyed she was when she met the Second Highness unexpectedly just now and heard her say those words outside the private room?

Originally, he wanted to rush in a long time ago, but the Second Highness stopped him, which made him so embarrassed and angry that he wanted to find a crack in the ground.

"You, why are you here?" Bai Qing was extremely flustered, staring at Bai Ziyang and stammering.

Mu Qingli, who was dressed as a little eunuch, curled her lips, how did she come here? Of course she sent someone to notify her.

Not only her brother, but also the Second Highness.

Just don't know when exactly they arrived and how much they heard.

Mu Qingli felt a little funny in her heart, it seems that today's big show seems to be more lively than she expected.

Bai Ziyang took a deep breath, tried his best to suppress the urge to slap Bai Qing across the face, gave her a warning look, turned his head to look at Zhou Yunshen, and said coldly: "Prince, you invited my sister to come here ,What means?"

Bai Qing was taken aback for a moment, and wanted to blurt out something, but when she met Bai Ziyang's cold gaze, she was so frightened that she swallowed again.

Zhou Yunshen and Mu Qingli were also taken aback.

"Lonely men and widows, isn't it good? Should the crown prince give the grassroots a reasonable explanation?" Bai Ziyang said with a cold face, "Otherwise, even if the trouble comes to the imperial court, the grassroots will not give up. I The eldest lady of Medicine God Valley is not something people can easily humiliate!"

After realizing Bai Ziyang's intentions, both Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen couldn't help applauding secretly in their hearts. For being so quick-witted, this eldest son of Medicine God Valley really has some skills.

Didn't you see that the livid face of the Second Highness eased a bit?

"Why did Mr. Bai insist that he had an appointment with Mrs. Bai alone? Did Mr. Bai misunderstand?" Zhou Yunshen asked with a half-smile.

Of course, Bai Ziyang knew that it was a misunderstanding, but now he wanted to confirm the misunderstanding, otherwise, how would he explain it to His Highness the Second Highness?

"Misunderstanding?" Bai Ziyang sneered again and again, and said in a cold voice: "My sister has always followed the rules, and she was staying in the post house today, but suddenly disappeared. I asked the servant and said that she had received a ticket. The note, and then left the posthouse. Does the prince still want to quibble?"

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