Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 876 God's turning point

"Sophistry?" Zhou Yunshen said amusedly: "There's no need for Gu to quibble, because it really wasn't Gu who asked her to come here. Gu and the princess were here to play, and they didn't expect to meet her at all. I said a lot of things that made Gu confused, and Gu was about to ask her what she meant and what she wanted to do, but it happened that you came here! You even put such a big hat on Gu, hehe! Mr. Bai, Gu is the one! I have to ask, what kind of plan do you guys have? Hmm? Plotting Gu? Is Gu so easy to calculate?"

Zhou Yunshen's eyes suddenly became cold, and he stared at Mr. Bai coldly.

As soon as he said this, not to mention Bai Ziyang and the Second Highness, even Bai Qing couldn't help being stunned: Crown Princess? Where is the princess? why didn't she see

At this time, the handsome little eunuch walked over with a smile, walked to Zhou Yunshen, took his hand, stuck out his tongue and said with a playful smile: "It's so boring, none of them even saw me coming, hehe !"

Everyone: "."

Bai Qing's expression changed drastically, as if struck by lightning, she glared at Mu Qingli: "You, you—"

In the blink of an eye, she finally remembered! No wonder, no wonder she felt familiar when she glanced at the little eunuch before, so it wasn't an illusion, it was really familiar.

Bai Qing became resentful and ashamed for a moment, her face turned blue and pale, and she gave Zhou Yunshen a sad look.

How could the prince treat her like this? It turned out that she was actually played by these two people!

Thinking of what she said just now in front of Mu Qingli, Bai Qing was even more ashamed and annoyed, wishing she could find a crack in the ground.

"What did Mr. Bai just say? Lonely man and widow? Well, I seem to remember correctly?" Mu Qingli said with a smile: "Mr. Bai is really confident for Mrs. Bai. What happened in the palace the other day? The lively thing, how hungry is my prince, so he can't wait to go on a date with Miss Bai? Besides, is this princess just a display? I just watched someone hook up with my prince? Obviously it was Miss Bai who broke in for no reason. Come on, I said something inexplicable again, before we had time to ask her what she meant, it just so happened that Mr. Bai came here!"

"Forget it, the crown prince, for the sake of Mr. Bai, those words just now should be treated as Miss Bai's young and ignorant, open-mouthed nonsense. Let's not worry about it."

"Master Bai, you must take good care of your sister in the future, don't do this kind of thing again. Huh, I really think that the princess is stupid. Before, I ran to the East Palace every day, and the three words were inseparable from the prince. The princess is asking all kinds of questions! Hmph"

Bai Ziyang's face was so ugly that his lungs almost exploded.

Bai Qing was even more angry and bloody, and screamed angrily: "You are plotting against me again! Mu Qingli, you are plotting against me again! I only dated the prince, why are you here? Why are you here! You give me Get out, get out of here!"

"Shut up!" Bai Ziyang yelled, turned around and slapped Bai Qing's face, and shouted loudly: "What nonsense are you talking about? Get the hell out of here!"

Bai Qing had never been treated this way since she was a child, she screamed "Ah!", covered her face with tears streaming down her face, and began to cry.

Bai Ziyang clenched his fists tightly, blood churning in his chest.

So what if he slapped Bai Qing across the face? Everyone present could hear Bai Qing's words clearly. Not only did it clearly show that she had other thoughts about the prince, but she also slapped Bai Ziyang in the face.

One must know that before Bai Ziyang kept claiming that Zhou Yunshen "seduced" Bai Qing.

His Highness's complexion, which had been softened a little while ago, turned livid again in an instant.

Zhou Yunshen said coldly: "This slap, since you slapped it, you will save yourself the trouble, hum!"

Zhou Yunshen took Mu Qingli by the hand and walked away.

As for even if the sky collapses behind him, what does that have to do with them?

"I didn't expect Miss Bai to be so capable, what a surprise!" Mu Qingli smiled without any misfortune.

Zhou Yunshen couldn't help but smile too.

He suddenly felt that his wife was really a lucky star. Ever since she returned to Beijing with him, the people on the side of the Second Highness had been unlucky one after another.

Even the Valley of the Gods of Medicine, which could not even find a gap in the past, fell hard.

He couldn't believe that after this kind of thing happened, his second younger brother was still not afraid or guarded against the people of Medicine God Valley.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen didn't bother to inquire about what happened next, they only knew that the next day the Bai family siblings left the capital very low-key.

Anyone who knew the inside story of two points didn't find it strange. When this matter was brought up, they would look at each other and show a knowing smile.

Miss Bai made such a big scandal, it is understandable that the Yaoshengu brothers and sisters would leave the capital in a low-key manner.

Moreover, the people from Yaoshen Valley, who never missed a shot, also missed this time. Long Enhou's illness is incurable, and Mr. Bai is too embarrassed to stay any longer.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to leave, there is a step down.

No, three or four days after the brothers and sisters left, another news spread in the capital: the princess had contracted a strange disease, and brown and lavender spots suddenly appeared on her face, and the spots were too serious for several people in the hospital. The imperial physicians have seen all of them, but no one can find out what is the cause.

Moreover, there is absolutely no way to make the spots disappear.

According to the doctor who went to make a diagnosis, the princess might be disfigured this time.

The atmosphere in the East Palace was very dignified, and the maids and eunuchs couldn't help but be a little careful when they walked and talked, for fear of bad luck.

We must know that for a woman, disfigurement is a disaster no less than a catastrophe.

Especially for a woman who is a princess, it can be said that the prospects are bleak and there is almost no chance of turning over.

The prince was furious, and insisted that this matter must have something to do with Yaoshen Valley, and he must ask them clearly!

Most people agree with this possibility.

After all, besides Medicine God Valley, who else could have this method?

Besides, didn't Miss Bai of Medicine God Valley keep claiming that it was the crown princess who harmed her when something happened in the palace? Maybe this is the revenge of Medicine God Valley.

Empress Meng couldn't help frowning, a little puzzled, and also a little speechless. It's a coincidence

On that day, when Mu Qingli was canonized as the crown princess, when she went to Kunning Palace to offer tea, Empress Meng put the thousand-spot poison in her tea, in order to destroy Mu Qingli's appearance and make the East Palace ruthless. Make a big fool of yourself.

This poison does not appear immediately, but slowly manifests five or six days after being poisoned.

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