Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 890 Finding the Secret Path

"Wig headgear?" Aunt Feng was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Yes, why didn't I think of it before? If this is the case, get me one quickly! No, no, you go to make the medicine first, the detoxification is important, this wig, there is no need is you!"

Mu Qingliba had no choice but to say yes to her, and immediately nodded in agreement.

Aunt Feng sneered, and said lightly: "When asked by the sect master, you just said that you are not sure, but you can give it a try. As for me being poisoned instead of sick, except for the four of us, I don't know anything about it. I hope the fifth person knows! If anyone of you dares to leak a word, hum, I want your whole family to die!"

The two girls were so frightened that they hurriedly knelt down and swore repeatedly that they dare not.

Mu Qingli couldn't help admiring Aunt Feng's scheming, she nodded and smiled and said, "Don't worry, Aunt Feng, I won't say anything about it. If I say it, it may cause a lot of trouble for me. Necessary trouble, even danger."

The two looked at each other, tacit understanding.

Aunt Feng chuckled and said lightly, "You are a bit clever!"

Mu Qingli: "Thank you, Auntie, for the compliment!"

Aunt Feng glanced at her, ordered the little girl to fetch a pair of gold bracelets, and said lazily to Mu Qingli, "This pair of bracelets will reward you, as long as I really grow hair and hair in a month's time." Eyebrows, you can choose anything better than this! But, if you dare to play tricks on me, hmph, I won't be polite to you!"

This pair of gold bracelets is very heavy, and the craftsmanship is exotic. There are several fingernail-sized red, blue and green gemstones inlaid on them. It is worth at least 20,000 silver in the capital.

Aunt Feng threw it out casually, she was really rich and powerful.

Mu Qingli quickly took the thank you with a smile on her face, and said tentatively: "Then I want the crystal lotus flower."

Aunt Feng glanced at her contemptuously: "Don't worry, it's just a matter of my words! What a rare thing, last year the sect master asked someone to find several flowers for me and put them in the vase!"

Mu Qingli: "." You are inhumane.

"My aunt opened the golden mouth, so I don't worry! Don't worry, my aunt, I will definitely cure my aunt, and now I will go to dispense the medicine."

Mu Qingli laughed very sensibly.

Aunt Feng didn't want to keep her anymore, and waved her hand: "Go!"

Sect Master Kuang was waiting for news from Mu Qingli, and although she was a little unhappy to hear that she could give it a try, since Aunt Feng agreed, he would naturally not refuse.

Then he ordered someone to take her out to get medicine.

In order to take care of Aunt Feng, Mu Qingli naturally lived in Aunt Feng's yard.

At night, after Aunt Feng's master and servant fell asleep, Mu Qingli quietly took some sleeping pills, avoided the night watchmen in the yard, and left quietly, heading towards the back garden.

According to Ji Wannian, a large rockery, this place should be very conspicuous and easy to find.

It's just that the back garden of the Golden Gate is really big enough - mainly because there is a large area of ​​martial arts training ground, and there is also a large area of ​​very primitive woods that seems to have never been taken care of by anyone.

Presumably in this desert, this kind of pristine forest is actually more valuable than any precious flowers and trees?

Therefore, it took Mu Qingli a lot of time to find the rockery that Ji Wannian was suspected to be talking about.

This piece of rockery is located between the martial arts field and the original ecological forest, with flowers and trees planted around it, and the style seems to be relatively extensive.

The rockery is very large, and the entire area is estimated to be more than ten acres, with jagged rocks, and the highest one in the northwest corner is at least five or six meters high.

Large blocks of blue-gray rocks with strange shapes are piled up, and some vines are sparsely crawling.

At the bottom of the rockery, there are countless large and small passages criss-crossing, connecting with each other, some are living paths, some are dead ends, densely packed like spider webs.

Mu Qingli's head grew dizzy when she saw it: in such a large place, it's not easy to find a secret path in this maze-like place?

She suddenly missed Zhou Yunshen very much.

If that man is here, maybe he can do something.

Mu Qingli wandered around in it at will, without any clue, so in desperation, she had to plan to go back first, thinking about what to do.

The secret path must be found out.

If it is true what Ji Wannian said, this Golden Gate is a running dog of the underworld.

Then, once the hidden guards of Emperor Yuande appear in this Jinghu oasis, they will look for the location of the underworld. No matter how much they disguised themselves and acted in a low-key manner, they would definitely be noticed by the local snake at the Golden Gate soon.

At that time, it will arouse the vigilance of the underworld.

Therefore, Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen must first find out where the underworld is, and then find a way to disclose this information to the hidden guards.

This is the safest course of action.

Mu Qingli quietly returned to Aunt Feng's yard and went back to sleep.

Get up early the next morning and concentrate on making medicine for Aunt Feng.

It's cool to be in a high position and have privileges. For example, Aunt Feng, who just said to make a wig headgear at noon yesterday, turned out to have delivered it this morning.

I don't know who was unlucky enough to get her hair cut, and I'm afraid he was driven out after rushing to work overnight.

Early this morning, Aunt Feng finally got rid of the bald head that had been wrapped since her hair loss and became bald, put on a wig, and ordered Mu Qingli to paint her eyebrows.

After some modification, the wig didn't look out of place, and Mu Qingli couldn't help but praise it sincerely: This Aunt Feng is really an outstanding beauty!

Beautiful, hot and charming, if this is not favored, then it is simply unreasonable.

Mu Qingli drew her eyebrows carefully, making her already strikingly beautiful features even more vivid and three-dimensional.

Aunt Feng looked left and right in the mirror, and nodded with satisfaction: "You are not lying, this technique of drawing eyebrows is not bad, remember to teach me the girl who combs my hair later."

The order is so natural and confident.

Mu Qingli secretly rolled her eyes, and had no choice but to agree with a smile.

Afterwards, Mu Qingli was busy dispensing and preparing medicines, while Aunt Feng, wearing a wig and meticulously painted makeup, ostentatiously went to find Master Kuang.

After this trip, one does not know what kind of storms and waves will be set off in the back house of Sect Master Kuang.

However, Mu Qingli has no interest in this matter.

As long as it doesn't affect her, she doesn't care.

After a peaceful day, at night, Aunt Feng became irritable with a cold face, and the girl who served her was inevitably reprimanded and scolded for her anger.

She smashed several pieces of furnishings that had just been replaced in the room.

Naturally, Mu Qingli didn't want to touch the bad luck, so she hid in the kitchen and boiled medicine carelessly.

At first I was a little puzzled, but then I finally figured it out, uh, wearing this wig and going out, I think Aunt Feng will live very well in front of Sect Master Kuang this day, right?

Fight for the fourth watch tomorrow, come home from my hometown today, and will be home in the evening!

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