Mu Qingli was a little puzzled at first, but finally figured it out, uh, wearing this wig and going out, I think Aunt Feng will live very well in front of Sect Master Kuang this day, right?

It's just that this hair is fake after all, so no matter how smooth the day is, she still can't make trouble with Sect Master Kuang at night.

Otherwise, once the bald head is exposed.

Thinking of this, Mu Qingli didn't know what to say.

At night, like last night, Mu Qingli came to the rockery again with ease.

"Miss, you're here!" A low man's voice came from the shadow nearby, Mu Qingli was surprised and then overjoyed, sticking out her tongue and laughing: "You're finally here, I was thinking about it before. "

Taking a look at his Tsing Yi boy attire, Mu Qingli couldn't help but smile.

His attire looked really out of place.

However, if it was his original face, it would be much more pleasing to the eye.

"I also came here last night, but the area of ​​this rockery is too big, where should I find it?" Mu Qingli said.

Zhou Yunshen expected that she would come here, so he came here first.

When I first saw such a large piece, I was very surprised.

But the more this is the case, the more it means that Ji Wannian's words are probably true, and there really is a secret way here.

"It's just the two of us, and the time available is limited. I'm afraid it won't be easy to find the secret path here."

Zhou Yunshen thought for a while, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "We can scare the snake away."

Scared the snake?

Mu Qingli was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "You mean, let the people from the Golden Gate lead the way?"

"That's right."

Indeed, this is the fastest and most trouble-free method, but how to do it, I am afraid it will not be easy.

Zhou Yun held her in his arms and found a safe place to sit down, and said with a smile: "Tomorrow, I will arrange, does the lady have any medicine that can leave a smell so that I can track it?"

Mu Qingli thought about it for a while, and immediately took out two bottles from the space, and said with a smile: "This is, as long as you touch it, the smell will not disappear for three days. I can tell the difference."

When tracking, just take another pill, the sense of smell will have a temporary change, and you can smell the smell of medicine that normal people smell nothing unusual for tracking.

Zhou Yunshen nodded, and said with a smile: "I will leave this matter to the lady, and find a way to imbue the core members of the Golden Gate with this smell. I am just a kitchen handyman, and I have no chance to get close to their senior management. "

As Zhou Yunshen spoke, he explained his plan again.

Mu Qingli nodded and smiled, "Well, I'll think of a way tomorrow morning."

Now that the calculation has been settled, the two of them are too lazy to study this labyrinth-like big rockery. Both of them disdain to do such a laborious thing that has not yet yielded results.

Zhou Yunshen didn't want his wife to go away, hugged her tightly, and said with a smile: "I just asked, that Aunt Feng has a bad temper, did she make you angry? Did she bully her?"

As the man said, he leaned over and wanted to kiss her.

Mu Qingli turned her head slightly to one side of her body to avoid Zhou Yunshen's lips, and said angrily, "Although this is you too, don't kiss me with this face, I'm not used to it!"

Zhou Yun was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help laughing lowly, and said with a petting smile: "Okay, then don't kiss, isn't it okay not to kiss the head office? Let's have a good talk"

The next day, Aunt Feng slept through the night and then painted her eyebrows and put on makeup energetically, and continued to look for Master Kuang with high spirits.

There is a posture of "I have nothing to do at night, but the owner of the door is mine alone during the day!".

Seeing this, Mu Qingli said very seriously that she would go with her, because she needed to report to Sect Master Kuang about the progress of her illness, and there were two medicines that were rare, so she had to discuss it with Sect Master Kuang.

If you can get it the best, if you have difficulty getting it in a short time, you can also discuss it with Sect Leader Kuang and use other medicines instead.

It's about her hair and eyebrows. Aunt Feng thinks this is the most important and urgent matter in the Golden Gate. Naturally, she will not refuse, so she takes Mu Qingli to go there.

And asked Mu Qingli to use the best medicine that can be used!

Mu Qingli spread out her hands and said with a smile: "It depends on Sect Master Kuang. Of course, Sect Master Kuang loves Auntie so much, so he will definitely get it for Auntie."

Aunt Feng obviously agrees with these words, she smiled proudly, "Of course!"

At this time, Sect Master Kuang was in the study where he usually discussed affairs, and Aunt Feng was really favored. This kind of place was a forbidden place for the wife of the wife, but Aunt Feng was able to come and go freely.

The guard guarding the gate hurriedly saluted with nods and bows, not daring to stop him at all.

Mu Qingli took advantage of Aunt Feng's favor, and followed her in so openly.

When she stepped into the courtyard door of the study, Mu Qingli suddenly "Ouch!" staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Subconsciously pulled the arm of the following girl, three or four people bumped into each other, a piece of skirt and hairpin shaking, several people staggered and screamed, almost fell into one piece.

Aunt Feng, who was not affected, was just taken aback, frowned and scolded the girls: "Did you walk without eyes? Are you going to heaven?"

"It's none of their business," Mu Qingli hurriedly said with a smile, "It's all because of my carelessness."

When Aunt Feng was about to use Mu Qingli, she naturally wouldn't be serious with her, she just snorted and glared at the girls angrily: "Everyone is stupid, why don't you hurry up and help Dr. Mu!"

The maids quickly agreed with pale faces, quickly supported Mu Qingli, and looked at her gratefully.

Mu Qingli smiled helplessly, and had no choice but to thank Aunt Feng for her kindness.

No one knew that during the chaos just now, Mu Qingli had already sprinkled the medicinal powder on the ground without a sound, and those who came and went would definitely be infected with that smell after passing by.

The news that the Golden Gate is under the underworld is definitely not public.

In other words, if you want to discuss matters related to the underworld, you will definitely not discuss them openly in the lobby, but in this most confidential study room

After seeing Sect Master Kuang, Mu Qingli reported the situation of Aunt Feng in a rigorous and serious manner.

And casually mentioned two or three rare medicinal materials that are actually optional.

Sect Master Kuang listened very seriously, and immediately ordered someone to look for it.

Mu Qingli didn't delay, but quit to dispense and boil medicine.

Aunt Feng's possessiveness towards Sect Master Kuang is astonishingly strong, and she will definitely stay here for a day, even if the medicine is ready, someone has to send it over to take it.

Just right for Mu Qingli, this is equivalent to a human-shaped weather vane.

Sure enough, not long after noon, Aunt Feng came back.

Mu Qingli saw that there was no displeasure on her face, so she knew that she would never come back because she had lost favor with other women. It should be that the head of the Kuang family had a very secret and important matter to discuss, so she came back.

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