Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 893 Are you still underground?

Any normal girl would feel her scalp tingle when she saw this situation, it had nothing to do with her guts.

But this channel cannot be used, even if you want to use lightness kung fu, it is not easy.

Seeing that the dark rat tide was about to come in a big way, the squeaking sound rang in the ear, making people's scalp explode, even though Mu Qingli was so courageous, her body couldn't help but froze.

"My lady, hurry up and get the medicine!" Zhou Yunshen said hastily.

Mu Qingli said "Ah?" and then suddenly realized, she quickly took out the medicinal powder for removing snakes and insects from the space, and sprinkled it on herself and Zhou Yunshen in a hurry.

The phantom mice rushing to the forefront obviously froze for a while, and there seemed to be a little panic in their screams, and they subconsciously tended to divert to avoid the location of the two of them.

Zhou Yunshen lifted Mu Qingli up in his arms, pressed her head against his chest, and said softly, "Close your eyes obediently, don't look."

Mu Qingli immediately hugged him very spinelessly, and obediently closed her eyes, wishing she could also plug her ears.

The man's pleasant low laughter came from above, and accompanied by the whistling wind, Zhou Yunshen performed lightness kung fu and rushed up against the rat tide.

Because they were covered with the medicinal powder that repelled insects and snakes, the phantom mice squeaked and ran away in panic wherever they passed, and did not attack the two of them.

Besides, Zhou Yunshen's speed is also very fast.

After a few words, the creaking sound like a tide finally faded away, Zhou Yunshen stopped, and said with a smile: "Lady, it's all right!"

Only then did Mu Qingli's tense body relax slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes, looking behind him.

The rat wave rushed forward, and they had already missed it.

Getting down from his arms, Mu Qingli let out a long sigh of relief, and said, "It's quite appropriate! They themselves are a group of shady rats, so they also raise so many shady things! It's really disgusting!"

Zhou Yunshen smiled lightly: "That's fine, since there are so many things raised in this tunnel, I guess there is no other obstacle. Let's be careful and keep moving forward. It shouldn't be long before we arrive."

"Well, let's go!" Mu Qingli nodded, and the two continued to move forward.

Even if someone discovers this passage, who has such a portable space as Mu Qingli, where all kinds of medicines are available?

If you are not prepared, you will definitely suffer a huge loss.

If it was really a Phantom Mouse, it would be even more unlucky.

Once you get in, you can never get out.

The people in this underworld are indeed full of tricks, and they are all out of the blue.

The two of them had been in this tunnel for more than half an hour, and now they quickened their pace.

Finally, the passage ahead had an upward trend, and it should lead to the ground. The two were overjoyed, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

There was no one guarding the exit, and when they came out quietly from that exit, the two of them were taken aback again.

Originally, I thought that what I saw would be the sky, and the air I breathed would bring a natural breeze, but I didn't want to, it was not at all.

It seemed—still underground.

Looking around, there are houses and palaces everywhere, which are quite imposing and very tall.

"This—" Mu Qingli was a little stunned.

Zhou Yunshen thought for a while, and said in a low voice: "If my guess is correct, this place should be somewhere in the middle of the mountain. In this Jinghu Oasis, which is about the same distance from the Golden Gate, there is only a mountain range in the northwest, which is the Jinghu Temple The location! My lady, take out the compass and try it out, and you will know."

Mu Qingli quickly took out the compass and pointed to the direction. Sure enough, it was the direction where Jinghu Temple was located.

Jinghu Temple is a famous scenic spot in this Jinghu oasis, and it is also a temple that is said to be very effective.

After the two of them came to Jinghu Oasis, they also went around the temple.

Jinghu Temple occupies a large area, and the buildings are very rough. What is particularly special is that there are many huge Buddha statues carved on the mountain wall. Many people will come to appreciate those Buddha statues.

Could it be that the underworld is in the mountainside behind these Buddha statues?

Both Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen felt a little unbelievable for a while.

Zhou Yunshen shook her hand and said with a light smile, "Yes or no, we'll find out after a while."

Mu Qingli nodded.

Mu Qingli used a compass to locate, roughly estimated the direction of Jinghu Temple, and determined the general direction of the exit passage.

Fortunately, it does not occupy a large area, after all, the area of ​​the mountain is limited.

Although it took a lot of effort, the two found the suspected passage to leave this place without any danger.

Maybe they were too confident. The people in the underworld didn't believe that anyone could find this place. Although there were some traps, it didn't cause any trouble to Zhou Yunshen and Mu Qingli.

It's just that the two of them didn't dare to make any noise or leave any traces to be known, and they were much more careful in their actions, which took a lot of time.

When the two came out, it turned out that the exit was in the belly of a Buddha statue on a mountain wall.

A stone gate that is almost integrated with the Buddha statue is so ingeniously made that the naked eye cannot detect any abnormalities at all.

Mu Qingli looked up at the grinning Maitreya Buddha speechlessly, the people in this underworld are really good enough!

He took out his pocket watch and looked at it. It was already past three o'clock in the middle of the night and almost four o'clock. The two of them didn't dare to delay, and hurried back to the Golden Gate.

"Leave the rest to me," Zhou Yun said with a deep smile, "Remember to go out to grab the medicine the day after tomorrow, and I will take you away when the time comes."

Mu Qingli nodded and smiled: "Okay!"

Guessing the time, those hidden guards of Emperor Yuande would have already arrived at Jinghu Oasis, right?

When Mu Qingli returned to Aunt Feng's yard, it was almost dawn.

She hurried back to the room, changed her clothes, and put the dirty clothes into the space.

He lowered his head and smelled it, and there still seemed to be a faint earthy smell on his body.

After all, the tunnel is so long and the air is not circulating, so if you stay in it for most of the night, you will always get some smell.

This smell is very light, Aunt Feng's master and servants should not be able to feel it, but if they meet other people from the Golden Gate, it's hard to say whether they will be noticed.

When boiling the medicine early in the morning, Mu Qingli accidentally spilled it on her body, and half of her skirt was completely wet. She took the opportunity to take a bath and wash her hair to wash off all the smell on her body.

Today, as usual, he dispensed, fetched and brewed medicine for Aunt Feng, and when he went to the pharmacy in the town to get medicine, he was accompanied by a master from the Golden Gate as usual.

It is both protection and surveillance.

Another day later, Zhou Yunshen "robbed" him on his way to the pharmacy to get the medicine.

When the news was sent back to the Golden Gate, Aunt Feng was in a state of dismay, crying and making noises. The head of the Kuang Sect couldn't help being furious, and mobilized countless people under the door to search the entire Jinghu Oasis, trying to find Mu Qingli back.

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