Of course, those who dare to snatch his golden gate will also kill the person who did it by the way

Where did they expect it? Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen had already left the Jinghu Oasis. After saving Mu Qingli, the two immediately left in a low-key manner and headed for the small oasis before.

Riding the horse and galloping all the way, we arrived at the small oasis in the evening of the same day.

On the second day of this day, the first batch of hidden guards of Emperor Yuande also arrived at Jinghu Oasis.

The first group is the pioneers, a total of six people, pretending to be ordinary people from the world.

As expected of the most elite hidden guards under Emperor Yuande, the six of them had just stepped into the Jinghu Oasis, and they keenly felt the tension and chaos here.

Then it was very easy to find out about the Golden Gate.

The six people couldn't help cursing bad luck in their hearts. They were strangers from outside, and it was not suitable to show up in Jinghu Oasis at this time, otherwise they would definitely attract attention and be interrogated.

How risky is that going to be.

The six of them retreated resolutely, turned back, and set up camp on the small oasis over there, waiting for the follow-up troops, and they also waited for the turmoil in the Jinghu oasis to subside for a while before reappearing.

Before they came, they naturally also had certain information, knowing that the Golden Gate is the local snake of Jinghu Oasis.

They only need to complete the tasks assigned by the emperor, and there is no need to entangle too much with local snakes.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen hid in the dark, and when they saw these six people leaving and returning, they came to a certain conclusion in their minds: These six people are probably the vanguard of the hidden guards.

Under the cover of bushes and grass, Mu Qingli looked over there from a distance, and couldn't help but lament that Emperor Da Zhou was still very good at selecting and training hidden guards.

These people describe their manners as normal people, and even a look in their eyes reveals honesty, or the weather-beaten life.

However, if anyone really treats them as ordinary people, they will die without knowing how they died.

Even Zhou Yunshen, who is as strong in martial arts, is very afraid of these people, and hides far away with Mu Qingli, not daring to approach them at all.

"Although these people go back and forth, most of them are afraid of the turmoil in the Jinghu Oasis, and they are most likely the hidden guards, but are you sure? If we approach quietly, will it be difficult?" Mu Qingli Whispered to Zhou Yunshen.

"Don't move," Zhou Yun said in a deep voice, "I will find a way."

Mu Qingli knew that she had really met a master this time, so she nodded and stopped talking.

These people were very vigilant. Although there were only six of them, the place to camp was chosen to be very secluded, and the seemingly random arrangement just happened to allow them to have a panoramic view of all movements in all directions.

Moreover, on that dense tree, there was always one person staying on it in turn, condescendingly watching the surroundings, trying to get close to them to do something, or to eavesdrop on their conversation, it was simply a dream.

And when they settled down in this small oasis, they searched the entire small oasis thoroughly. If Zhou Yunshen was not careful enough and quick to see the opportunity, the two of them were almost discovered.

The traces of the place where the two stayed were discovered by those six people, but because the two of them killed the people from the Golden Gate before, the traces of the fight were still there, and the six people only thought that the traces were the people who fought before Those who stayed, didn't care too much.

After all, this is a rare oasis in the desert, and it is normal for someone to stop here if they pass by.

It wasn't until nightfall that Zhou Yunshen took advantage of the cover of the night, held his breath, and approached a little closer, listened to a few conversations over there, confirmed their identities, and passed the news in his hand.

After these people appeared in this small oasis, their husband and wife moved to a sand dune five or six miles away from this small oasis.

After doing all that, Zhou Yunshen went back quietly.

It was just dawn the next day, and the two of them rode away - it was not time to go back to the Jinghu Oasis, and they couldn't stay here for the guards to find, so they had to choose a direction to avoid it for the time being, right in the desert Here is a horse race to enjoy the scenery.

Anyway, there is a compass in Mu Qingli's space, and there are countless supplies to guarantee life, so she doesn't worry about getting lost or not being able to keep up with supplies.

After dawn, the vanguard group of six dark guards found the letter left by Zhou Yunshen as expected, and after reading it, the expressions of the six people all changed.

"This—Golden Gate is a lackey of the underworld? Is it an organization on the surface of the underworld? How is it possible!"

"Jinghu Temple? From the map, this place is indeed within the range we need to search to determine the exact location of the underworld."

"It's too cunning, so the entrance is on the Buddha statue!"

The group of six Pioneers were chattering, apparently, the news sent by Zhou Yunshen was all unknown to them

The six people squeezed a cold sweat, and they were all a little scared.

Originally thought that with the abilities of the thirty-six of them, although it would not be easy to accomplish this task, it would definitely not be too difficult.

Unexpectedly, their information was so incomplete.

If the information is incomplete, there will be errors in judgment, and it will be difficult to deal with the results at that time.

If they didn't know the relationship between the Golden Gate and the underworld at this moment, I'm afraid they would fall into the eyes of the Golden Gate when they were spying on the location of the underworld.

"Who is this person who sent the message? Also, why did he help us? In other words, does this person know our identity and the purpose of this trip?"

One person held the letter, and suddenly said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, there was a moment of silence, and the other five people were dumbfounded!

I was just shocked before, but I forgot about this question!

In contrast, this is the most terrible problem!

Their whereabouts were very careful, and the mission of this trip was also very confidential. After receiving the imperial decree, they left Beijing overnight and kept on their way day and night. There were no accidents worth paying attention to along the way.

Where did this news come from?

And what kind of person is likely to get the news and understand the inside story?

As for whether the above statement is credible or not, they don't need to think too much about it.

It's not that they trust the mysterious person who left the message, but that they can collect evidence by themselves.

"Search around this oasis separately!"

The leader gritted his teeth.

Immediately, the few people agreed, and in groups of two, they searched all the seven or eight miles around this small oasis.

Sure enough, if Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen hadn't run away, they would be fully exposed.

Seeing the traces left after sleeping in the open, the faces of the six people were not very good-looking.

After all, it was careless.

"Let's wait until all our people arrive. At least, this person is not malicious to us."

It can only be like this first.

The other five nodded.

Then let go of this matter.

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